The reason why the GOP "leaders" (they aren't) are so lacking in virtues, is because the kind of voters they and their repugnance appeals to, demand that they be that way so that they and their non-leaders will reflect each other's lack of values.

So what it boils down to, is that not only are these non-leaders not leaders, they are in fact followers.

The non-leaders are following those who they are supposed to be leading.

you're an idiot.
So, you say the GOP "lacks values." What exactly are the values of the Democrats that make them so desirable to vote for?

They tried to expand health care for the working and middle class (only to have the Repugnants block them at every turn).

They try to protect women's reproductive rights (only to have the Repugnants block them at every turn).

They try to strengthen and protect voting rights for all Americans (only to have the Repugnants block them at every turn).

They look out for the interests of average working people above the interests of corporations (only to have the Repugnants block them at every turn).

They try to protect the environment and strengthen environmental regulations (only to have the Repugnants block them at every turn).

I'm sure there are a few more reasons I could list, but I think that should suffice.
They tried to expand health care for the working and middle class (only to have the Repugnants block them at every turn).

By turning it into a one-size-fits-all government program for everybody but the rich. That is, taking away your choice of health care and providers and giving you a crappy government run program instead. How's that better for everyone?

They try to protect women's reproductive rights (only to have the Repugnants block them at every turn).

While stripping men of their rights to equal access, and unfairly forcing them into child support for children they had no say in having. How's that fair?

They try to strengthen and protect voting rights for all Americans (only to have the Repugnants block them at every turn).

Really? By making voter ID laws illegal? By letting 16 and 17 year olds register to vote? By not requiring any identification when registering to vote? How about ballot harvesting where anyone can handle your ballot without your knowledge? How does any of that "protect voting rights?" Yet, that's what they want.

They look out for the interests of average working people above the interests of corporations (only to have the Repugnants block them at every turn).

How are they doing that? By forcing you to join a union against your will? By eliminating right-to-work?

They try to protect the environment and strengthen environmental regulations (only to have the Repugnants block them at every turn).

How are they doing that? They certainly don't "follow the science" in wanting battery cars, solar, and wind. They ignore the issue of jet contrails almost entirely. Nuclear is considered evil by them. How much pollution should we allow? That question only gets either blank stares or it gets the insane answer of "none."

I'm sure there are a few more reasons I could list, but I think that should suffice.

I agree. That list shows how utterly insane and stupid the Left, and by extension now, the Democrats have become.
By turning it into a one-size-fits-all government program for everybody but the rich. That is, taking away your choice of health care and providers and giving you a crappy government run program instead. How's that better for everyone?

Obamacare was modelled after a plan devised by The Heritage Foundation, a right-wing conservative think tank. They came up with it to counter the plan Hillary Clinton proposed as FLOTUS in Bill Clinton's first term.

The Repugnant Party touted that same individual mandate based plan as their alternative to what they dubbed "Hillarycare".

Obama knew there was no chance in hell the Repugnants and some conservative Democrats would allow universal health care to become law, so he borrowed the idea from them.

Magically, as soon as a Democrat POTUS proposed it with minor changes, the Repugnants were suddenly against it.

While stripping men of their rights to equal access, and unfairly forcing them into child support for children they had no say in having. How's that fair?

That was all done by the courts. The Democrats had nothing to do with it.

Claim it was "lib'rul" judges like I know you will, but if you can't prove it, you're full of shit.

Really? By making voter ID laws illegal? By letting 16 and 17 year olds register to vote? By not requiring any identification when registering to vote? How about ballot harvesting where anyone can handle your ballot without your knowledge? How does any of that "protect voting rights?" Yet, that's what they want.

Gross exaggeration and oversimplification.

Suffice it to say that in rural poor communities where the topic is an issue, there have never been large scale or even significant numbers of fraud cases. The penalties for it have always been severe enough to discourage people from engaging in it to begin with.

Hence, there has been no evidence to suggest they are even necessary.

The Repugnants understand that for people in these rural poor, mostly Democrat voting districts, getting to an office to obtain an official ID can be a very difficult, sometimes impossible task.

I had to obtain a new birth certificate in 2011 and it was ridiculously difficult. I had to jump through all kinds of hoops.

How are they doing that? By forcing you to join a union against your will? By eliminating right-to-work?

By working to make corporations and the wealthy pay their fair share of taxes so that working and middle class families won't have to shoulder it all themselves.

How are they doing that? They certainly don't "follow the science" in wanting battery cars, solar, and wind. They ignore the issue of jet contrails almost entirely. Nuclear is considered evil by them. How much pollution should we allow? That question only gets either blank stares or it gets the insane answer of "none."

The Dems are in fact following science by working to lower vehicle emissions and reduce then eventually eliminate the use of fossil fuels.

We also work to enforce laws against chemical pollution of groundwater, the building of risky and unnecessary oil pipelines, drilling for oil and other development of environmentally sensitive lands and preservation of national park and wilderness lands.

All those ares which the Repugnants want to sell off to their wealthy, greedy corporate campaign contributors.

Jet contrails are some weirdo conspiracy kook bullshit. Nuclear is too dangerous to risk.

The answer to your question is "As little as possible."

I agree. That list shows how utterly insane and stupid the Left, and by extension now, the Democrats have become.

No, it shows that Democrats are better human beings than Repugnants and answers your moronic question about why one should vote for them.
Obamacare was modelled after a plan devised by The Heritage Foundation, a right-wing conservative think tank. They came up with it to counter the plan Hillary Clinton proposed as FLOTUS in Bill Clinton's first term.

The Repugnant Party touted that same individual mandate based plan as their alternative to what they dubbed "Hillarycare".

Obama knew there was no chance in hell the Repugnants and some conservative Democrats would allow universal health care to become law, so he borrowed the idea from them.

Magically, as soon as a Democrat POTUS proposed it with minor changes, the Repugnants were suddenly against it.

None of that changes what I said. The Democrats didn't improve the provision of healthcare in America with Obamacare, and in many cases made it worse. Thus, their supposed expansion of health coverage actually was a detriment to those you purport it was to help.

That was all done by the courts. The Democrats had nothing to do with it.

No, the Democrats had the ability to change things to make this fair, but like much the Left does--and today the Left is running the Democrat party--they don't want what's democratically decided. A perfect example of this is gay marriage.

The Democrats and Left said they wanted to put gay marriage on the ballot and let people decide what they wanted. In 35 states gay marriage was voted down. Hell, in California they voted to change their state constitution to make it illegal! California!
What did the Left do? What they always do. They said the people didn't know what the fuck they were thinking and took the issue to court. They shopped judges and got all of that overruled repeatedly by gay marriage friendly judges. They trampled democracy in the name of their dogmatic and myopic political views.

Claim it was "lib'rul" judges like I know you will, but if you can't prove it, you're full of shit.

One could start with the issue of abortion being ruled in favor of by the Warren Supreme Court out of thin air. Roe v. Wade was ruled on from the bench. There was nothing in law or the constitution that created a right to abortion.

Gross exaggeration and oversimplification.

Suffice it to say that in rural poor communities where the topic is an issue, there have never been large scale or even significant numbers of fraud cases. The penalties for it have always been severe enough to discourage people from engaging in it to begin with.

Hence, there has been no evidence to suggest they are even necessary.

The Repugnants understand that for people in these rural poor, mostly Democrat voting districts, getting to an office to obtain an official ID can be a very difficult, sometimes impossible task.

I had to obtain a new birth certificate in 2011 and it was ridiculously difficult. I had to jump through all kinds of hoops.

It isn't. It is accurate. How does allowing persons not eligible to vote register to vote make elections more fair? How does making legal all sorts of means to vote with no means of verification of the voter more fair? Those are things in Third World dictatorships, not leading nations. As for your problems getting a birth certificate, anecdote is not evidence.

Absence of evidence isn't absence of presence. Making voter fraud easier to perpetrate and harder to catch is hardly something we should be encouraging. HR 1 and 3 both do exactly that.

By working to make corporations and the wealthy pay their fair share of taxes so that working and middle class families won't have to shoulder it all themselves.

Define fair share. Working and Middle Clas families generally don't pay that much in taxes to begin with. You have to hit the upper end of the Middle Class before you start really coughing up. I'd also say that the complexity of the tax code for those people is a penalty in itself. It costs me nearly $500 a year using an accountant with a CPA to do my taxes, and they come out in a folder over an inch thick. That doesn't include the time I have to waste preparing all the documents and then sitting there working with my accountant to do the taxes.
Then there's this:


Explain how it benefits the nation that employers spend that sort of money meeting government regulations per employee. It's only gotten worse since 2012. How is that "fair" to employees or employers?

The Dems are in fact following science by working to lower vehicle emissions and reduce then eventually eliminate the use of fossil fuels.

No they're not. They are following what's popular on the Left and with Leftist environmental groups. If they were following the science, they'd be pushing nuclear power to replace coal. But they aren't.

We also work to enforce laws against chemical pollution of groundwater, the building of risky and unnecessary oil pipelines, drilling for oil and other development of environmentally sensitive lands and preservation of national park and wilderness lands.

That doesn't answer the question of How much pollution should we allow? It also avoids the issue that solar and wind create pollution of their own, including the masses of land clear cut or otherwise changed to put that shit on.

All those ares which the Repugnants want to sell off to their wealthy, greedy corporate campaign contributors.

A non sequitur without proof.

Jet contrails are some weirdo conspiracy kook bullshit. Nuclear is too dangerous to risk.

You are dead flat wrong on both counts.

Do airplane contrails add to climate change? Yes, and the problem is about to get worse.

Global Warming Caused by Airplane Contrails Poised to Increase, New Study Says

Nuclear power is safer than using fossil fuels. For that matter, its actually safer than wind and solar. Of course, you're having been brainwashed with Leftist environmentalist propaganda that is often nothing but outright lies, like this bullshit:


Fukushima Nuclear Disaster’s Radiation Detected on US Shores, Is It Harmful?

See that picture? That isn't even the Fukushima nuclear power plant. It's an unrelated chemical fire in Japan. This site produces nothing but lies about that disaster. It is hardly the only one.

There are dozens of such Leftist environmentalist sites that purvey nothing but bullshit lies about nuclear power. When confronted, they ignore you.

The answer to your question is "As little as possible."

Bad answer. That puts reducing pollution ahead of the public good on a broader scale. It's the same sort of idiot answer as "Safety first."

No, it shows that Democrats are better human beings than Repugnants and answers your moronic question about why one should vote for them.

Wrong. It shows that Democrats are shallow non-thinkers who put feelings and personal desires ahead of the public good. Democrats play to childish emotions and the sort of vague nonsense the uneducated often spout.
Original question: What are the values of the Democrats that make them so desirable to vote for?
They tried to expand health care for the working and middle class (only to have the Repugnants block them at every turn).
You can't expand what they already have. Nationalizing health care insurance made health care insurance less available and more expensive. Obamacare has failed. Communism doesn't work.
They try to protect women's reproductive rights (only to have the Repugnants block them at every turn).
Women are completely free to reproduce (with the help of men, of course). Murder is not 'reproductive rights'.
They try to strengthen and protect voting rights for all Americans (only to have the Repugnants block them at every turn).
Election fraud is not protecting or strengthening voting rights. Attempting to change the Constitution by edict and usurp the authority of the States is not protecting or strengthening voting rights.
They look out for the interests of average working people above the interests of corporations (only to have the Repugnants block them at every turn).
Raising taxes does nothing for the interests of working people or corporations. Labeling corporation as 'evil' does not help the interests of average working people. Forcing businesses to close and be destroyed due to fear mongering over The Sniffles does not help the average working people. Causing shortages through price controls and shuttering transportation industries such as maritime shipping is not helping the average working people.
They try to protect the environment and strengthen environmental regulations (only to have the Repugnants block them at every turn).
Destroying water collection systems does not strengthen the environment. Windmills and solar power do not strengthen the environment. Your arrogance does not strengthen the environment. Banning CO2 using a religion does not strengthen the environment. CO2 is a necessary gas for life to exist on Earth. Denying science and engineering does not strengthen the environment.
I'm sure there are a few more reasons I could list, but I think that should suffice.
It sufficed. It sufficed to show what liars Democrats are.
Obamacare was modelled after a plan devised by The Heritage Foundation, a right-wing conservative think tank.
No. Obama was never a member of the Heritage Foundation. Neither was Hillary.
They came up with it to counter the plan Hillary Clinton proposed as FLOTUS in Bill Clinton's first term.
Obama wasn't running against Hillary.
The Repugnant Party touted that same individual mandate based plan as their alternative to what they dubbed "Hillarycare".
Mandating government health insurance and replacing private health insurance companies with it is unconstitutional. Communism doesn't work. Neither does fascism.
Obama knew there was no chance in hell the Repugnants and some conservative Democrats would allow universal health care to become law, so he borrowed the idea from them.
There is no such thing as a 'conservative Democrat'. Obama is not a Republican.
Magically, as soon as a Democrat POTUS proposed it with minor changes, the Repugnants were suddenly against it.
Communism doesn't work. It is also unconstitutional. Obamacare has already failed, but the health insurance industry was severely damaged in the process.
That was all done by the courts. The Democrats had nothing to do with it.

Claim it was "lib'rul" judges like I know you will, but if you can't prove it, you're full of shit.
Murder is illegal.
Gross exaggeration and oversimplification.
You can't make the evidence disappear by belittling it.
Suffice it to say that in rural poor communities where the topic is an issue,
It didn't happen there. Pivot fallacy.
there have never been large scale or even significant numbers of fraud cases. The penalties for it have always been severe enough to discourage people from engaging in it to begin with.
You can't make the evidence of election fraud disappear by wishing or pivoting.
Hence, there has been no evidence to suggest they are even necessary.
You can't make the evidence of election fraud by Democrats disappear by declaring corrections to law unnecessary. You cannot use this excuse to change the Constitution and usurp authority of the States.
The Repugnants understand that for people in these rural poor, mostly Democrat voting districts, getting to an office to obtain an official ID can be a very difficult, sometimes impossible task.
BULLSHIT. It is as simple as getting a photo for a drivers's license, passport, or company ID.
I had to obtain a new birth certificate in 2011 and it was ridiculously difficult. I had to jump through all kinds of hoops.
BULLSHIT. Contact the registrar of records, pay the fee, and have it mailed to you.
By working to make corporations and the wealthy pay their fair share of taxes so that working and middle class families won't have to shoulder it all themselves.
BULLSHIT! Class warfare. Corporations under Obama paid a tax rate of 52%! The more an individual makes, the higher the tax rate (the top tier was 37% in 2018). A family making $60k/yr paid only about 15% by comparison (Federal taxes). Still WAY too high!
The Dems are in fact following science by working to lower vehicle emissions and reduce then eventually eliminate the use of fossil fuels.
You deny science, specifically the Stefan-Boltzmann law, and the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics. No gas or vapor is capable of warming the Earth.
You deny chemistry too.
There is no such thing as fossil fuel. Fossils don't burn. We don't use them for fuel.
Electric cars do NOT eliminate the use of oil, coal, or natural gas. You still have to charge them. That requires more and more power plants. Hydrogen cars do NOT eliminate the use of oil, coal, or natural gas. You still have to produce the hydrogen. That requires more and more power plants. Hydrogen is bulky and has problems with fueling. Such vehicles use 4000psi tanks...very dangerous. Fueling them requires a pump capable of putting that much pressure in the tank. While possible, the expanding gas freezes the filler nozzle to the car. Pressurizing hydrogen also requires power and is a dangerous operation.
We also work to enforce laws against chemical pollution of groundwater,
Define 'chemical pollution of groundwater'. Water is a chemical. Dirt is also chemicals. I don't think you know what 'potable' means.
the building of risky and unnecessary oil pipelines,
Banning pipelines forces oil to be shipped by truck and train, a much more dangerous method and one prone to MORE oil spills. That form of transportation is also more expensive, wasting fuel.
drilling for oil and other development of environmentally sensitive lands
Define 'environmentally sensitive land'. Buzzword fallacy. Why is drilling a hole 'environmentally insensitive'? Most oil (and water wells) are drilled on privately owned land.
and preservation of national park and wilderness lands.
Already done. A theft of private property by Democrats.
All those areas which the Repugnants want to sell off to t1heir wealthy, greedy corporate campaign contributors.
What sale?
Jet contrails are some weirdo conspiracy kook bullshit.
Nope. Jet contrails are a very real thing. They consist of liquid water (the visible part) and CO2.
Nuclear is too dangerous to risk.
Not at all. Recycling the used fuel from a normal reactor into a breeder reactor can still produce usable power. The waste product from that reactor can be disposed of in any ordinary landfill. Properly designed, such plants are completely safe. Even the disaster that struck Fukushima destroying reactor #2 resulted in no disastrous release of radioactive material. People live and work normally a mere 2 blocks away without any ill effect. Robots are being used to clean up the mess (built in the States!).
The answer to your question is "As little as possible."
The result is the SOTC (what was once the State of California). Insufficient power, even to charge the electric cars, insufficient water, insufficient supplies, homeless defecating openly on sidewalks and streets, crime and open looting in the cities and now spreading to the suburbs, and people LEAVING. The SOTC is now covered with poor roads, abandoned farms, ranches, and orchards (turning to weeds), and devastation everywhere.

No thanks.
No, it shows that Democrats are better human beings than Repugnants and answers your moronic question about why one should vote for them.
The conditions in the SOTC show otherwise. The conditions in the SOTNY (what was once the State of New York) show otherwise. The conditions in any Democrat run city, such as Detroit, show otherwise.

They all show why you should NOT vote for Democrats.

The Democrats discard the Constitution of the United States and the constitutions of the several States.

* They do not believe in free speech. They believe in censorship. They do not believe in free religious belief. They believe in state religions and banning religions.
* They do not believe in the inherent right of self defense. They believe in banning guns and other weapons.
* They do not believe in privacy. They believe in snooping and snitching on your neighbor.
* They do not believe in trial by jury or right to trial. They believe in conviction without trial and in passing bills of attainder (banned in Article I).
* They do not believe in private property. They believe in dictating use of your private property for 'the public good', usually without any compensation.
* They do not believe in justice. They believe in vengeance.
* They believe that rights are only those allowed by the government.
* They believe in usurping the authority of the States.
* They believe in banning the electoral college, thus removing representation by less populous States.
* They believe in racism, bigotry, and slavery. They are constantly bringing up class division, race division, and using 'colored people' as pawns.
* They believe in punishing the 'rich', especially by levying taxes differently according the enumeration of certain classes (in violation of the 14th and 16th amendments).

These also show why you should NOT vote for Democrats.
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All that time and effort for NOTHING!!!! :rofl2:

I literally did not read one word of either that shit ^^^

Or T.A. Gardner's mountain of bullshit on the previous page.

You both wasted a ton of effort concocting two huge piles of lies that I literally did not read one word of!!!!

Fuck you both. :fu:
Hello =reagansghost, true


Leadership - does not exist

Family values - does not exist

Morality - does not exist

Law & order - does not exist

Science awareness - does not exist

Historical knowledge - does not exist

Honor - does not exist

Liberty - does not exist

Accountability - does not exist

Trustworthiness - does not exist

Kindness - does not exist

Civil - does not exist

Loyalty to the U.S. Constitution - does not exist

Sound economics - does not exist

Courage - does not exist

They make all the same accusations about Democrats. And they have their own information stream to support their beliefs.

They think they've got 'morality' covered because they want to protect 'unborn babies*.'

* There is no such thing. Every baby human has been born. Before they are born, they are technically a fetus.
That is the most bizarre of Republican arguments. They are 'fighting elites' so they elect a grifter billionaire?


I never got that, either. #TRE45ON wouldn't even LOOK at one of them if they passed on the street, much less stop and have a conversation. It was said that ppl voted for W because "he's a guy you could sit down and have a beer with," IOW an average guy. But #TRE45ON? He would not only NEVER have a beer (or Diet Coke) with you; he wouldn't be caught dead in the same room as you.

But yeah, they're against "elitism." :rolleyes: I think that's just a dog whistle for "better educated," or "better job than I have" or "has a newer car than mine."

All that time and effort for NOTHING!!!! :rofl2:

I literally did not read one word of either that shit ^^^

Or T.A. Gardner's mountain of bullshit on the previous page.

You both wasted a ton of effort concocting two huge piles of lies that I literally did not read one word of!!!!

Fuck you both. :fu:

Bulverism fallacy.
Hello =reagansghost,

They make all the same accusations about Democrats. And they have their own information stream to support their beliefs.

They think they've got 'morality' covered because they want to protect 'unborn babies*.'

* There is no such thing. Every baby human has been born. Before they are born, they are technically a fetus.

Denial of the reproductive process. Denial of genetics.