Hello ThatOwlWoman,

I never got that, either. #TRE45ON wouldn't even LOOK at one of them if they passed on the street, much less stop and have a conversation. It was said that ppl voted for W because "he's a guy you could sit down and have a beer with," IOW an average guy. But #TRE45ON? He would not only NEVER have a beer (or Diet Coke) with you; he wouldn't be caught dead in the same room as you.

But yeah, they're against "elitism." :rolleyes: I think that's just a dog whistle for "better educated," or "better job than I have" or "has a newer car than mine."

I believe you have struck upon the crux of it. It's the anti-yuppie movement, boiled over for a few decades.

Housefull of kids in a trailer envious of DINKS in a nice place. (Double Income, No Kids) Or envy of any other people who have indeed made better decisions in life.

Better decisions. That's ANOTHER dumb Republican argument. You know the one, right? 'The poor have no one to blame but themselves, because they didn't make better decisions in life.'

Can their thinking really be that dense? SMH
You are stuck in a loop. Terminated.

Says the yammering halfwit who answers every post by mindlessly reciting some fallacy crap any idiot can find on Google, because he thinks it makes him look clever.

News flash: it doesn't. It makes you look even stupider than you already do.

Lame tired old gimmick employed only to avoid having to express actual facts, thoughts or opinions.

Three things you do not possess.
Hello ThatOwlWoman,

I believe you have struck upon the crux of it. It's the anti-yuppie movement, boiled over for a few decades.

Housefull of kids in a trailer envious of DINKS in a nice place. (Double Income, No Kids) Or envy of any other people who have indeed made better decisions in life.

Better decisions. That's ANOTHER dumb Republican argument. You know the one, right? 'The poor have no one to blame but themselves, because they didn't make better decisions in life.'

Can their thinking really be that dense? SMH

Communism isn't charity.