the great kathy/ runyon controversy

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Kathianne stated:

Desh, I'm tired of your mocking all. If you do not cease and desist, I will make them aware of the other site and your ability to think somewhat cogently.

Darla dropped out of this for a reason, I'd like to think for good reasons, but...
You replied with:

I just realised you are threatening me.

wow how classy.
Kathianne stated:

not a threat.
You replied with:

You tell me to stop "mocking you" = argueing with you or you will do the same to me that you did to Darla which forced her to leave this site.

I have been doing nothing but discussing the issues adn defending myself from the lies people here tell about what I said (like they do to everyone who is on the left of them) like any sane perso would.

If you truely think this does not qualify as a threat then you are blind.

I am truely begining to understand the charactor of the people still remaining to defend the Republican party by the actions of people here
Kathianne stated:

didn't do anything to Darla/John Doe, quite the contrary she made many fine points. She didn't turn topics on their head then spin them like the Exorcist.

You have been posting nonsense, pretending to be illiterate and unable to keep to a topic. Problem is, you can and I know it. So why are you doing so? To go back to JP and laugh at how you 'tied' the cons in knots? Well why don't you try to do just that, by making serious points?

BTW I did say I KNOW you can do what you are pretending not. I think Darla just got tired of trying to catch you before you burned. Wish she'd come back, on her own. Worthy poster she is.
You stated:

I have done nothing here but what I always do. I have made perfect sense and defended my arguemetns well. You people turn every discussion into a personal attack some do it by lying about what is said. I defend my self against the lies and you use this duplicitous manner to insult my arguements.

Why are you doing this?
Kathianne stated:

I've never lied about you. I really cannot speak for 'the board.'
Now please show us where Kathianne either:

Told you to leave this site


Threatened to send "Cons" over to the other site.
The pm exchange between me and kathy was made puplic and I thought I should lay it all out for anyone who had expressed interest here.
Desh, I'm tired of your mocking all. If you do not cease and desist, I will make them aware of the other site and your ability to think somewhat cogently.

Darla dropped out of this for a reason, I'd like to think for good reasons, but...
You replied with:

I am doing my thing discussing over there and out of the blue Runyon/kathy pms me this one.

To fill you in a little care4all was John Doe over there and Runyon seemed to think Darla was also the same person. Care /John Doe has recently told the site she was leaving.

I Knew nothing about why Care was leaving the site when I recieved this.

I took it as a threat and called it so and said that Runyon was telling me to leave or she would sick her minnions on this site like she had done and had worked with Care/John doe/ Darla.

The site cons have now desided Im a liar.

Who lied ?

what do you think if you care to add your two cents?
I care deeply about messageboard drama.

Please keep posting these.

Seriously though, what site was this?
I care deeply about messageboard drama.

Please keep posting these.

Seriously though, what site was this?

I'll tell you what, I hope the site is not posted on this board, and here is why.

Because when I went there to check out this thread that someone had been discussing me and my taking a powder on (I was curious since I had never been there contrary to rumors, but what is interesting is that I once said to Damo as a joke, all this drama and gossip I wonder if they talk about me on other message boards? and damo answered "they do" but I thought he was just kidding!) I found that being a board of right wing authoritarian pricks, they were deleting any reference to this board, it is not allowed.

Yet Damo allows others to post the names of these right wing authoritarian boards here, and I don't think it's right.

but that is just my opinion.
Desh as to your question, my advice to you is to stay off of right wing cesspools. I find it funny that certain people will post here whining about the imbalance of liberals here, but they are very comfortable in a right wing, authoritarian cesspool, where all liberal dissent is met with a right wing gang bang, and these same whiners even join in those gangbangs.

I don't deal with people like that anymore. My advice is to walk, and not bother trying to convince them of anything.
I don't know why Cons have such animosity towards you desh. I've seen it ever since I first started posting on the same boards as you. I've never found you to be anything other than a passionate poster with an credible opinion.

If you're talking about the board I think you are, its the same board where I was threatened with banning within 15 minutes of logging on, because my screen handle was a jab at President Chimp.

I think those types of boards are where the last remaining bush fans hang out. The true dead enders. The 25% who still think he's doing a great job, and still consider him their hero. And any criticisms or attacks on their hero, they take very personally. Its cult like. I lived through a decade of the most savage attacks on Bill Clinton and Al Gore, but I never got so emotionally invested in those men, that I would resort to acting like a weirdo and threaten people.

I think you'll just have to chalk it up to Bush-love syndrome
I don't know why Cons have such animosity towards you desh. I've seen it ever since I first started posting on the same boards as you. I've never found you to be anything other than a passionate poster with an credible opinion.

If you're talking about the board I think you are, its the same board where I was threatened with banning within 15 minutes of logging on, because my screen handle was a jab at President Chimp.

I think those types of boards are where the last remaining bush fans hang out. The true dead enders. The 25% who still think he's doing a great job, and still consider him their hero. And any criticisms or attacks on their hero, they take very personally. Its cult like. I lived through a decade of the most savage attacks on Bill Clinton and Al Gore, but I never got so emotionally invested in those men, that I would resort to acting like a weirdo and threaten people.

I think you'll just have to chalk it up to Bush-love syndrome

Well and the fact that they are just authoritarian by nature. They literally get off on teling you "lick my boots' and thinking you're going to do it. YOu give one of those freaks a little bit of power? That's what you get. Constant threats and bannings and pms telling you "you will do this, now, this way, now, or you are out of here". Which happened to me on a similiar board. And I told the guy how about you go get fucked moron?

They love the power. Give it to them, and they will wield it. It is a microcosm of right wing psychosis. To find out what happens when they are given real power, take a look at our country now.
I would be happy to trade my socialist-bashing for some theo-con bashing, but I have been unable to locate a large enough group of Cons who can use computers.

I appear much more conservative here than I am simply because of the gross overpopulation of liberals prevalent here.
I would be happy to trade my socialist-bashing for some theo-con bashing, but I have been unable to locate a large enough group of Cons who can use computers.

I appear much more conservative here than I am simply because of the gross overpopulation of liberals prevalent here.

Well and the fact that they are just authoritarian by nature. They literally get off on teling you "lick my boots' and thinking you're going to do it. YOu give one of those freaks a little bit of power? That's what you get. Constant threats and bannings and pms telling you "you will do this, now, this way, now, or you are out of here". Which happened to me on a similiar board. And I told the guy how about you go get fucked moron?

They love the power. Give it to them, and they will wield it. It is a microcosm of right wing psychosis. To find out what happens when they are given real power, take a look at our country now.


Yes! Very authoritarian! Its like they never stopped trying to be school yard bullys.

I mean, c'mon: I'll get me con friends to follow you over to JPP to gang up on you!" LOL. How childish is that?

I remember when and FP were dominated by bush-loving cons, I didn't get all weird about it. I never threatened Dixie. Or any of the other bush loving cons.
Aren't pm's supposed to be...

'Private'! I do believe this is in violation of both boards rules mentioned...if ya want to cry about open exchanges on both boards...fine...but please keep the pm's just that private!:shock:
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So can you people see the threat in the post that I saw?

I truely thought it was a blatent one my self.

Yes you are right I should probably not go there any more but its hard to resist. I have been able to avoid giving them ay real reason to ban me and had then having to think about stories they would never even seen if I had not posted them.

Its like a Hannity board and the libs there are Clombs there for the most part. When Care ,Maine and I would shed the light in they would fail like blind zombies.

This board just has the best people on the net. I just wish we could find a few more Damos in the world.
'Private'! I do believe this is in violation of both boards rules mentioned...if ya want to cry about open exchanges on both boards...fine...but please keep the pm's just that private!:shock:

It was posted there in thread by the administator and he never even formally asked me if he could. It was no longer a PM
It was posted there in thread by the administator and he never even formally asked me if he could. It was no longer a PM

Nice! So the con adminstrator reads people's private PM's and then takes it upon her or himself to post it in the open forum?!

Color me not suprised, a bush-loving con would do this.
Keep problems on that board on that board, please.

This is getting out of hand, Jim and I are friends, we certainly don't want any "battle of the boards" going on.
Nice! So the con adminstrator reads people's private PM's and then takes it upon her or himself to post it in the open forum?!

Color me not suprised, a bush-loving con would do this.
He posted on Desh's thread there that this all started on that Kathi had BCC'd him on all the messages. Kathi also spoke to that effect.

Please, just leave this on that board.
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