the great kathy/ runyon controversy

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OK Damo I just wanted to run this past people because so many had asked what the message was and until now I could not provide it.

I had tried to drop it and even posted I would never speak of it again and then Jim himself insisted I answer some questions about it which led to Kathy telling him he could.
OK Damo I just wanted to run this past people because so many had asked what the message was and until now I could not provide it.

I had tried to drop it and even posted I would never speak of it again and then Jim himself insisted I answer some questions about it which led to Kathy telling him he could.

Really, she blind cc'd others on pm's between you and her? Nice.

And he asked for the permission of only one participant before posting pms' between TWO people? Nice.

Right wingers. Turds floating in a cesspool.
Really, she blind cc'd others on pm's between you and her? Nice.

And he asked for the permission of only one participant before posting pms' between TWO people? Nice.

Right wingers. Turds floating in a cesspool.
If you look at the thread, the content was discussed by Desh long before that. In fact, the first mention that any PMs existed was from Desh.

As an outside party, I can see where problems existed on each side, how it could be taken as a "threat", though it wasn't meant as one, and why Jim thought that since Desh had already discussed the content of the PM she had already expressed a desire for the information to be out.
I like all three of the people in this "controversy"... I always hate it when crap like this starts up. But if I don't let it run, it will wind up being worse for the trying.
He was insisting I talk about it and calling me a liar about the content and I kept telling him I had promised Kathy to never speak of it again. So he said he would go ask kathy if he could post it and I said "do whatever you think is right". He then posted it. I am not going to belabor the point because I was gald he did so there was no question about what she said. But no he never really asked me if it was OK with me to post my PMs.
I think he assumed that was good enough as an OK.
I like all three of the people in this "controversy"... I always hate it when crap like this starts up. But if I don't let it run, it will wind up being worse for the trying.

It's pretty sucky for you I can imagine. I personally couldn't care less what goes on in those places and only went and looked because my name was being bandied about in what is now known to be a case of mistaken identity.

I can't imagine you posting pm's without express privately given permission from both parties, so to me it's just another example of how befuddling it is that you can be such a fair and great administrator while at the same time having such opposite friends.

I cringe to see Desh being so ganged up on, and had to stop reading the thread all together lest I should be tempted to sign up and join in. I really don’t have time for another board, no intention of leaving this one, and no desire to be around so many right wing neocon types anyway. A few are ok, but more than that and there goes the neighborhood.
I like all three of the people in this "controversy"... I always hate it when crap like this starts up. But if I don't let it run, it will wind up being worse for the trying.

Yeah Im sorry Damo but I brought it up here when it happened because I thought it would effect this board. I thought it had already happened once as you can read from how Kathy said that it was the reason Care was leaving that site.
He was insisting I talk about it and calling me a liar about the content and I kept telling him I had promised Kathy to never speak of it again. So he said he would go ask kathy if he could post it and I said "do whatever you think is right". He then posted it. I am not going to belabor the point because I was gald he did so there was no question about what she said. But no he never really asked me if it was OK with me to post my PMs.
I think he assumed that was good enough as an OK.

Possibly he did take that as consent then.
He posted on Desh's thread there that this all started on that Kathi had BCC'd him on all the messages. Kathi also spoke to that effect.

Please, just leave this on that board.

No worries.

But, can you BlindCopy on PM? I didn't even know that. Weird. Do we have BC on your board's PM?
It's pretty sucky for you I can imagine. I personally couldn't care less what goes on in those places and only went and looked because my name was being bandied about in what is now known to be a case of mistaken identity.

I can't imagine you posting pm's without express privately given permission from both parties, so to me it's just another example of how befuddling it is that you can be such a fair and great administrator while at the same time having such opposite friends.

I cringe to see Desh being so ganged up on, and had to stop reading the thread all together lest I should be tempted to sign up and join in. I really don’t have time for another board, no intention of leaving this one, and no desire to be around so many right wing neocon types anyway. A few are ok, but more than that and there goes the neighborhood.

Yes areed Darla it just more evidence that Damo is the MAN and this site is like a breathe of fresh air and wisdom compared to all others I have been on.

BTW Damo I actually like Jim ( I know he hates me) and had evidence he really tries to be fair. I actually thought Kathy was kinda my bud too. I am just too soft hearted for my own good sometimes.

I harbor no hate for either one but I have to admit I will never really be able to trust them for a long time. I know they could care less about that though.
No worries.

But, can you BlindCopy on PM? I didn't even know that. Weird. Do we have BC on your board's PM?

Yeah that's what i was wondering too. I know you can address them to more than one poster, up to five at a time, but that is openly, and it's not even a cc function

I do not think that BCC function on a message board private message system is even a good function to have. Of course, anyone could forward them to another person after the fact anyway I guess. If they should be so inclined. That is not a nice inclination.
Yes areed Darla it just more evidence that Damo is the MAN and this site is like a breathe of fresh air and wisdom compared to all others I have been on.

BTW Damo I actually like Jim ( I know he hates me) and had evidence he really tries to be fair. I actually thought Kathy was kinda my bud too. I am just too soft hearted for my own good sometimes.

I harbor no hate for either one but I have to admit I will never really be able to trust them for a long time. I know they could care less about that though.

What did I tell you months ago about this in a PM? NEVER TRUST A RIGHT WINGER, especially with personal information. I will bet that you forgot I told you that.

Now, there are righties and then there are right wingers. I don't mean libertarians and your run of the mill conservative. But if they are neocons, if they support george bush, run like the wind baby, because they know no boundaries, no right from wrong. This, I know to be true. This, I personally have learned the hard way Desh. :)
Yeah that's what i was wondering too. I know you can address them to more than one poster, up to five at a time, but that is openly, and it's not even a cc function

I do not think that BCC function on a message board private message system is even a good function to have. Of course, anyone could forward them to another person after the fact anyway I guess. If they should be so inclined. That is not a nice inclination.

Wow. We do have a BC function on our PMs. Just saw it. I never noticed that. But, that's because it never occurred to me to BlindCopy anyone.

I 100% explicitly trust the few people I PM, so I'm not worried about anyone BC'ing PMs with me. But, I just never noticed the function was there.
Wow. We do have a BC function on our PMs. Just saw it. I never noticed that. But, that's because it never occurred to me to BlindCopy anyone.

I 100% explicitly trust the few people I PM, so I'm not worried about anyone BC'ing PMs with me. But, I just never noticed the function was there.

Yeah I am not worried either. Well, there is know how sneaky she can be. ;)
Wow. We do have a BC function on our PMs. Just saw it. I never noticed that. But, that's because it never occurred to me to BlindCopy anyone.

I 100% explicitly trust the few people I PM, so I'm not worried about anyone BC'ing PMs with me. But, I just never noticed the function was there.

What does it mean I dont understand?
Yeah Im sorry Damo but I brought it up here when it happened because I thought it would effect this board. I thought it had already happened once as you can read from how Kathy said that it was the reason Care was leaving that site.
Care was banned from that site. I don't think it was permanent, but I think it turned her off for a bit.
What does it mean I dont understand?

Blindcopy: You can write a PM to someone, and at the same time "blindcopy" it to another, different recipient, so that the original intended recepient never knows its going to a second party.

I would never do it. It seems sneaky. It doesn't seem kosher to me.

So, keep the PMs coming my way desh!

(just kidding)
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