The Greatness Of A Country Is Not Derived From The Richest. It Is From All.


Diversity Makes Greatness
The Greatness Of A Country Is Not Derived From The Richest. It Is From The Combination Of All Her People Together.

This is a fundamental difference in conservative and liberal thinking.

Conservatives tend to be exclusive; while liberals are inclusive.

Conservatives are selective. Liberals want a nation that works for everybody.

Conservatives want people to be able to use all the benefits and advantages of society to create their own wealth, but they don't want to owe society any payment in return for that.

Conservatives want to extract wealth from the economy, but they don't want to return any wealth TO the economy.

If the economy is like a garden that you nurture and work in return for the bounty, conservatives want to take produce from the garden, but they don't want to water it or tend it.

Conservatives seem to have this belief that the garden just grows naturally, sort of like the Garden of Eden, and they should be free to endlessly pick the fruit with no concern for how it got there in the first place. When the fruit is gone, capitalism goes off in search of more gardens, leaving devastation and nothingness behind. Like Detroit.

They figure they worked for it - because they figured out how to extract wealth for themselves. Their misconception is that they think the busywork of extracting wealth is 'doing their fair share,' without regard for whether or not their 'work' makes any meaningful or sustainable contribution to society.

The liberal mindset views the greatness of a nation as what that nation does to make sure all the people in the nation have a minimal modicum of basic modern comforts. It's not how rich the rich are. It is how well a nation cares for her most disadvantaged. Making sure EVERYONE is taken care of. THAT is what makes a nation great. Any two-bit despot country can be corrupt enough to have a select few live in luxury and power. A truly powerful and great country has EVERYONE living in comfort and with needs met. If some who excel have more, that's fine. But it shouldn't come at the expense of those who have the least, going without basics.
The conservative sees the greatness as the fruit of its citizen's labor. Your team sees the government as the source of the labor.
Government is best when it does least and does not impede.
Let innovators innovate.
Dont decide which innovators are allowed to do so.
Make foreign trade fair.
Protect our borders and shores.
The bounty will take care of itself.
Hello Celticguy,

The conservative sees the greatness as the fruit of its citizen's labor. Your team sees the government as the source of the labor.

That is incorrect. It is flawed to base a political ideology on incorrect assumptions.

The government is not THE source of labor. The source of labor is the people. The federal government happens to be the world's largest employer. Conservatives wish to ignore this fact, but ignorance does not change facts. The desire to cut down the largest employer can only result in great job loss. A bad idea.

The government is not only the largest employer, but it is often the BEST employer, with job security and benefits rarely matched in the for-profit world.

Government is best when it does least and does not impede.

I disagree. Government can play a vital role in augmenting capitalism. Many businesses owe their existence to the government. Besides being the largest direct employer, the government is also the largest indirect job creator. If government stopped contracting out work, millions would lose jobs and a great recession would occur. When we grow government, we grow jobs.

Let innovators innovate.

Nothing is stopping them. Opportunity is being provided for them to innovate and flourish.

Dont decide which innovators are allowed to do so.

We should absolutely be thinking about which areas of advancement we need to encourage. It's called informed planning. Large and small businesses do this routinely. It is wise for us to be using our combined collective intelligence and knowledge to shape our future - instead of just pretending we don't know anything and letting whatever come at us which may.

Make foreign trade fair.

Removing the burden of health care from employers will make American businesses more competitive in the world market. It will also spur more entrepreneurship when health care is decoupled from work because the many who stay as employees because of that sole reason would be freed up to strike out on their own.

Protect our borders and shores.

We never stopped. These efforts have only increased over time.

The bounty will take care of itself.

Capitalism is not to be trusted. Capitalism requires regulation. Capitalism has no conscience nor duty to provide anything to anybody. Capitalism is quite ruthless and uncaring. Government = security. Capitalism = risk. We need a combination of both. Neither alone will work.
The Greatness Of A Country Is Not Derived From The Richest. It Is From The Combination Of All Her People Together.

This is a fundamental difference in conservative and liberal thinking.

Conservatives tend to be exclusive; while liberals are inclusive.

Conservatives are selective. Liberals want a nation that works for everybody.

Conservatives want people to be able to use all the benefits and advantages of society to create their own wealth, but they don't want to owe society any payment in return for that.

Conservatives want to extract wealth from the economy, but they don't want to return any wealth TO the economy.

If the economy is like a garden that you nurture and work in return for the bounty, conservatives want to take produce from the garden, but they don't want to water it or tend it.

Conservatives seem to have this belief that the garden just grows naturally, sort of like the Garden of Eden, and they should be free to endlessly pick the fruit with no concern for how it got there in the first place. When the fruit is gone, capitalism goes off in search of more gardens, leaving devastation and nothingness behind. Like Detroit.

They figure they worked for it - because they figured out how to extract wealth for themselves. Their misconception is that they think the busywork of extracting wealth is 'doing their fair share,' without regard for whether or not their 'work' makes any meaningful or sustainable contribution to society.

The liberal mindset views the greatness of a nation as what that nation does to make sure all the people in the nation have a minimal modicum of basic modern comforts. It's not how rich the rich are. It is how well a nation cares for her most disadvantaged. Making sure EVERYONE is taken care of. THAT is what makes a nation great. Any two-bit despot country can be corrupt enough to have a select few live in luxury and power. A truly powerful and great country has EVERYONE living in comfort and with needs met. If some who excel have more, that's fine. But it shouldn't come at the expense of those who have the least, going without basics.

None of this is true. If anything, Conservatives are completely inclusive and don't see everyone by the color of their skin, gender or religion. Identity politics defines the left and the Party of the Jackass.

The greatness of a country has never been defined by race hustling, Government handouts, political shaming or through class envy. Those will lead to a lawless third world shit hole. That is the ultimate destination of leftist ideologies built on lies.
The conservative sees the greatness as the fruit of its citizen's labor. Your team sees the government as the source of the labor.
Government is best when it does least and does not impede.
Let innovators innovate.
Dont decide which innovators are allowed to do so.
Make foreign trade fair.
Protect our borders and shores.
The bounty will take care of itself.

The Greatness Of A Country Is Not Derived From The Richest. It Is From The Combination Of All Her People Together.

This is a fundamental difference in conservative and liberal thinking.

Conservatives tend to be exclusive; while liberals are inclusive.

Conservatives are selective. Liberals want a nation that works for everybody.

Conservatives want people to be able to use all the benefits and advantages of society to create their own wealth, but they don't want to owe society any payment in return for that.

Conservatives want to extract wealth from the economy, but they don't want to return any wealth TO the economy.

If the economy is like a garden that you nurture and work in return for the bounty, conservatives want to take produce from the garden, but they don't want to water it or tend it.

Conservatives seem to have this belief that the garden just grows naturally, sort of like the Garden of Eden, and they should be free to endlessly pick the fruit with no concern for how it got there in the first place. When the fruit is gone, capitalism goes off in search of more gardens, leaving devastation and nothingness behind. Like Detroit.

They figure they worked for it - because they figured out how to extract wealth for themselves. Their misconception is that they think the busywork of extracting wealth is 'doing their fair share,' without regard for whether or not their 'work' makes any meaningful or sustainable contribution to society.

The liberal mindset views the greatness of a nation as what that nation does to make sure all the people in the nation have a minimal modicum of basic modern comforts. It's not how rich the rich are. It is how well a nation cares for her most disadvantaged. Making sure EVERYONE is taken care of. THAT is what makes a nation great. Any two-bit despot country can be corrupt enough to have a select few live in luxury and power. A truly powerful and great country has EVERYONE living in comfort and with needs met. If some who excel have more, that's fine. But it shouldn't come at the expense of those who have the least, going without basics.

“The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons.”

― Fyodor Dostoevsky
The government is not THE source of labor. The source of labor is the people. The federal government happens to be the world's largest employer. Conservatives wish to ignore this fact, but ignorance does not change facts. The desire to cut down the largest employer can only result in great job loss. A bad idea.

The government is not only the largest employer, but it is often the BEST employer, with job security and benefits rarely matched in the for-profit world.

It's this type of dogma that tells us what a failure our liberal educational establishment has been. Our founders are rolling in their graves seeing foolishness like this.
“The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons.”
― Fyodor Dostoevsky

Of course, Dostoevsky was describing totalitarian regimes. That is where YOUR ideology wishes to lead us. Dostoevsky would be embarrassed for you and your views.
Limited government produced the Industrial Revolution and the transition from agrarian to manufacturing based society
Onerous government has produced corruption and failure as we see in Venezuela and here. Needless overhead hurts everyone.
Scariest words of all ' we're from the government and we're here to help.
Limited government produced the Industrial Revolution and the transition from agrarian to manufacturing based society
Onerous government has produced corruption and failure as we see in Venezuela and here. Needless overhead hurts everyone.
Scariest words of all ' we're from the government and we're here to help.

I've been hearing this song and dance since the time of Reagan, and in that time period, I've seen the middle class disintegrate, and the working class get poorer and poorer. So, plutocratic economical policies not welcome here.
I've been hearing this song and dance since the time of Reagan, and in that time period, I've seen the middle class disintegrate, and the working class get poorer and poorer. So, plutocratic economical policies not welcome here.

And in that time we have not had limited government.
Thanks for making my point.
The conservative sees the greatness as the fruit of its citizen's labor. Your team sees the government as the source of the labor.
Government is best when it does least and does not impede.
Let innovators innovate.
Dont decide which innovators are allowed to do so.
Make foreign trade fair.
Protect our borders and shores.
The bounty will take care of itself.

Nope. Left sees workers as the engine of industry. There is no way to stop people from innovating. Exactly how does the left inhibit that?

However, our great corporations moved lock, stock and industrial innovation to China. The truth is the one who improves products and systems is the one who manufactures. We gave that to China.
The Greatness Of A Country Is Not Derived From The Richest. It Is From The Combination Of All Her People Together.

This is a fundamental difference in conservative and liberal thinking.

Conservatives tend to be exclusive; while liberals are inclusive.

Conservatives are selective. Liberals want a nation that works for everybody.

Conservatives want people to be able to use all the benefits and advantages of society to create their own wealth, but they don't want to owe society any payment in return for that.

Conservatives want to extract wealth from the economy, but they don't want to return any wealth TO the economy.

If the economy is like a garden that you nurture and work in return for the bounty, conservatives want to take produce from the garden, but they don't want to water it or tend it.

Conservatives seem to have this belief that the garden just grows naturally, sort of like the Garden of Eden, and they should be free to endlessly pick the fruit with no concern for how it got there in the first place. When the fruit is gone, capitalism goes off in search of more gardens, leaving devastation and nothingness behind. Like Detroit.

They figure they worked for it - because they figured out how to extract wealth for themselves. Their misconception is that they think the busywork of extracting wealth is 'doing their fair share,' without regard for whether or not their 'work' makes any meaningful or sustainable contribution to society.

The liberal mindset views the greatness of a nation as what that nation does to make sure all the people in the nation have a minimal modicum of basic modern comforts. It's not how rich the rich are. It is how well a nation cares for her most disadvantaged. Making sure EVERYONE is taken care of. THAT is what makes a nation great. Any two-bit despot country can be corrupt enough to have a select few live in luxury and power. A truly powerful and great country has EVERYONE living in comfort and with needs met. If some who excel have more, that's fine. But it shouldn't come at the expense of those who have the least, going without basics.
Oh my gosh, you have GOT to be kidding me. :palm:
Nope. Left sees workers as the engine of industry. There is no way to stop people from innovating. Exactly how does the left inhibit that?

However, our great corporations moved lock, stock and industrial innovation to China. The truth is the one who improves products and systems is the one who manufactures. We gave that to China.

Also why offshoring occurred.