The Greatness Of A Country Is Not Derived From The Richest. It Is From All.

Conservatives seem to have this belief that the garden just grows naturally, sort of like the Garden of Eden, and they should be free to endlessly pick the fruit with no concern for how it got there in the first place. When the fruit is gone, capitalism goes off in search of more gardens, leaving devastation and nothingness behind. Like Detroit.


Capitalism has built every successful economy on planet earth. Socialism has produced nothing but shit holes!
They figure they worked for it - because they figured out how to extract wealth for themselves.

I notice that you fail to describe your presentation of “wealth” or where it came or comes from or who the creators of said wealth are. Do the creators of your wealth “work” to create it? I’ll understand if you have no credible answers!

Their misconception is that they think the busywork of extracting wealth is 'doing their fair share,' without regard for whether or not their 'work' makes any meaningful or sustainable contribution to society.

Hey, maybe they actually created the “wealth” Maybe what they created made them wealthy, did you ever consider that? Maybe what they created was used by others to get wealthy? I’ll understand if you refuse to answer that!
The liberal mindset views the greatness of a nation as what that nation does to make sure all the people in the nation have a minimal modicum of basic modern comforts.

Where can we find that “GREAT” nation without any poor?

It's not how rich the rich are. It is how well a nation cares for her most disadvantaged.

WHO in any nation are the “disadvantaged?” Who in any nation that promotes & guarantees in writing every individual the right to life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness are the “disadvantaged?”

Making sure EVERYONE is taken care of. THAT is what makes a nation great.

The citizens & families of a great nation “TAKE CARE OF THEMSELVES” & those without through no fault of their can & are taken care of by the family, & private charities. A GREAT nation is a privately charitable nation & a nation that respects & thrives by the “FAMILY.”

Any two-bit despot country can be corrupt enough to have a select few live in luxury and power.

A capitalist, constitutional, family oriented, nation can have many, many more living in luxury!

A truly powerful and great country has EVERYONE living in comfort and with needs met.

Again, where can we find such a country without the poor?

If some who excel have more, that's fine. But it shouldn't come at the expense of those who have the least, going without basics.

Please explain how “some who excel” comes at the “expense of those who have the least.” How does that happen?
"For almost a hundred years, two measurements have been used to get a sense of how well a country is doing. One is GDP, or gross domestic product, the amount a country earns. The other is its unemployment rate. But when it comes to figuring out how well a country is serving its citizens, these tools might not only be incomplete: they may not in fact be that helpful at all."

BBC - How Do You Measure What Makes A Country Great?

"On the other hand, there’s Costa Rica. “Costa Rica is a country that is no different to the rest of Latin America. It’s a relatively modest income country,” says Juan Botero, executive director of the World Justice Project. “And yet it has had, for the last 40 or 50 years, very strong institutions. And you see all of the social outcomes in Costa Rica tend to outperform their neighbours: it is a more peaceful, more prosperous society.”"

That's an interesting point. Costa Rica is outperforming their neighbors because of strong social programs. Where are our immigrants coming from? Costa Rica's neighbors, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. And Trump foolishly cut funding for those social programs, which has made that problem worse, not better.

Can we infer that social programs help make a country great?

" If a country is said to have strong legal systems that ensure fairness and equality, but half of its population still doesn’t have the same access to work, education or healthcare as men, you could argue the measurements are flawed – or at least incomplete."

Ahh, there's an important indicator. Sure, fine, ample opportunity and wealth can be indicators of greatness, but if women are not sharing in that greatness to the same degree as men, is it really that great?

"The main factors seem to be two. Whether it’s social progress or overall quality of governance that a country is after, the important things seem to be the level of commitment to those institutions… and the amount of time it’s had them."

OUCH! now THERE's a toughie. If we measure greatness by how well people appreciate their own government then America is not very great. America has a huge fad going on that it's cool to hate government for no good reason. That undermines it's effectiveness and it's ability to create a society that is proud of what their country is.

"If you’re looking for what makes a country great, it seems, don’t look at its GDP or unemployment rate. Look at its commitment to its citizens – and how long it’s stuck to that commitment for."