The Hag Era

I figured by "the hag era", you meant the cumulative years you've been married.

But you're right about conservative women being ugly hags.

Here ya go, Sarah....
...sorry I left you out.

Would you just look at these horsey faced bitches!

To Nomad & Adolf_Twitler: Hags are hags because of what they stand for. With the exception of Nikki Haley your selections do not qualify.

Here's one for the collection... Jan Brewer.

To Christiefan915: RINO is the kindest thing a conservative can say about then-Arizona Governor Jan Brewer. In fact, she belongs in your collection. She vetoed the First Amendment when she put a political definition of discrimination above these 16 words:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; . . .

Result: Homosexuals would get what they wanted, while the rest of us would lose another chunk of religious freedom. Brewer was either a fool, or she was lying like a Democrat.

A federal lawsuit, Diaz v. Brewer, formerly Collins v. Brewer, challenging Brewer's action is being heard in federal court. The plaintiffs, represented by Lambda Legal, a LGBT rights advocacy group, asked for summary judgment based on due process and equal protection claims. On July 23, 2010, U.S. District Judge John W. Sedwick denied the due process claim, but based on the equal protection claim he issued a temporary injunction blocking enforcement of the law pending a trial. Brewer appealed the decision to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, which sided with Sedwick and ruled against her. The state appealed to the Supreme Court, which denied the appeal, letting the Ninth Circuit ruling stand.
To Nomad & Adolf_Twitler: Hags are hags because of what they stand for. With the exception of Nikki Haley your selections do not qualify.


If hags like Kellyanne Conjob and Sarah Hucksterbee Slanders don't qualify as hags in your book, then your "book" is good for little more than toilet paper.

If hags like Kellyanne Conjob and Sarah Hucksterbee Slanders don't qualify as hags in your book, then your "book" is good for little more than toilet paper.
I do not think there is anything wrong with the way conway, sanders, pelosi, or Hillary Clinton look.

They are not fashion models, but neither is anyone on this forum
I do not think there is anything wrong with the way conway, sanders, pelosi, or Hillary Clinton look.

They are not fashion models, but neither is anyone on this forum

Most of us are more interested in the ideas and policies and character and integrity of these people, not their looks. We could have a similar thread showing the ugliness of most of the (R) male politicians -- and a lot of the (D) ones as well -- but is the political world supposed to be a beauty contest? The only men concerned about "ugly" women in power are the ones with very tiny dicks.
So your collection of expensive cars, and multiple beautiful houses were gifted to you by a good Samaritan ?

I have six cars, the most expensive being an '18 Porsche Macan, base engine. And I only own two homes. I don't consider that "fabulously wealthy", but I suppose it depends on your perspective.
I do not think there is anything wrong with the way conway, sanders, pelosi, or Hillary Clinton look.

They are not fashion models, but neither is anyone on this forum

Understand that when I and most others on the left call those r/w women "hags" or the equivalent (and it's usually in response to the kind of provocation in the OP of this thread) we're talking about more than just their physical appearance.

The women in question are soulless hags deep down inside.

Also, part of their outward ugliness is due to their inner ugliness coming through and showing itself in their faces.

It's something they cannot hide.
is doing more harm to the American people than did Prohibition Era gangsters.

hag (noun)

1. An old woman considered ugly or frightful.

2. a. A witch; a sorceress. b. Obsolete. A female demon.

3. A hagfish.

[Middle English hagge, perhaps short for Old English hægtesse, witch.]

None of our leading Socialist hags was considered a great beauty in their youth:








(Age 81)

And lets not forget Hanoi Jane who started life as a bow-wow in black & white:

Hags have the same personality all of their lives. What they are in their youth does not change for the worse when they are old and ugly. If you look at T.V. and social media the Democrat Party’s hags as a group get coverage race hustlers can only dream about; so why is the filth hags spewed in their youth still being reported in their old age?

What does it all mean? It means a lot when you think about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in her old age:

Finally, the XVII Amendment did more for long-serving hags than it did for their male counterparts. That says a lot when you look at the worst of them —— Joe Biden (36 years), John Kerry (23 years), Patrick Leahy (45 years) and the late Ted Kennedy (46 years).

XVII Amendment

The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, elected by the people thereof, for six years; and each Senator shall have one vote. The electors in each State shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the State legislatures.

p.s. Long-serving Republicans were not much better than Democrats since they willing had a hand in everything Democrats did to this country.

women are not just fuckbags shit nuts

I supposed you thought Nixon was hot and craved his butthole

Is that why you voted for him huh?