The Historicity of Jesus Christ

You're right,

OMG, finally Cypress admits he was WRONG! The heavens opened and sun shone through!

but explain what you meant to imply by this:

I EXPLAINED It to you, fuckwit. It was a weird "absurdist humor" joke. I was just tired of your negativity and bile so I thought I'd put something weird up that was a bit lighter.

Sorry you ummm have a brain that goes to THAT first.

OMG, finally Cypress admits he was WRONG! The heavens opened and sun shone through!

I EXPLAINED It to you, fuckwit. It was a weird "absurdist humor" joke. I was just tired of your negativity and bile so I thought I'd put something weird up.

Sorry you ummm have a brain that goes to THAT first.
Now who is lying?

Who and why would I be enticing someone with candy?
So you claim you have no knowledge of the well worn cliche of dirty old men tempting little girls with candy.

Hey, that's where your imagination went. I can't stop you.

You seem really wound up. Why don't you take a breather. Maybe run this all by your buddies the mods. See how it shakes out.

It really was just a joke and not what you are "imagining" now.

I've explained it now to you too many times. I'm done explaining it to you.
The question of whether or not Jesus existed is irrelevant in a discussion about his divinity, message, what Christians think he is, etc.
False. If one believes that a divinity existed, then one should worship that divinity. If one believes that a divinity never really existed, you have The Lord of the Rings.
Too much word salad to slog through
You just explained why you never learned anything and instead just threw away your educational opportunities.

You're free to believe there is no historical data attainable from the Christian writings,
I have your permission? Wonderful!

I bet you believe every urban legend you read.

even though that would make you a laughing stock in all reputable ancient history and religious studies university departments
1. You don't speak for any university's history departments
2. You don't understand the requirements for historical analysis
3. The above is a No True Scotsman fallacy; you do not get to declare what is, and what is not, a reputable ancient history department.
False. If one believes that a divinity existed, then one should worship that divinity. If one believes that a divinity never really existed, you have The Lord of the Rings.

You are missing a quadrant in your model:

It is possible for a person to have existed and people make up stories about them being divine or doing miracles.
The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross by John Marco Allegro is a provocative exploration of the potential link between ancient fertility cults and the origins of Christianity, suggesting that psychedelic mushrooms played a central role in early religious practices.

False. If one believes that a divinity existed, then one should worship that divinity. If one believes that a divinity never really existed, you have The Lord of the Rings.
He could have existed and not been the son of the Christian God, right? It's technically possible.
The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross by John Marco Allegro is a provocative exploration of the potential link between ancient fertility cults and the origins of Christianity, suggesting that psychedelic mushrooms played a central role in early religious practices.

Certainly hallucinogens (often called ENTHEOGENS because people "see God") play a role in some religious experiences. And hallucination has a central role in many religions in general. Hallucination is one of the main ways the Church accepts new doctrine (although they call it "revelation") so it wouldn't be a huge stretch for hallucinogenice materials to be integral in the faith.

i haven't heard anything related to the origin of Christianity though