The Husband Store

My wife and I have an agreement. I let her make all the numerous small decisions, and in return she lets me make the few big decisions. So far, there have been no big decisions to ponder.
You're lucky. My wife wants to control everything there is to life with out ever havng to make a decision. Well except for shopping. She's always up for that.
I think he has the him and you mixed up in the sentence. Once corrected, its generally the standard line from a married man to his wife. :clink:
Boy 3D....we can tell you've never been married. It's like this, until you wake up from a sound sleep to find a psychotic maniac in capris staring malignantly at you only to realize you forgot to lift the lid again. Then you lack the fundamental frame of reference to make that comment!!!
Boy 3D....we can tell you've never been married. It's like this, until you wake up from a sound sleep to find a psychotic maniac in capris staring malignantly at you only to realize you forgot to lift the lid again. Then you lack the fundamental frame of reference to make that comment!!!

Its very simple. Don't moronically forget to put the seat back down.
You're lucky. My wife wants to control everything there is to life with out ever havng to make a decision. Well except for shopping. She's always up for that.

I've noticed that everything goes pretty good as long as I respect her period. (That time of the month)

Pick your battles wisely, as well.:clink:
I've noticed that everything goes pretty good as long as I respect her period. (That time of the month)

Pick your battles wisely, as well.:clink:
Naaa I don't have battles with my wife. I figured out a long time ago that was a lose/lose proposition. When you lose you lose and when you win you lose. So instead I learned 3 magic phrases which I say every day.

Yes dear.
I love you honey.
Have I told you today that you're beautiful?
Naaa I don't have battles with my wife. I figured out a long time ago that was a lose/lose proposition. When you lose you lose and when you win you lose. So instead I learned 3 magic phrases which I say every day.

Yes dear.
I love you honey.
Have I told you today that you're beautiful?

Naaa I don't have battles with my wife. I figured out a long time ago that was a lose/lose proposition. When you lose you lose and when you win you lose. So instead I learned 3 magic phrases which I say every day.

Yes dear.
I love you honey.
Have I told you today that you're beautiful?

There really is no way to win. Eventually they will get mad at you for what they perceive as being condescending and mad at you for not being mad. Then you are all like O_o
My future wife and I, engaging in foreplay. She's so considerate, she even remembers that my favorite color is green! God, I love her!!!!

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