The Husband Store

My future wife and I, engaging in foreplay. She's so considerate, she even remembers that my favorite color is green! God, I love her!!!!


Great effect on the plastic tubing, and the cig.:cig:

A little crazy though.
Being honest Threedee,

Tequila is a powerful drug.

That being said, I'm glad I'm legal on this night, and haven't contributed to the ills that USF has condemned so many others for.

Yes, thanks for not working to tarnish our image, as members of the drinking community. :clink:
Back on FP, Midcan announced that he was a woman. Still not sure what he/she was playing at, as he/she now claims to be a man.

Here's his latest blog over there. Midcan still insists on talking to himself. :cof1:
When I was working in Arkansas our plant manager, a local red neck, good manager....but not to worldly....went with me to Miami where our boss has sent us to run a test. I was supposed to pick my own assistant but he'd never been to Miami so he pulled rank.

Well our first night there after the test I called a cab and took him down to south beach. Our first stop was Hooters for some beer, then we dropped by an outdoor cafe where we got a Cuban pressed pork sandwich and a cold beer and followed that up with some Cuban coffee and a cohiba. Good start to the evening, right?

Well we followed that up by going to one of the disco on South Beach. Shorly after we got their this super hot latina in a skin tight mini dress was all over this guy from rural Arkansas and he was eating it up. So I walk over and say's "Hey Darrel...we gotta talk!".

He tells me to GFO. ya know...making time with the lady.

So I let it go one a little longer till she kisses him. So I jump over and says "Dude, we gotta talk!" Now he's getting pissed at me but I insist. So he walks away with e and I tells him "Dude, that's a man". He's like "WTF, are you crazy?!". I'm like "No dude, that's a tranny!".

Then right out of Crocadile Dundee he walks over and this Arkansas Hillbilly grap her (his) crotch.

We got the hell out their quick and if he ever finds out I've told you this story he'll kill me! LOL
I figured she was going to apply that chemical on her fingers that the nurse in Roadtrip shoved up Seann William Scott's ass... No biggie, though, because she'll drain me of all the fluids than I have the stamina to push out first, and then use it as a last resort...
I figured she was going to apply that chemical on her fingers that the nurse in Roadtrip shoved up Seann William Scott's ass... No biggie, though, because she'll drain me of all the fluids than I have the stamina to push out first, and then use it as a last resort...
