The Iceage will SUCK

your delusional
do you even know the % for alt energy now?

Top, this really is silly.

Anytime a topic involves oil, you really can't see the forest for the trees. We're talking about FORTY YEARS. You have no idea what's going to happen even in the next 5.
I'm totally with you and the turbo-libs on alt energy.
The disconnect is you don't know your head from your ass on the numbers
I'm totally with you and the turbo-libs on alt energy.
The disconnect is you don't know your head from your ass on the numbers

I know you are. But to say that oil will still dominate in 2050 is ludicrous.

It's only because you're invested in oil, and any other scenario scares you.
I'm totally with you and the turbo-libs on alt energy.
The disconnect is you don't know your head from your ass on the numbers

I say again....

You truly are comical. What you are saying is equivalent to someone saying in 1985... 'do you even know what the percentage of people using cell phones is?' or 'do you even know what the percentage of people who own their own computer is?'

The percentage being low NOW, has NOTHING to do with the percentage 35-40 years from now.
those are ambious goals an look like 30% by 2050.
Heck I gain more on the alt than oil. What I wish and what facts say are different.
Alts are barely 7%
those are ambious goals an look like 30% by 2050.
Heck I gain more on the alt than oil. What I wish and what facts say are different.
Alts are barely 7%

Your math skill suck... The plan is to have alt energy at 50% by then and oil down to 12%. Which is below the 20% Lorax stated.

As for your 'alts are barely 7%' as some sort of justification for your position, I again state...

"What you are saying is equivalent to someone saying in 1985... 'do you even know what the percentage of people using cell phones is?' or 'do you even know what the percentage of people who own their own computer is?' "

Do you think you might just read the above this time toppy? What do you think the numbers were back in 1985 in terms of cell phone and personal computer usage in the world? Now look where we are 25 years later.
those are ambious goals an look like 30% by 2050.
Heck I gain more on the alt than oil. What I wish and what facts say are different.
Alts are barely 7%

side note.... as for those being ambitious... I think they are conservative. I think we can do it faster. I think even you will live to see oil go under 20% of our energy consumption.
supertool as usual your full of shit. Your not selling to an old lady here

alt will NOT be 50% by 2050
Average life expectancy for our generation is 79 for men, 82 for women. So yes, it is likely.

Well, I used to smoke a lot. I quit several years ago, but I was doing it since I was in my teens. I look around me and see people who smoked like I did, and it shows on their faces, early. I don't know why I got away with it, genes maybe. You could never tell that I ever smoked from my face. I often wonder if my lungs look like Dorian Gray's picture. Either way, often, you end up paying a big health price for smoking, even if you have quit. You can still end up with lung cancer ten or twenty years after you gave it up. But who knows. I have known people who thought they were going to live to be a hundred, and they died.
supertool as usual your full of shit. Your not selling to an old lady here

alt will NOT be 50% by 2050

Like I said toppy, you are quite comical. Your work in the oil industry has obviously developed some strong blinders.

You again fail to address my comment toppy... Isn't your attitude exactly what was being said about cell phones and personal computers 25 years ago? Most people looked at guys like Gates, Jobs, Dell, etc.... and said they were being too ambitious with their plans.

You are basing your 'they won't get there' off of what exactly toppy? PAST data?
what he said supertool is that oil would be below 20%. Go back to robbing old ladies pensions.

Which is exactly what I stated you twit... and exactly what the plans from that link stated you twit. Do try to pull your head out of your ass at some point today.
Well, I used to smoke a lot. I quit several years ago, but I was doing it since I was in my teens. I look around me and see people who smoked like I did, and it shows on their faces, early. I don't know why I got away with it, genes maybe. You could never tell that I ever smoked from my face. I often wonder if my lungs look like Dorian Gray's picture. Either way, often, you end up paying a big health price for smoking, even if you have quit. You can still end up with lung cancer ten or twenty years after you gave it up. But who knows. I have known people who thought they were going to live to be a hundred, and they died.

Ok, obviously I don't know the personal details of how you have lived your life goofball. I was basing my comments on average life expectancy.
A funny thing happens when an industry starts growing. If you look at trends throughout history, progress tends to be exponential.

What that means, toppy, is that there are things that will happen in even the next 5 or 10 years which will completely surprise even those who are currently working on green technologies. There will be mechanisms & innovations on methods of harnessing & distributing alt energy that aren't even being talked about right now.

And here you are, guaranteeing that oil will still dominate 4 decades from now, based on...the restaurants being full? What, exactly?
Ok, obviously I don't know the personal details of how you have lived your life goofball. I was basing my comments on average life expectancy.

Well now you know! Sorry to bore you! But it's ok for you to go on and on an on for days about a derivative or something.