The idiocy of "anti-social mode"

This forum does not use the banning process properly. Most forums use banning to prevent the one you choose to ban from even knowing you exist, to prevent them from seeing your threads or comments, and to prevent yourself from seeing their threads and comments.

Banning anyone here on JPP only handicaps yourself by cutting off your own tongue!

I was able to become invisible to one poster. So invisible I'm not even sure if he posts or not. The whole 'your wife is a whore and thinks about someone else when you have sex' thing sort of required more stringent action. The mods were great. I actually don't have a problem with how the forum is moderated, and I have fastidiously avoided a 12b. It hasn't been hard. I approached the line once and got a warning (fair) but other than that, they leave me alone. I'm thankful for this forum.

If you have no interest in what I have to say, I return the favor, but I don't question how anyone handles bans and ignores. To each their own. I'm uninterested in what almost everyone on the right has to say. If you don't have anything to say and your trolling is unoriginal, you're gone for me.