The image Microsoft doesn't want you to see

Because just as you wanted, we "fell the need" to respond to yet another one of your "let's demonize Microsoft" posts.

That EVIL BILL GATES and his torturous minions. 15 hour days, no food, 10 minute bathroom breaks! Where's the Fair Labor and Standards Board when you need them I ask???!!!!!

Oh that's right. This is China! Home of the FREE and the BRAVE!!!!


You can joke this away, but you neocons really need to examine your beliefs regarding globalization.

It's a race to the bottom. Only the fascist overlords win.
Are you as fucking stupid as you pretend to be? They don't need a whip as there are a whole queue of people waiting to take the jobs and there is no social security in China.

well certainly that explains why they wouldn't dare to lay their heads down on their workbench during their shifts and take a nap, right Tom?.....seriously, does nothing in this picture seem incongruous to you?.....perhaps not....I haven't worked in a factory since before graduate school back in the 70s.....perhaps in a union shop the employees lay with their heads on their arms all day long......I find it puzzling, however to say that an employer that allows it is being too hard on his employees......anyone able to explain this to me?.....
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well certainly that explains why they wouldn't dare to lay their heads down on their workbench during their shifts and take a nap, right Tom?.....seriously, does nothing in this picture seem incongruous to you?.....perhaps not....I haven't worked in a factory since before graduate school back in the 70s.....perhaps in a union shop the employees lay with their heads on their arms all day long......I find it puzzling, however to say that an employer that allows it is being too hard on his employees......anyone able to explain this to me?.....

For God's sake man, it says why in the article. Here is another article in the Telegraph maybe it will help you more.

Employed for gruelling 15-hour shifts, in appalling conditions and 86f heat, many fall asleep on their stations during their meagre ten-minute breaks.
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My God, I had always thought you to be one of the saner ones on here, are you having a laugh?

Its a very simple debate tactic. I'm taking your appeal to absurdity and dishing it back out. By attempting to pidgeon-hole someone by saying Asshate has something to say, you must mean that somewhere in the middle of those hate-filled, mysogenist, protectionist, conspiricist, antisemitic rants, that you agree with him on something.

And, yes, I'm also fucking with you.
She is just a dozy bitch that has nothing to say.

I wouldn't agree with this, tom. She's just another victim of the psuedo-libertarian, "corporations are always pure" post reagan talk radio propaganda blitzkrieg. I used to be that. Now I'm a populist freedom espouser, eschewing all dishonest hierarchies of fascist oppression and genocide.
I wouldn't agree with this, tom. She's just another victim of the psuedo-libertarian, "corporations are always pure" post reagan talk radio propaganda blitzkrieg. I used to be that. Now I'm a populist freedom espouser, eschewing all dishonest hierarchies of fascist oppression and genocide.

Not pure, merely free to utilize their own damn property and resources. Populists are the antithesis of freedom. They espouse ignorance, prole values, attacks on civil liberties, and all manner of black deeds.
Not pure, merely free to utilize their own damn property and resources. Populists are the antithesis of freedom. They espouse ignorance, prole values, attacks on civil liberties, and all manner of black deeds.

the very basis of corporate law is about creating double standards for responsibility. The corporate veil they call it. it's basically evil.