The image Microsoft doesn't want you to see

populists do whats really best for the people. populism is not socialism. socialism is too statist and centralized, creating an abusive elitist class who eventually abuse the people for their own benefit. trade is good. fiat currency internationalist statofascismo isn't.
it was a substantial improvement over the OP.....I am serious......I see a photograph, I hear some labor union hack complaining about what he saw (not that I find it safe to believe half of what he reports).....but photos speak louder than Microsoft is some ogre that makes it's employees work till they drop from exhaustion, where is the guy with the whip punishing these employees who aren't working till they drop from exhaustion.....or did they all just happen to drop from exhaustion simultaneously and he's still in the other room punishing others who have dropped from exhaustion.....

They're sleeping on their single 10 minutes daily break.
Its a very simple debate tactic. I'm taking your appeal to absurdity and dishing it back out. By attempting to pidgeon-hole someone by saying Asshate has something to say, you must mean that somewhere in the middle of those hate-filled, mysogenist, protectionist, conspiricist, antisemitic rants, that you agree with him on something.

And, yes, I'm also fucking with you.

The truth is not hate.

Globalization has led to the demise of our national might and standard of living.

None of my conspiracies are theoretical.

Talking about the teachings of judaism is not anti-semitism.

Anything else, pap smear?