The Incredibly brave US Cops

cancel2 2022


A University of California Davis police officer pepper-sprays students during their sit-in at an "Occupy UCD" demonstration in Davis, California. (Jasna Hodzic)


84-year-old Dorli Rainey was pepper sprayed during a peaceful march in Seattle, Washington. She would have been thrown to the ground and trampled, but luckily a fellow protester and Iraq vet was there to save her. (Joshua Trujillo /


A protester gets sprayed in the face with pepper spray at an Occupy Portland protest. (Randy L. Rasmussen/The Oregonian)
I suspect most Righties approve of these actions, and wish they could use stronger measures, like Assad does.

Thanks for sharing, I laugh everytime I see them. My favorite will always be with the girl getting it in the mouth.
:lol: Thanks for sharing, I laugh everytime I see them. My favorite will always be with the girl getting it in the mouth.

Webby thoroughly enjoys police brutality against women, I see.
So you think it's funny that an 84 year old women is sprayed, so now you've revealed yourself for the toerag that you really are.

no, I think it's funny that they were stupid enough to sit there and let it happen....if they had stood up and walked away, it wouldn't have......thus, they simply got what they wanted to have happen....even the old lady.....look, she even got her picture posted to JPP.......don't pretend she didn't want it......
So you think it's funny that an 84 year old women is sprayed, so now you've revealed yourself for the toerag that you really are.

Yes I do, she is another idiot just like the rest of them. Only you would think at 84, she would have more common sense when the police tell you to disperse.
Liberal protesters give me lots of hours of entertainment, you can always expect them to steal, rape or kill somebody.
Liberal protesters give me lots of hours of entertainment, you can always expect them to steal, rape or kill somebody.

Are you saying the old lady in the picture you like so much stole, raped or killed somebody?
no, I think it's funny that they were stupid enough to sit there and let it happen....if they had stood up and walked away, it wouldn't have......thus, they simply got what they wanted to have happen....even the old lady.....look, she even got her picture posted to JPP.......don't pretend she didn't want it......

Sitting there means it was peaceful non-resistance. Had it happened at a tea party event, you would have been outraged.
Sitting there means it was peaceful non-resistance. Had it happened at a tea party event, you would have been outraged.

Are there still "tea party events"?

The Righties probably wish they could kill any protesters they don't like, the way their religious-conservative Muslim equivalents do elsewhere