the intent of liberals

Libertarians, at best, are naïve fools, although many (not all) are hypocrites. The logical extension of libertarianism is anarchy and chaos. Ultimately, that is where it has to lead.
There are some people who post here who identify as libertarian. I often hope they rethink that position.

there is nothing specific here.......just your opinions about it/them, as well as an unfounded conclusion.
Wideband class E recording. Unlike Betamax, it does not suffer from print through problems or bandpass problems. It only suffers from intermod problems which are minimized by the wideband use. Once recorded, it can be copied any number of times without distortion.

We were talking about Hi-Fidelity!


Dutch named his penis,rimshot?
Just remember the intent of liberals is,was,always will be to come for the guns!
Conservatives have proven they can't be trusted with guns!
Liberals will shoulder the responsibility to protect surviving Conservatives from themselves!