no. It is not. Like I said over and over again.... adversaries meet all the time in this world.... for you to suggest that meetings mean alliances would suggest that the US and the USSR were allies all throughout the cold war
What the governments of the United States and Russia did in the 70's, is of no consequence here, so stop trying to relate it. Official governments of nations, meeting with radical fundamental terror groups, is a frikkin' connection! There is no way to parse that, there is no way to sugar coat that, there is no way to spin that. Saddam's regime was actively engaging alQaeda and others, and met with each other on numerous occasions.
The terror training facilities at Salman Pak were inside the country of Iraq, presided over by President Hussein, and no one else. You can't parse this, you can't sugar coat this, you can't spin this, it is a fact of the matter. All you can do, is infer that Saddam knew nothing about this, which you have ZERO proof of, and is nothing more than your liberal explanation and excuse for what he was doing.
If Saddam had WMD, he would have used them.
Isn't it clear, as most neocons in the Presidents cabinet pointed out, that this was his intent all along. The nuclear facilities, the mobile labs. all those stories...
Why would Saddam be so stupid as to use an ineffective offensive weapon to defend against an attack from the most powerful and prepared military on the planet? Especially when those weapons were the main focus, reason, and justification of the war? You people must think Saddam had the mental capacity of Homer Simpson.
The THREAT he posed, was in continuing to pursue WMD's, in the midst of an area full of corrupt Iraqi's and sneaky alQaeda bastards who very easily could have commandeered some of them and launched offensive attacks on us or our allies with them. We did think that he would try to launch WMD's at our bases in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia after the invasion, and we were prepared for that if it happened, but that was not the reason we went to war. The fact that he elected not to do that, and instead, apparently cleaned the house before we arrived, doesn't prove that he was innocent or that the WMD's never existed.
He was fluff and stuff and mostly ego and saber rattling. He wanted all these things, WMDs, it is true, but he never obtained them. The sanctions were limiting how he could spend the money he got, even the under the table money, palaces are expensive and so is security...
Tell the relatives of the 500,000 dead Iraqis in mass graves that Saddam was all "fluff and stuff" and nothing more than ego and sabre rattling. Tell the people of Kuwait that he was just fluff and stuff... Tell the Iranians, or Israel, or Saudi Arabia, that Saddam was unable to attack them.
He did have WMD's, he did obtain them, he did produce them. This is well-documented as well, and regardless of what your pinhead koolaid distributors would have you believe, this is a fact. We know he obtained them and produced them because in 1996, the UN counted them and tagged them! We know that he had intentions of producing more sophisticated WMD's of the binary type, which is a process of production that would eliminate the question of shelf life... we know because his scientists have testified to this under oath. The money he was receiving from the oil for food program, was not going to feed his people or build palaces, it went to the governments of France, Russia, and Germany, and was essentially a bribe to buy their vote in the UN... Again, this is well documented fact.
But you demonstrate the mindset of the typical pinhead koolaid drinker, and this was the point I originally made about the "mistake" of not comprehending that America wasn't capable of comprehending the intricacies of this war. After 9/11, when Bush said we were going after the terrorists, I knew damn well this would happen, I didn't know it would be over Iraq, but I knew that we would reach a point at which the liberal panty-waists would balk at fighting terrorism, and we would be stuck somewhere, trying to beg you people into letting us finish the job. I just knew this would happen, and it did!
Why did I know? Because it has happened countless times in our history... WWII, the liberals convinced us to not take out Russia... Korea and Vietnam, the liberals convinced us to just get the hell out of it, and let it go... The Cold War... you idiots fought Ronald Reagan every step of the way, as he built up our military and weapons arsenal, you screamed bloody murder, insisted he was going to start WWIII, and thank GOD he didn't give in, thank GOD he stuck to it and eventually caused the Soviets to fold their hand! Liberals have never let us down when it comes to war, they will talk the talk all day long, but when it comes to having to walk the walk, they are nowhere to be found.