T. A. Gardner
Thread Killer
Hitler was a right wing fascist
Outside of possibly his rampant racism (something that also exists on the radical Left) what can you point to that makes him "right wing?"
Hitler was a right wing fascist
Outside of possibly his rampant racism (something that also exists on the radical Left) what can you point to that makes him "right wing?"
His party fought on the streets of Berlin against the left!
His regime murdered anybody remotely associated with the Left- trade unionists, artists etc. etc.
His party fought on the streets of Berlin against the left!
Israel is an apartheid state which practices ethnic-cleansing, murder, theft, collective punishments and is in breach of international law, the Geneva Conventions and has more UN resolutions against it than all other countries combined.
It is not JEWS that nobody wants to hear, it's the perpetrators of all of the above. ZIONIST FASCISTS
Zionist fascists have hidden behind decent Jews for far , far too long. Wake up and learn the difference.
Not true.
He murdered a handful of the 7 million trade unionists because they were part of SPD leadership, and he put Jewish artists in the camps. He also murdered up to 1000 of his own Nazi leadership including his BFF.
Hitler was more Socialist than the German Reich which is what the German people called the gov't that birthed Hitler into power. Weimar Republic was a name manufactured by historians.
According to research by the National Holocaust Museum the Holocaust had up to twenty million victims- and those fourteen million who were not simply Jews comprised trade unionists, blacks, any foreigners, the disabled, the infirm, homosexuals, leftists, the political opposition, vagrants, prostitutes, alcoholics, criminals, addicts, pacifists, draft resisters and, of course, Gypsies and the Roma.
Sound like a socialist to you ?
Haw, haw..............................haw.
Not true. Hitler was more Left than everyone except the violent Marxists.
Hitler was a right wing Fascist!
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
Hitler had a massive welfare State that included mandatory national healthcare.
And FDR destroyed the British empire, ... and created the Soviet empire.
Democrats making Hitler proud![]()
Of course he was. He considered anything left of totally insane to be an existential threat.
Haw, haw..............................haw.
Outside of possibly his rampant racism (something that also exists on the radical Left) what can you point to that makes him "right wing?"
Hyper nationalism and accompanying restrictions on individual liberties are the foremost credentials of right wing government and Nazism was 100 percent that. The welfare system that went with it was for the protection and advancement of Aryan Germans and no one else. Whether Nazism was politically Right is only a question in Right wing social media. As for racism on the Left, when it occurs it is a blemish. Racial minorities know where their political interests are and traditionally side on the Left.
Not true. Hitler was more Left than everyone except the violent Marxists.
There have been plenty of other hyper nationalists on the Left. The Kim Jong family of N. Korea is a good place to start. Leftists regularly, in fact universally restrict individual liberties. Then you stray into racism so saying the Nazi welfare system was only for Germans doesn't count. Racism on the Left is often endemic. A great example today in the West and US is Critical Race Theory. It's radical Leftist theory, and it's completely and totally racist. It isn't a "blemish." It's racism celebrated!