The Jew Hating white lib LEFT ban Pro Israel speakers at Berkeley - Jew free zones

Only Republicans pretend Hitler was a left wing anti-gun,tree hugging Leftist!

Here's my generalized rule of thumb for political division;

LEFT......................................................ARTISTS, NURSES, PHILANTHROPISTS
CENTER LEFT.....................................BENIGN SCHIZOPHRENICS
CENTER...............................................CONFUSED SCHIZOPHRENICS
CENTER RIGHT...................................MALIGNANT SCHIZOPHRENICS
RIGHT....................................................FELONS, COPS, MILLIONAIRES

Haw, haw...............................haw.
Rubbish. Liberals invented individual liberties. Nazi welfare certainly counts; it counts for what it was - an extension of the Nazi dream to make Aryans a master race. So tell us about the "great example in the West today" of Critical Race Theory. Begin by describing what it is, if you can, and not with labels. What racist policies does it represent? The answer is none; it's a manner of understanding what racism is.

But correct me.

Okay, welfare is a construct of the Left. The Nazi version is still a Leftist thing, even if racist.

As for CRT:

If you read Kimberley Crenshaw, the inventor of it, along with her works on Intersectionality, you find CRT--in short--works like this:

CRT's lineage comes from critical pedagogy to critical legal theory, then Crenshaw's theory of intersectionality. Crenshaw argues that race is not an individual construct, but rather a group one. You are what the group / race you are defines you as.

What Crenshaw et al, did in effect is repackage Marx's class struggle substituting race for economic status. In CRT, you are lumped together by race. Whites are racist and oppressors, minorities are oppressed and cannot be racist. Put to Marx, Whites are the bourgeoise, and minorities are the working class. Thus, in CRT all Whites are racist whether they individually are or not, while minorities are not racist even if individually, they are.

The whole concept of CRT is racist. It has to be since it is completely based on race. How can it not be racist?

The policies CRT advocates call for are then based on the general principles of radical Leftist Social and Economic justice. That is, they argue for racist solutions. Kamala Harris just did exactly that yesterday in calling for hurricane relief and emergency funds to be distributed on the basis of supposed "equity" where funds are distributed on the basis of race rather than need.

Vice President Kamala Harris caused a stir Friday after she said the administration would take "equity" into account when dividing up disaster relief as Hurricane Ian rips up the eastern coastline.

"It is our lowest income communities and our communities of color that are most impacted by these extreme conditions," she said during the Democratic National Committee's Women’s Leadership Forum.

"We have to address this in a way that is about giving resources based on equity, understanding that we fight for equality, but we also need to fight for equity," she added.

That is lifted straight from CRT. Of course, the White House and FEMA immediately walked those comments back as wrong, but the damage was done.

CRT is fully and completely racist.
So monarchy is a former type of Leftism? Man, what books do you read, if any?

I'm using Orwellian Speak. It's the only language white libs understand. In a monarchy, the gov't owns everything just like in socialism.

Modern liberalism is Big Gov't Socialism. Classical liberalism is conservatism. It is the Leftist that redefined liberalism to mean its opposite.

"Classical liberalism is a political tradition and a branch of liberalism that advocates free market and laissez-faire economics; civil liberties under the rule of law with especial emphasis on individual autonomy, limited government, economic freedom, political freedom and freedom of speech."
Okay, welfare is a construct of the Left. The Nazi version is still a Leftist thing, even if racist.

As for CRT:

If you read Kimberley Crenshaw, the inventor of it, along with her works on Intersectionality, you find CRT--in short--works like this:

CRT's lineage comes from critical pedagogy to critical legal theory, then Crenshaw's theory of intersectionality. Crenshaw argues that race is not an individual construct, but rather a group one. You are what the group / race you are defines you as.

What Crenshaw et al, did in effect is repackage Marx's class struggle substituting race for economic status. In CRT, you are lumped together by race. Whites are racist and oppressors, minorities are oppressed and cannot be racist. Put to Marx, Whites are the bourgeoise, and minorities are the working class. Thus, in CRT all Whites are racist whether they individually are or not, while minorities are not racist even if individually, they are.

The whole concept of CRT is racist. It has to be since it is completely based on race. How can it not be racist?

The policies CRT advocates call for are then based on the general principles of radical Leftist Social and Economic justice. That is, they argue for racist solutions. Kamala Harris just did exactly that yesterday in calling for hurricane relief and emergency funds to be distributed on the basis of supposed "equity" where funds are distributed on the basis of race rather than need.

That is lifted straight from CRT. Of course, the White House and FEMA immediately walked those comments back as wrong, but the damage was done.

CRT is fully and completely racist.

Don't know what to do with this. Obviously CRT is based on race. As history is based on the past. Your argument boils down to attacking CRT as racist because it attempts to explain racism. This leaves us nowhere; more exactly it leaves you nowhere.

When Harris used the word "equity" she meant what equity means, i.e., fairness, in this case people most impacted and least able to help themselves in the disaster, those without financial and other resources of their own to deal with it. As a practical matter this means disproportionally people of color.
Don't know what to do with this. Obviously CRT is based on race. As history is based on the past. Your argument boils down to attacking CRT as racist because it attempts to explain racism. This leaves us nowhere; more exactly it leaves you nowhere.

When Harris used the word "equity" she meant what equity means, i.e., fairness, in this case people most impacted and least able to help themselves in the disaster, those without financial and other resources of their own to deal with it. As a practical matter this means disproportionally people of color.

No, it attempts to use racism to justify social and economic change.

The same is true for America’s unique form of white supremacy. It is everywhere. It was so prevalent in the founders that it infected the Constitution. It was, in fact, so ordinary that the United States Supreme Court said, in its Dred Scott decision that Black people had always “been regarded as beings of an inferior order, and altogether unfit to associate with the white race, either in social or political relations; and so far inferior, that they had no rights which the white man was bound to respect.” In Plessy v. Ferguson, the Court acknowledged that “legislation is powerless to eradicate racial instincts,” explaining: “ If one race be inferior to the other socially, the Constitution of the United States cannot put them upon the same plane.”

So Critical Race Theory does not teach that America is a racist country.

America teaches us that America is a racist country.

That is from an article and author supporting CRT.

Its advocates (of CRT) say it lays bare the hidden machinery of "systemic" racism, but its critics say it is itself racist, pitting white against black, peddling damaging notions of "white privilege" and "white supremacy" and making a virtue of victimhood.

Brandeis assistant dean defends critical race theory: 'All White people are racist'

This article rambles quite a bit, but comes to the same conclusion, if not as directly

The reason you are flummoxed Martin is because you have likely never been confronted by a rational, logical, and concise explanation of how CRT works. It's hard to wade through the wordy academese of its primary advocates because they don't want you to get those things from their writing. Instead, they want to be able to lecture you about how you are unworthy to understand their immensely greater intellect.
But if you do and take the time, their ideas boil down to relatively simple concepts, and in the case of CRT it is just repackaged Marx using race instead of economics.

CRT is thoroughly racist.
I'm using Orwellian Speak. It's the only language white libs understand. In a monarchy, the gov't owns everything just like in socialism.

Modern liberalism is Big Gov't Socialism. Classical liberalism is conservatism. It is the Leftist that redefined liberalism to mean its opposite.

"Classical liberalism is a political tradition and a branch of liberalism that advocates free market and laissez-faire economics; civil liberties under the rule of law with especial emphasis on individual autonomy, limited government, economic freedom, political freedom and freedom of speech."

If you're going to "speak Orwellian" you'll have to find someplace else to air your fantasies. Sorry. Your quotation on "classical liberalism", however, is fine. It differs from modern liberalism mainly in terms of "limited government" in that
since the Depression liberals have advocated a stronger government role in stabilizing the economy and assisting economically disadvantage citizens. Liberals remain the strongest advocates of personal liberties. The Founders are their political heritage, not yours.
No, it attempts to use racism to justify social and economic change.

That is from an article and author supporting CRT.

This article rambles quite a bit, but comes to the same conclusion, if not as directly

The reason you are flummoxed Martin is because you have likely never been confronted by a rational, logical, and concise explanation of how CRT works. It's hard to wade through the wordy academese of its primary advocates because they don't want you to get those things from their writing. Instead, they want to be able to lecture you about how you are unworthy to understand their immensely greater intellect.
But if you do and take the time, their ideas boil down to relatively simple concepts, and in the case of CRT it is just repackaged Marx using race instead of economics.

CRT is thoroughly racist.

I'm sure I've a better grasp of CRT than you have. You need to begin with what it is, not what you think is wrong with it. We can overlook that first and foremost CRT is a cause of ulcers on the Right, where it gets 95 percent of its attention. The first question is what is it.

CRT is a theory - as it says it is. Here is CRT in one sentence:

"Critical race theory (CRT) is a cross-disciplinary examination, by social and civil-rights scholars and activists, to explore how laws, social and political movements, and media shape, and are shaped by, social conceptions of race and ethnicity."

Can we start with that? The disagreements and the angst come, therefore, not from what CRT is, not "how CRT works", but in some of the ways it is being applied.
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Israel is an apartheid state which practices ethnic-cleansing, murder, theft, collective punishments and is in breach of international law, the Geneva Conventions and has more UN resolutions against it than all other countries combined.
It is not JEWS that nobody wants to hear, it's the perpetrators of all of the above. ZIONIST FASCISTS

Zionist fascists have hidden behind decent Jews for far , far too long. Wake up and learn the difference.

Leftists doing what Leftists have long done, including Hitler...

'The Nazi Party, officially the National Socialist German Workers' Party (German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or NSDAP), was a far-right political party in Germany active between 1920 and 1945 that created and supported the ideology of Nazism.'

'Nazi Party
“Nationalsozialistische deutsche Arbeiterpartei” A right-wing, authoritarian, and nationalist German party founded in 1919 and led from 1921 by Hitler. It took power when Hitler was offered the post of chancellor in 1933 and dominated German life until its collapse at the end of World War II.'

It is COMMON KNOWLEDGE that the Nazi Party was 'far right'.
Ask almost ANY, level-headed, well educated person.
Especially those who studied political science.

Hitler included 'Socialist' in the name to appeal to left voters.
A simple, political trick (which worked brilliantly, I might add...sadly).
This is again, (relatively) common knowledge.

You want to look like a person with low education (not saying you are one)?
And stick to this right wing obsession (largely espoused by righties with lower IQ's/education levels, it seems)?

Go right ahead (pardon the pun).

Stalin was far left.
Hitler was far right.

We are done here...for now.

Once again...I despise both parties.
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I'm sure I've a better grasp of CRT than you have. You need to begin with what it is, not what you think is wrong with it. We can overlook that first and foremost CRT is a cause of ulcers on the Right, where it gets 95 percent of its attention. The first question is what is it.

CRT is a theory - as it says it is. Here is CRT in one sentence:

"Critical race theory (CRT) is a cross-disciplinary examination, by social and civil-rights scholars and activists, to explore how laws, social and political movements, and media shape, and are shaped by, social conceptions of race and ethnicity."

Can we start with that? The disagreements and the angst come, therefore, not from what CRT is, not "how CRT works", but in some of the ways it is being applied.

As soon as you give me an actual definition and description of how it works versus an advertisement line for it. Your explanation says nothing. It amounts to an Homunculus argument and nothing more. By defining how CRT works we can know what it is, and from there dismiss it as repackaged Marx.

Saying that a bunch of scholars and activists use it means nothing, and explains nothing.

By way of analogy

What you gave amounts to The Theory of Relativity is widely used in science to explain matter and energy. Scientists use it to explore nature and the universe...

What I gave amounts to The Theory of Relativity is grounded in the equation E = MC^2 where it is demonstrated that mass and energy are interchangeable entities with respect to the speed of light. This is widely used to explain matter and energy and how these affect the universe...

Your definition is meaningless. Mine is a generalized starting point to understanding a theory.
As soon as you give me an actual definition and description of how it works versus an advertisement line for it. Your explanation says nothing. It amounts to an Homunculus argument and nothing more. By defining how CRT works we can know what it is, and from there dismiss it as repackaged Marx.

Saying that a bunch of scholars and activists use it means nothing, and explains nothing.

By way of analogy

What you gave amounts to The Theory of Relativity is widely used in science to explain matter and energy. Scientists use it to explore nature and the universe...

What I gave amounts to The Theory of Relativity is grounded in the equation E = MC^2 where it is demonstrated that mass and energy are interchangeable entities with respect to the speed of light. This is widely used to explain matter and energy and how these affect the universe...

Your definition is meaningless. Mine is a generalized starting point to understanding a theory.

I gave a precise definition: "Critical race theory (CRT) is a cross-disciplinary examination, by social and civil-rights scholars and activists, to explore how laws, social and political movements, and media shape, and are shaped by, social conceptions of race and ethnicity."

If that is too many words to take in try: CRT is the study and theory of how perceptions of race shape our society.

For every CRT theorist and defender of CRT there are a few hundred or so handwringing Right wingers.
If you're going to "speak Orwellian" you'll have to find someplace else to air your fantasies. Sorry. Your quotation on "classical liberalism", however, is fine. It differs from modern liberalism mainly in terms of "limited government" in that
since the Depression liberals have advocated a stronger government role in stabilizing the economy and assisting economically disadvantage citizens. Liberals remain the strongest advocates of personal liberties. The Founders are their political heritage, not yours.

Just for starters, in just this Berkeley story, ... liberals oppose the right to freedom of speech and the right to religious freedom.

Liberals support anti Semitic opposition to the creation of a Jewish homeland in Israel and any Jew who supports its existence, ... and liberals oppose the right to freedom of association.
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I gave a precise definition: "Critical race theory (CRT) is a cross-disciplinary examination, by social and civil-rights scholars and activists, to explore how laws, social and political movements, and media shape, and are shaped by, social conceptions of race and ethnicity."

If that is too many words to take in try: CRT is the study and theory of how perceptions of race shape our society.

For every CRT theorist and defender of CRT there are a few hundred or so handwringing Right wingers.

As he said it's just repackaged Marxist bullshit.

Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad and the Iranian theocracy are true fascists. But I very much doubt that you'll have anything to say about them. Hopefully we are seeing the first signs of mullah man meat munchers like McMoonshi'ite losing his favourite fascists. Have you noticed that Israel don't bar the media or cut off the internet, whereas Iran invariably does, so why is that then?

My friend Mo, short for Mohammed, is an Iranian Kurd who detests those cunts with a vengeance as well he might.
Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad and the Iranian theocracy are true fascists.

That's horseshit, maggot. Each of them is opposed to the criminal neo-Zionists who have polluted Palestine and turned the Middle East into a permanent war zone. Your lot did, that, the imperialist Brits- and that's the reason that you continue to root for Israeli fascism- because you don't have a moral argument .

But I very much doubt that you'll have anything to say about them. Hopefully we are seeing the first signs of mullah man meat munchers like McMoonshi'ite losing his favourite fascists. Have you noticed that Israel don't bar the media or cut off the internet, whereas Iran invariably does, so why is that then?

They recognize the power of Western lies, maggot, nobody is in any doubt about that. You've fallen for them yourself. Just look at you, you twisted old capitalist asshole.

My friend Mo, short for Mohammed, is an Iranian Kurd who detests those cunts with a vengeance as well he might.

I guess that the lies got to him too. Old birds of a feather.

All you have to do, maggot, is to support the law and have your fascists withdraw from Palestine back to the territory that they can legally claim as theirs- thanks to the imperialist British scum. But you prefer crime and the gun- because you have the gun. See you, Jiminy.

Hamas calls West Bank shootings a response to Israeli incursions into al-Aqsa

Palestine has a legal right to defend itself. Israel has no right to invade.
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The statement, "perceptions of race help shape our society" is "repackaged Marxist bullshit"?

I guess that's about your thought level.

The Brit maggot's grasp of ' Marxism ' has always been tenuous.
