The kangaroo court in the news

Bingo. I've known this info for a long time now. It's not "breaking news" lol...

Anyone who bothered to watch the video knew that. It's astonishing how many don't have the attention span or the desire necessary to dispassionately consider the evidence.
If he already couldn't breathe that sounds like a good reason not to further impede his breathing with a knee on his neck. They had advance warning of his problem.
If he already couldn't breathe, then that sounds like he was already dead before any cop did anything to him.

Repeatedly saying the words "I can't breathe" requires breathing, dumbass...
If he already couldn't breathe, then that sounds like he was already dead before any cop did anything to him.

Repeatedly saying the words "I can't breathe" requires breathing, dumbass...

I'm still waiting for one of those idiots to tell me why people who are choking don't just yell, "Help me I'm choking" if you can talk while not breathing.
Indeed, but the defense can object if the judge does not instruct the jury to ignore it. Of course, by then, it's too late to unring the bell. Are you under the impression that Chauvin will receive a fair trial?

With Keith Ellison involved, I'm not so sure. Ellison is a rabid bigot, racist, wife beater, highly partisan Democrat--he was head of the DNC for a while--and has a long history of doing questionably legal stuff. That he's running the persecution doesn't speak to a fair trial if he can avoid one.
Floyd wasn't "strangled."

You will also notice that the story changes with these idiots... I had Taichiliberal in another thread keep switching between "neck" and "back" and between "kneeling" and "sitting"... Obviously these people never watched the available video footage...
If he already couldn't breathe, then that sounds like he was already dead before any cop did anything to him.

Repeatedly saying the words "I can't breathe" requires breathing, dumbass...

Being able to take in a breath periodically and get out a sentence does not constitute proper breathing.

Testimony showed positional asphyxiation is a known breathing issue. Adding a knee to the neck only increases the problem. Have somebody put their knee on your neck and see if you can say "I can't breathe." Don't be such a simplistic asshole.