The Last Days of the GOP We could be witnessing the death throes of the GOP?!!

When gerrymandering started to be control by the racial make up in the districts, that was a turning point in legalizing election fraud.

In the 1993 decision Shaw vs. Hunt, the U.S Supreme Court found that North Carolina's legislature had violated the Constitution by using race as the predominant factor in drawing its 12th Congressional District's boundaries in 1992. But in Hunt vs. Cromartie (1999), the Court found that a redrawn 12th was constitutional because it was legal partisan gerrymandering -- designed to create a safe Democratic seat -- rather than illegal racial gerrymandering. (Wikimedia Commons)

In 2001, with Democrats in control of Illinois redistricting, then-state Senator Barack Obama was apparently able to reshape his district to his own specifications. As Ryan Lizza detailed in The New Yorker, that included drawing in wealthy supporters from Chicago’s Gold Coast. The new redistricting maintained Obama’s Hyde Park base, then lunged northward along the lakefront and toward downtown. As in Obama’s previous district, African-Americans retained a majority, and the map contained some of the poorest sections of Chicago, but the new district was whiter, more prosperous, more Jewish, less blue-collar, and better educated. (Associated Press)
I dont think the GOP is going anywhere and its certainly not death throes, but they have diminished themselves and made it far more difficult to win elections.
If they dont divorce from the teaparty idiots they will eventually be replaced by either the libertarian party or the like.
Why does anyone think this is going to kill the GOP?

Polls show the voters are mad as hell, but they don't care. Most of their districts are safe, anyway. Most will get re-elected no matter what happens.

I still don't really get how gerrymandering is constitutional, or allowed.
We will find out come election time. More centrist GOP house members and Senate GOP they are by no means in "safe districts' and national polls do impact them directly. Tea Bagger representatives are the ones who are delusional that their districts are safe enough that they can pull and sort of political stunt or strategy and they'll be safe from the back lash.

I'll tell you what's going to happen. The GOP will offer a few spending concessions to Dems including a few face saving items of little relevence meant as Democrat consessions. This will be a short term agreement for 3 to 4 months and they'll agree to negotiate further concesions on the sequestor, spending and revenue with Dems holding the strong cards. After that you'll see the GOP center right attempt to throw the tea baggers under the bus. If 2014 ends up with substantial electoral results for the GOP you'll see that in ernest and the Tea Party will be done...but not the GOP. It's very possible that after 2014 McConnell will lose his primary to a Tea Party challenger who would more than likely lose in the general electon. It's also possible that Boehner would lose his speakership regardless of whether the GOP retains a majority in the house.
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I think the Republicans are wounded, and I don't believe they will emerge the same party they have been, but dead? No. The Republican party is not dead.

I've lived long enough to hear both parties declared dead in my 43 years. The Republican party will continue, they will however be forced to abandon the Social totalitarians.
I dont think the GOP is going anywhere and its certainly not death throes, but they have diminished themselves and made it far more difficult to win elections.
If they dont divorce from the teaparty idiots they will eventually be replaced by either the libertarian party or the like.
I seriously doubt that. Their not going to replace one group of extremist with another. Nor will they wish to be identified with them. That's not going to happen. Nor is a third party.
I seriously doubt that. Their not going to replace one group of extremist with another. Nor will they wish to be identified with them. That's not going to happen. Nor is a third party.

The are not going to be replaced by the current folks who claim to be libertarians.
"The rumors of my demise are greatly exagerated " - - Mark Twain

To say this episode is the end of the GOP is hyperbole. Worst case scenario for the GOP is they lose the house and give up a 60 seat majority in the Senate with a sitting Dem as President and the likely hood that the next President would be a Dem putting the GOP in the political wilderness for a substantial period of time.

A more realistic scenario is that the GOP suffers significant losses in the 2014 elections and then the party gragmatist will throw the Tea Baggers under the bus. Much of the voting public will accept that as long as the GOP becomes more pragmatic and distances themselves from the extremist.

The real difference between the GOP and the Democrats is that though both Parties have their extremist factions the extremist in the Democratic party have no pwer where as the extremist in the Republican party have substantial power. If the GOP loses the house and Dems gain a 60 seat majority in the Senate then the GOP will simply rid themselves of the extremist.
"The rumors of my demise are greatly exagerated " - - Mark Twain

To say this episode is the end of the GOP is hyperbole. Worst case scenario for the GOP is they lose the house and give up a 60 seat majority in the Senate with a sitting Dem as President and the likely hood that the next President would be a Dem putting the GOP in the political wilderness for a substantial period of time.

A more realistic scenario is that the GOP suffers significant losses in the 2014 elections and then the party gragmatist will throw the Tea Baggers under the bus. Much of the voting public will accept that as long as the GOP becomes more pragmatic and distances themselves from the extremist.

The real difference between the GOP and the Democrats is that though both Parties have their extremist factions the extremist in the Democratic party have no pwer where as the extremist in the Republican party have substantial power. If the GOP loses the house and Dems gain a 60 seat majority in the Senate then the GOP will simply rid themselves of the extremist.

I agree, and in fact, the Republican party that emerges will likely be stronger than what we currently have. If they purge the radicals they will be better set to grab the middle. All in all its good news for America.
Only someone who couldn't get into Ohio state would move the bar to 1 percenters Mott. Serious fail
The op even said traditionally it's the top ten.
I agree, and in fact, the Republican party that emerges will likely be stronger than what we currently have. If they purge the radicals they will be better set to grab the middle. All in all its good news for America.
And alienate Conservatives? Man what the fuck have you been smoking? If you Dumbshit Liberals in the Democrat party can warp speed to the Left with impunity, why the fuck does the GOP have to follow you?
Only someone who couldn't get into Ohio state would move the bar to 1 percenters Mott. Serious fail
The op even said traditionally it's the top ten.
Couldn't get into OSU? Hell I worked there for 3.5 years as a research assistant in the engineering department. Whatchotalkingaboutwillis?
And alienate Conservatives? Man what the fuck have you been smoking? If you Dumbshit Liberals in the Democrat party can warp speed to the Left with impunity, why the fuck does the GOP have to follow you?
The problem here is that you don't know what a conservative or a liberal is. Most Democrats are conservatives with a small c. Most GOP radicals are not even conservatives. They are political reactionaries. Like you. The social conservatives are a retrograde throwback to a bygone and mostly forgotten era populated by people who lack the imagination, education and intelligence to adapt to modernity. Curretnly they are a lead anchor around the GOP's neck and they would be better off without them.
Tea Party got all the parlimentary manuvering done but they are like your in-laws; moving in for a while (2010), and then never leaving
The problem here is that you don't know what a conservative or a liberal is. Most Democrats are conservatives with a small c. Most GOP radicals are not even conservatives. They are political reactionaries. Like you. The social conservatives are a retrograde throwback to a bygone and mostly forgotten era populated by people who lack the imagination, education and intelligence to adapt to modernity. Curretnly they are a lead anchor around the GOP's neck and they would be better off without them.
So what the country will be stuck with is Communist and Communist-Lyte? Screw that. We need a REAL Conservative party to counter you Communists NOW!!!
Fixed it for ya

Hey, what happened to you you shady little bastard. Why aren't you here doing your daily harassment. Cat got your tongue today? Looks like there are changes coming and you aren't going to like them. Still think you are hot shit? Still think you are too smart and everyone else is stupid churchill? I hope you are finally gone from here for your never ending bullshit. I can't wait, you racist, sexist, homophobe, I can't wait to watch you disappear! You were even warned once and you still kept the shit up!