The Law of Moses

wow.....where did you study theology......the Mosaic and the Levitical Codes are found in the OT.......Paul did not revise the OT......Jesus, not Paul, stated that the Levitical Code was fulfilled......Jesus, not Paul stated that the Law of Moses still stands.....Parts of Leviticus are Mosaic Code, it is not all Levitical Code......have you ever even read all of Leviticus?....

Why did you dodge and then acknowledge that I was right? It is in Leviticus. Was that a pause or just your attempt to confuse casual readers?

Personally I get inpatient waiting for you to look stuff up and add more.

Of course, I have read it that is how I knew where the laws of Moses were. Have you?

I studied as those of my original sect do, under the guidance of the holy spirit.
My brother claims that Christians are no longer bound by the Law Of Moses because Jesus fulfilled the laws with his death and resurrection.

My question is this for Christians, why do you demand the 10 Ommandments be posted in public places or any place for that matter, if you are no longer under the Laws Of Moses or do you believe my brother is in error.

I'm guessing the meme was lost. I never heard of Obama issuing the Ommandments, but trust me, now that we know...
Jesus frequently referred to "the law and the prophets"........if you read the OT prophets you will find them speaking of what Israel had done and why they were being wasn't because they were eating was because they were lying and stealing and was because they were worshiping idols and following the rules of other gods rather than the commandments God had given them....

Yeah, what a great story. There people were deserting them, becoming agitated with the leadership and dying as they wondered around in the desert. It's a curse!

Are we being cursed by God for disobeying Obama or Bush?
Yeah, what a great story. There people were deserting them, becoming agitated with the leadership and dying as they wondered around in the desert. It's a curse!

Are we being cursed by God for disobeying Obama or Bush?

what are you babbling about....they weren't wandering the desert at the time....that was hundreds of years earlier....
what are you babbling about....they weren't wandering the desert at the time....that was hundreds of years earlier....

Okay then. Yeah, they were being led by thieves that sold them out to the Romans. Blast it, they were cursed again. Man, that God is such a mfer.

The question still stands.

Are we being cursed by God for disobeying Obama or Bush?

According to some, KEYNESIANS, we are being cursed for not having faith in the economic machinations. If we just believe it will all be better, go out and run up some more debt, it will all get better.
Okay then. Yeah, they were being led by thieves that sold them out to the Romans. Blast it, they were cursed again. Man, that God is such a mfer.

The question still stands.

no, it actually doesn't.....I cited the OT prophets.....that was not only hundreds of years after the days Israel was wandering in the desert, it was hundreds of years BEFORE the you actually know anything about the topic?.....
Why don't you try to be a little more specific about which OT Prophet you want to talk about instead of trying to muddy the waters over and over with vague nonsense and misdirection when you have been proven wrong. Mosaic Law is in Leviticus and if you did not know that from the beginning then you ARE WAY OUT OF YOUR LEAGUE. Get back on the sandlot.

You are staying vague because you know it does not matter. When people suffer from bad leadership it is not magic or a curse. They are not being punished by God for a lack of faith in God, in the leader or in the idiotic ideas of voodoo economists. The reason for their suffering is clear except to those who apologize for the leaders.
The question still stands.

Are we being punished for disobeying Bush or Obama? It cannot be God because we never followed him. The Constitution and the DofI were a repudiation of the idea that leaders were divinely inspired. No More Kings, maybe that is more your speed.
Mosaic Law is in Leviticus and if you did not know that from the beginning then you ARE WAY OUT OF YOUR LEAGUE.

lol, dude.....I was the one who told YOU that, remember? for which OT prophet, take your pick.....Isaiah, Jeremiah, Obadiah, etc.......they were all active around the time of Israel going into captivity.....
lol, dude.....I was the one who told YOU that, remember? for which OT prophet, take your pick.....Isaiah, Jeremiah, Obadiah, etc.......they were all active around the time of Israel going into captivity.....

You are a pathetic joke. No, I told you. Moses was from the house of Levi. He was a Levite and his laws were in Leviticus. It is part of the Levitical code. Paul and other revisionist tried to create some division in the laws found there so they could divide themselves from other Jews and appeal to Gentiles.

You tried to avoid the topic, remained vague claimed I was wrong and in the same post acknowledged I was right.

You are now trying to to be vague about OT prophets to avoid the fact that whatever "curse" fell upon the Jews is easily explained as bad leadership. That's what the so called curse is. It is the same thing that is done by every government on this planet. Do as we command and when it fails blame it on those who resisted or told you it would not work.

Our nation was founded on the principle that leaders are NOT divinely inspired and that they fail or succeed based on rational principles. Not that failure to bow down or speaking out against Obama, Bush, Keynes, classical economists, homosexuality or other such nonsense will bring about a curse on the nation.

Adams, Jefferson and other founders knew what slavery would do to us and employed the metaphors to try to get others to see. It is not a curse. It is not magic. It is common sense and a basic understanding of human nature.

Keynes and other "scientificy" economist think that we are endlessly malleable. But their magic tricks no longer work. The curtain has been pulled back on them. Too many people know the game now and they are gaming the system. Warren Buffet is a master. Too many kings living at the expense of others is not viable. As more and more of those who have fought against it give up and start living off of it the scheme will fail.
Moses and his brother Aaron were from the house of Levi they were Levites and their laws are the Levitical code. The ten commandments were the big laws. They were written after Moses went up on the mountain got high off a bush probably the same burning one that told him to lead the Israelites.

Moses was a Rastafarian, of sorts.

Here it is again.
You are a pathetic joke. No, I told you. Moses was from the house of Levi. He was a Levite and his laws were in Leviticus.

yes, the Mosaic Code is in Leviticus.....but the Mosaic Code is not the Levitical Code......that is your error that I corrected.....are we clear now?.....

to avoid the fact that whatever "curse" fell upon the Jews is easily explained as bad leadership. That's what the so called curse is.

uh, no....Israel went into captivity because they were disobedient.....

Here it is again.
and still incorrect....the Levitical Code is something different from the Mosaic Code, even though both came from Moses and both are found in the book of Leviticus.....
yes, the Mosaic Code is in Leviticus.....but the Mosaic Code is not the Levitical Code......that is your error that I corrected.....are we clear now?.....

As I explained, according to the revisionist who were trying to divide themselves from the Jewish faith so that they could reach out to the Gentiles, you are correct. It is still just a nonsensical imaginary line. It's just a label. It does not have any real meaning.

What is the difference between 1/3 and 2/6 or .33333e as decimal notation, or .1 in base 3?

Or even go a little deeper, what is the difference between a plant and an animal?

uh, no....Israel went into captivity because they were disobedient.....

Chicken... what prophet do you want to talk about?

and still incorrect....the Levitical Code is something different from the Mosaic Code, even though both came from Moses and both are found in the book of Leviticus.....

Because you say so. Or because Paul and other church leaders said so. None of these authorities holds any weight with me and the Holy Spirit. Maybe I should let Sonia Sotomayor and Scalia tell me what the Consitution says? Romney and Obama? Nixon's and his boys? Nope.

Jesus Christ was the one true prophet and he was rejected by the Christians.
As I explained, according to the revisionist who were trying to divide themselves from the Jewish faith so that they could reach out to the Gentiles, you are correct. It is still just a nonsensical imaginary line. It's just a label. It does not have any real meaning.

What is the difference between 1/3 and 2/6 or .33333e as decimal notation, or .1 in base 3?

Or even go a little deeper, what is the difference between a plant and an animal?

Chicken... what prophet do you want to talk about?

Because you say so. Or because Paul and other church leaders said so. None of these authorities holds any weight with me and the Holy Spirit. Maybe I should let Sonia Sotomayor and Scalia tell me what the Consitution says? Romney and Obama? Nixon's and his boys? Nope.

Jesus Christ was the one true prophet and he was rejected by the Christians.

I have been reading several Rabbi's who say the 10 Commandments are a part of the Law of Moses handed down from God to his chosen people. Christians have their own interpretations of the Jeish holy books, something which has always made me smirk.

This is another issue where Christians seem very divided, some sects claim that the laws have not been done way with because Heaven and Earth still exit and others claim that Jesus fulfilled the law and the prophets. You would think an omniscient being would be a little more clear on intentions if it meant a judgement for eternity. It is why I question it all.