The Left and Immigration Reform


Well-known member
I'm curious what those on the left (on this board) think about the illegal immigration issue and the proposed reform. Are you for or against it or is it one of those issues where you don't feel strongly either way? If you would be so inclined to also discuss why you feel the way you do. Thanks. (I'm not asking this as a set-up to some response I have in my mind. I'm just curious about people's opinions.)
I'm curious what those on the left (on this board) think about the illegal immigration issue and the proposed reform. Are you for or against it or is it one of those issues where you don't feel strongly either way? If you would be so inclined to also discuss why you feel the way you do. Thanks. (I'm not asking this as a set-up to some response I have in my mind. I'm just curious about people's opinions.)

I have too many mixed feelings on immigration to be for or against it. I've never been so torn by an issue before. I know what corporate America wants, and I know why they want it, and I know that they're going to continue to depress wages with it. I also think that illegal immigrants are taken terrible advantage of. And, I know that there are plenty of racists in the mix.
I'm curious what those on the left (on this board) think about the illegal immigration issue and the proposed reform. Are you for or against it or is it one of those issues where you don't feel strongly either way? If you would be so inclined to also discuss why you feel the way you do. Thanks. (I'm not asking this as a set-up to some response I have in my mind. I'm just curious about people's opinions.)

I don't like the democrats proposal. I think giving amnesty doesn't address the underlying security issue of our open borders, its a smack in the face to those immigrants that have come here legally and have spent years trying to get citizenship through the system, it doesn't send a message that coming illegally won't be tolerated and we still have the issue of illegals undercutting legal residents for jobs and driving down their wages. Basically, I'm not a fan. At the same time as Darla points out there are those who say they feel the same way I do, but its clear they are racists and that makes me uncomfortable to be on the same side of the issue as them.
I'm curious what those on the left (on this board) think about the illegal immigration issue and the proposed reform. Are you for or against it or is it one of those issues where you don't feel strongly either way? If you would be so inclined to also discuss why you feel the way you do. Thanks. (I'm not asking this as a set-up to some response I have in my mind. I'm just curious about people's opinions.)

They believe it's a personal choice which should should remain legally viable.
I don't like the democrats proposal. I think giving amnesty doesn't address the underlying security issue of our open borders, its a smack in the face to those immigrants that have come here legally and have spent years trying to get citizenship through the system, it doesn't send a message that coming illegally won't be tolerated and we still have the issue of illegals undercutting legal residents for jobs and driving down their wages. Basically, I'm not a fan. At the same time as Darla points out there are those who say they feel the same way I do, but its clear they are racists and that makes me uncomfortable to be on the same side of the issue as them.

Quit being such a brainwashed idiot, our jew controllers want us to think we're on different teams. We're not.
If illegal immigration were going to kill the American worker the American worker would already be dead. There a 10 million illegal immigrants in American, where's the big wage depression everybody's been crying is going to happen *any day* now?
If illegal immigration were going to kill the American worker the American worker would already be dead. There a 10 million illegal immigrants in American, where's the big wage depression everybody's been crying is going to happen *any day* now?

The wages ARE depressed. It will only get worse as our elitist controllers decimate the middle class by driving wages to even greater lows with masses of imported, anglo-hostile, workers who will destroy our public services systems over time.
If illegal immigration were going to kill the American worker the American worker would already be dead. There a 10 million illegal immigrants in American, where's the big wage depression everybody's been crying is going to happen *any day* now?

You have missed all the talk about stagnant wagwes for the last several years ?
And how long it took to get a minimum wage increase ?

oh well.
You have missed all the talk about stagnant wagwes for the last several years ?
And how long it took to get a minimum wage increase ?

oh well.

Watermark has identity issues. He needs to be pro-destructive levels of immigration to differentiate himself from me. He already tried to be me once.
Watermark has identity issues. He needs to be pro-destructive levels of immigration to differentiate himself from me. He already tried to be me once.
Many people seem to want to be you. I have seen more people claim to be you than any other poster on the board.
It's funny, so also is Ladyt's concern about her excellent 'take' on immigration being cheapened because it puts her in agreement with 'the villified class', the, dun, dun dun, NATIVISTS.
I'm curious what those on the left (on this board) think about the illegal immigration issue and the proposed reform. Are you for or against it or is it one of those issues where you don't feel strongly either way? If you would be so inclined to also discuss why you feel the way you do. Thanks. (I'm not asking this as a set-up to some response I have in my mind. I'm just curious about people's opinions.)

cawacko, it is an exceedingly complex issue, and I don't pretend to know all the answers.

There's a lot of competing interests. As other have noted, there is the xenophobia and racist lobby. They hate brown skinned people. On the other hand, there is the Union lobby, which by and large does not want a massive influx of low-wage people. Then there's the Business lobby, who wants mass quantities of cheap labor.

I don't think building a wall is a solution. Show me a twenty foot wall, and I'll show you a twenty one foot ladder.

I think we really have to crack down and impose stiff sanction on employers. But, since our government is largely bought and paid for by business interests, I have little faith that this will actually be done.

On the other hand, I am fully aware that there are certain, discrete sectors of the american economy that need migrant labor. Especially agriculture. Unless we are all willing to pay a LOT more for produce.

Finally, morally I can't stand the though of breaking up families and children through deportation. There has to be reasonable rules on deportation. It can't be a black and white issue.
On the other hand, I am fully aware that there are certain, discrete sectors of the american economy that need migrant labor. Especially agriculture. Unless we are all willing to pay a LOT more for produce.

Absolutely and we have the same issue with offshoring industry and jobs.
Are we willing to pay 3X for a USA built Item as we would if it were made in China ? AHZ sure is not willing to, he wants the gummit to fix things for him and not have to do anything himself.
Sounds like a welfare state liberal to me that expects the gummit to do it all for him.