The Left and Immigration Reform

On the other hand, I am fully aware that there are certain, discrete sectors of the american economy that need migrant labor. Especially agriculture. Unless we are all willing to pay a LOT more for produce.

Absolutely and we have the same issue with offshoring industry and jobs.
Are we willing to pay 3X for a USA built Item as we would if it were made in China ? AHZ sure is not willing to, he wants the gummit to fix things for him and not have to do anything himself.
Sounds like a welfare state liberal to me that expects the gummit to do it all for him.

No I want our borders enforced and a ban on goods made with slave labor.
You have missed all the talk about stagnant wagwes for the last several years ?
And how long it took to get a minimum wage increase ?

oh well.

They weren't entirely inconsitent with wage increases from previous years. It has more to do with other factors than the illegal immigration "tragdedy".
On the other hand, I am fully aware that there are certain, discrete sectors of the american economy that need migrant labor. Especially agriculture. Unless we are all willing to pay a LOT more for produce.

Absolutely and we have the same issue with offshoring industry and jobs.
Are we willing to pay 3X for a USA built Item as we would if it were made in China ? AHZ sure is not willing to, he wants the gummit to fix things for him and not have to do anything himself.
Sounds like a welfare state liberal to me that expects the gummit to do it all for him.

If a USA company can't make something for at least 3X as much as a Chinese company then it honestly doesn't deserve to exist, it's pure shit.
Think about it. We can't really expect to subsidize shitty, uncompetitive American companies by making *competitive* American companies and their workers aritificially pay more for those uncompetitive companies products through tariffs and expect to be competitive on the world market, can we?
If a USA company can't make something for at least 3X as much as a Chinese company then it honestly doesn't deserve to exist, it's pure shit.

What if the chinese savings comes through inhumane treatment and unliveable wages for the workers? Americans should buck up and enslave themselves to compete?
Actual slavery doesn't really penetrate beyond local markets in Africa.

I hate to agree with Ass, but slave labor exists in China, as well as other parts of asia. And child labor is a huge problem too. Paying a kid ten cents a day, is equivalent to slave labor, in my book.
cawacko, it is an exceedingly complex issue, and I don't pretend to know all the answers.

There's a lot of competing interests. As other have noted, there is the xenophobia and racist lobby. They hate brown skinned people. On the other hand, there is the Union lobby, which by and large does not want a massive influx of low-wage people. Then there's the Business lobby, who wants mass quantities of cheap labor.

I don't think building a wall is a solution. Show me a twenty foot wall, and I'll show you a twenty one foot ladder.

I think we really have to crack down and impose stiff sanction on employers. But, since our government is largely bought and paid for by business interests, I have little faith that this will actually be done.

On the other hand, I am fully aware that there are certain, discrete sectors of the american economy that need migrant labor. Especially agriculture. Unless we are all willing to pay a LOT more for produce.

Finally, morally I can't stand the though of breaking up families and children through deportation. There has to be reasonable rules on deportation. It can't be a black and white issue.

Good points Cypress.
I hate to agree with Ass, but slave labor exists in China, as well as other parts of asia. And child labor is a huge problem too. Paying a kid ten cents a day, is equivalent to slave labor, in my book.

Don't feel badly. He's like the monkey, who, given enough time, and with millions of strikes on a keyboard, managed to produce one Shakespeare play. But, the monkey still doesn't know what he did.
Don't feel badly. He's like the monkey, who, given enough time, and with millions of strikes on a keyboard, managed to produce one Shakespeare play. But, the monkey still doesn't know what he did.

I'm well aware of the memetic gems I produce, with skill and intention.
No I want our borders enforced and a ban on goods made with slave labor.

whose definition of slave labor ?

besides the slave labor requirement would hit our colonies as well. and would have almost no impact on globalization. China stuff would still the the main thing on sale in retail establishments.
whose definition of slave labor ?

besides the slave labor requirement would hit our colonies as well. and would have almost no impact on globalization. China stuff would still the the main thing on sale in retail establishments.

Maybe yours? what's your definition of slave labor? Group concensus?

the rest of your post made no sense.
If a USA company can't make something for at least 3X as much as a Chinese company then it honestly doesn't deserve to exist, it's pure shit.


That is a really good one. A question how much does the avg Chinese make and how much does the avg American make ?
Yep and it exists in many of our colonies as well.

And some say it exists in the usa with illegal workers :)

I have spent time in china. 10 cents over there will buy as much food as maybe $20 over here. It is all relative.