The Left and Immigration Reform

Yep and it exists in many of our colonies as well.

And some say it exists in the usa with illegal workers :)

I have spent time in china. 10 cents over there will buy as much food as maybe $20 over here. It is all relative.

Then americans are getting GOUGED by the global food system and that is another reason to abandon the pack of globalist lies.
Don't feel badly. He's like the monkey, who, given enough time, and with millions of strikes on a keyboard, managed to produce one Shakespeare play. But, the monkey still doesn't know what he did.

:p :cof1:
I'm curious what those on the left (on this board) think about the illegal immigration issue and the proposed reform. Are you for or against it or is it one of those issues where you don't feel strongly either way? If you would be so inclined to also discuss why you feel the way you do. Thanks. (I'm not asking this as a set-up to some response I have in my mind. I'm just curious about people's opinions.)

Here's my thoughts on the matter, and I am going to answer your question in and odd way--- By posting the Email I will be sending to each of my present congress persons, my future ones (I will be moving), The top congressional Honchos in each party, and the president. TO WIT:

Distinguished persons all, To each of you listed, I present my opinion of a Immigration Bill which might have a chance to fly,

First of all, No matter how you term it. this is a form of amnesty. It is too late to do anything else. we can not deport 12 Million people and then have them vie to come back in. So :

1. We must allow a mechanism to legalize them before, and/or prior to them applying for Citizenship. This is presently refered to as a Z-Card. but should also include Student ID cards, Temporary Visas, and temporary worker permits. To make this work, there must be provisions for a valid Photo ID Card with thumb print for each immigrant. This could include State Drivers' licenses, etc. -- If they have the proper Photo and Thumb print provisions( and designation of class of immigrant status)

2. employers would be prosecuted for hiring an illegal "undocumented" immigrant.. However employers, and prospective employers, would be assisted in legalizing it's present and prospective workers without penalty ( Obviously it would be necessary in order to comply with IRS Regulations).

3. The present bill suggests that the illegals would have to return to their home country, and then return, and Pay a fine of $5,000 or more for their present illegality. .. This would be a non-starter in both cases. It would be all well and good to require them to pay back taxes, thru their employer or other methods, but most could neither pay the fine, nor find it worth while to go home and start over.(and instead would remain in hiding, ---and illegal.)

4. While it has been a practice to do so. the constitution does not provide for the citizenship or welfare of the families of so-called Anchor-babies. but only for the baby itself. Thus, if the trend was halted, the immigrants would no longer continue to storm in to get those non-existent benefits. because they would no longer be able to collect them.

and along those same lines, the Government should be billing the home nation of the illegals for maternity and other welfare costs generated by the practice.

5. It is all well and good to protect our borders, and whether using fences (quite ineffective as the illegals burrow under, climb over, or thru, or simply go around. ) or whatever other forms of action are undertaken It has virtually nothing to do with the present overpopulation of illegals, and should be treated separately from the imigration bill.

6. as for those who are found in non-complance, and caught., they, along with those found to have committed other crimial acts in this country, should be charged, appropriately tried, where necessary, and returned to their country of origin with the further warning that if found here again, they would serve jail time, and ir worse.

7. Welfare and other services would be denied to all illegals except as sufficient to get them safely back to their country of origin.

8 Guest worker staus would be sparingly awarded, and only where there is an absolute need which can not be satisfied by Citzen and permanent residents.

This In total is much simpler than the present bill which is being considered

Let's start with something simple, and then add to it later if necessary but let's get SOMETHING done.

Very Sincerely

for those of you on this Forum: COMMENTS???

That is a really good one. A question how much does the avg Chinese make and how much does the avg American make ?
but then for parody, you have to consider what the Chinese wage is worth to him, and what the American's wage is worth to him, You can;t just compair Dollars to YEN, but only to it's pirchasing power.
They wouldn't have had to return unless they wanted citizenship. The Z-Visas would be provided to those in the US. Also the entire family never would have had to return "home", only the head of household would.
What happened. did my post stop all consideration of the issue? Am I that right????" That wrong??? or do I have BO???? I didn't mean to put the kabosh on the issue.

Addition: I finally got them all sent ---one by one- They are even making it more difficulte to contact the leaders, (I suppose that figures)
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Watermark what do you make per hour at officemax? that's your wage deflation.
I made $25,000 a yr in the 80's bartending on weekends

those with the race issue is a cop out by the dems, just increase the amount of legal immagrant you except.