Truck Fump / h1b
Verified User
YOU came up with the meaningless buzzword. It's YOUR problem.
neither word is meaningless. grow up.
YOU came up with the meaningless buzzword. It's YOUR problem.
Name calling now, eh? You have no argument left.
neither word is meaningless. grow up.
It's an insult...and a fallacy.It isn't a name, it's a description. Why argue, you're never wrong.
Why do you say that?You must be for open borders then...
Evasion. Answer the question put to you. WTF is a 'globalist libertarian'??
which word is confusing you?
Evasion. Answer the question put to you. WTF is a 'globalist libertarian'??
a libertarian who is a globalist. doy.
Evasion. Answer the question put to you. WTF is a 'globalist libertarian'?? You can't define a buzzword with itself.
Non citizens cannot vote. It is unlawful for non citizens to vote in Federal elections.
Never said they were. You keep insisting Mexicans are not Americans. They are. Maybe you should go read your own quote.
Why does the right wing need to lie?They've included provisions to allow non-citizens to vote in HR 1. They've argued for it in op eds repeatedly.
As one example from the New York Times.
Prominent Democrats like Dick Durban are onboard with it.
Should, as the Left seems to want, we allow what amounts to anyone and everyone be allowed to vote in our elections?
"""The bill’s goal is to make it easier for eligible American citizens to register to vote. It doesn’t change*federal law*that bars noncitizens from voting in federal elections."""
Sounds familiar. Just like the OP. No evidence just a scary accusation about brown people voting."":The Instagram post doesn’t include any evidence for its assertions. But*claims*that the legislation would allow noncitizens to vote have often revolved around its provisions about automatic voter registration."""
"""H.R. 1 keeps in place federal and state criminal laws that prohibit noncitizens from registering to vote or voting
Noncitizens who falsify their citizenship status could face criminal sanctions including jail time, deportation or fines."""
Why does the right wing need to lie?
You know the democrats have a good idea when the GOP attempts to scare people by lying about it. Usually the best ideas will include lies about brown and black people benefiting from the proposal. That scares the typical "poorly educated" trumpster.
Sounds familiar. Just like the OP. No evidence just a scary accusation about brown people voting.
It would be great if the right could actually criticize a Democrat bill honestly. HR1 isn't perfect.
Are they not intelligent enough to honestly disagree with the policy?
Too lazy?
Or do they know that the trump base always falls for lies when brown or black people are the main character?
So, by your silly belief that Mexicans are Americans, that means you support their right to vote in our elections. No fucking wonder you support the dismantling of this country. You're as bad as the progressives and far left liberals who hate this country. Fuck you, you communist mutant.
Non citizens cannot vote. It is unlawful for non citizens to vote in Federal elections.
into the night is a globalist libertarian zealotry.
Sounds like a One World Order type. Right out of the (excellent) Rush album 2112. Maybe Neal (RIP) was on to something