The Left seems to want to allow non-citizens to vote

They might or might not. But when you combine their being registered with an automatic mail-in ballot, and ballot harvesting, you get a perfect storm. You just need a neighborhood operative to go around to all the addresses with illegals at them, ask for the ballots--getting a signature or whatever is needed--and then fill them out and send them in. The operative could even lie to the illegals about everything to their face.
I'm not saying it's going to happen and be widespread, but HR 1 makes it possible and that shouldn't be in a US election.

In other words, it will not happen. :thumbsup: Like I said, there's nothing to worry about.

I have ZERO faith that a government bureaucracy will catch these 'mistakes' and correct them. My view is that catching the mistakes will only happen when some outside force is applied and then the bureaucracy is forced to move to fix the problem found. I have no faith that the bureaucracy will even attempt to do more than put a bandaid on an amputation in terms of resolution. That's particularly true if the bureaucracy is sympathetic to the outcome. That is, if the party controlling the bureaucracy wants the outcome the illegal voting would support they'll do the minimum to fix the problem.

Trump and the GOP was in charge.

I say there's everything to worry about, and that is why HR 1 shouldn't pass. We shouldn't be creating potential conditions for voter fraud deliberately which is exactly what HR 1 does.

You worry because they tell you to worry. That's all there is to it.

Again, there is nothing to worry about.
True, Mexico is not a part of the States of America... but it IS a part of America (which is North and South America, collectively).

Mexicans are Americans. So are Canadians. So are Chileans.

They aren't referred to as Americans.
all of north america is not the United States. Are you really as dumb as you appear? So you think canadians and mexicans can vote in US elections? then can we vote in canadian and mexican elections?

some of your comments are either driven by insanity or you are trying to be a clown.

If HR1 passes, Canadians and Mexicans can vote in US elections.
So? I showed you how it is easily possible for it to happen. Politifact plays--as usual--fast and loose with the facts.

For example the article says this:

No, they won't I pointed out the sections where it is made illegal to ask immigration status while at the same time automatically registering anyone who applies for a driver's license. That's right in the bill.

Politifact then says this linking their claim to another article by them (circular referencing, a logical fallacy).

Section 1015 contradicts this directly. It holds blameless anyone who accidently or not purposely registered or voted by mistake. Try proving someone did it deliberately...

That's followed by this appeal to popularity:

Then they continue their march into logical absurdity with this:

The first link is the equally dubious WaPo fact check opinion column that flays opponents of HR 1. Their second goes here:

It directly contradicts their claim that just one illegal was registered stating that 1500 were registered by mistake out of 23,000 wrong registrations. It also doesn't provide any confidence there were other mistakes made on a similar or even larger scale that have gone undetected.

I rate Politico's article:


Don't forget the automatic registration clause.
Section 1015 contradicts that directly. As for federal law still in force, that to is modified heavily throughout section 2 "Automatic Voter Registration." Politico's author obviously didn't read the bill itself.

There is no federal law anymore. There is no federal government anymore. It has fallen. I call it the SODC now. They have discarded the Constitution completely.
There is nothing in HB1 allowing non-citizens to vote. States and cities can already allow non-citizens to vote in state and local elections and there are some cities that currently allow it.
Yes there is. Obviously, you haven't read it. The bill violates the Constitution of the United States and pretty much every State constitution.
There is nothing in the Constitution requiring citizenship to vote. Congress passed a law in the 1990s requiring citizenship for federal elections.
See Articles I, and amendments 15 and 17. The people of a State are the citizens of that State. Non-citizens are not people of any State (not even of the State they are living in). Congress did not need to pass a law.
Non-citizens are not necessarily illegals.
Irrelevant. Non-citizens cannot vote.
Again, noncitizens are not allowed to vote. The Federal law makes sure of that. You can relax.

Agreed. However, there is nothing requiring proof of citizenship when registering to vote and many non-citizens (not illegals) have been registered although we do not know how many actually voted. We need to tighten up the laws associated with registration.
He didn't say that. It was Mayorkas who said that.

Does he work for Biden? Isn't his job to implement Biden's policies? Doesn't he take direction from Biden? Isn't he Biden's spokesperson on the topic of immigration? So if not from Biden, where did he get his Cuban rhetoric?
Yes they are. Canadians are Americans. Mexicans are Americans. Brazilians are Americans. Panamanians are Americans. Colombians are Americans. Argentinians are Americans.

I disagree with you on that. In common international parlance only US citizens are referred to as Americans. People from central and south america are referred to by their country of citizenship i.e. mexican, Columbian, Argentinian, etc.
I disagree with you on that. In common international parlance only US citizens are referred to as Americans. People from central and south america are referred to by their country of citizenship i.e. mexican, Columbian, Argentinian, etc.

'Common international parlance'?? Who are you speaking for? You only get to speak for you.

All of these are Americans. All of these nations are on the American continent.