The Left seems to want to allow non-citizens to vote

Yes you can.

(D) the substantive qualifications of an elector in the State as listed in the mail voter registration application form for elections for Federal office prescribed pursuant to section 9 of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993, the consequences of false registration, and a statement that the individual should decline to register if the individual does not meet all those qualifications;

You can maybe, I've tried and it doesn't let me.
You can maybe, I've tried and it doesn't let me.

(f) Institutions Of Higher Education.—

(1) IN GENERAL.—Each covered institution of higher education shall be treated as a contributing agency in the State in which the institution is located with respect to in-State students.


(A) IN GENERAL.—Notwithstanding section 444 of the General Education Provisions Act (20 U.S.C. 1232g; commonly referred to as the ’Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974”) or any other provision of law, each covered institution of higher education shall comply with the requirements of subsection (b) with respect to each in-State student.

(B) RULES FOR COMPLIANCE.—In complying with the requirements described in subparagraph (A), the institution—

(i) may use information provided in the Free Application for Federal Student Aid described in section 483 of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1090) to collect information described in paragraph (3) of such subsection for purposes of transmitting such information to the appropriate State election official pursuant to such paragraph; and

(ii) shall not be required to prevent or delay students from enrolling in a course of study or otherwise impede the completion of the enrollment process; and (iii) shall not withhold, delay, or impede the provision of Federal financial aid provided under title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965.

(C) CLARIFICATION.—Nothing in this part may be construed to require an institution of higher education to request each student to affirm whether or not the student is a United States citizen or otherwise collect information with respect to citizenship.
(f) Institutions Of Higher Education.—

(1) IN GENERAL.—Each covered institution of higher education shall be treated as a contributing agency in the State in which the institution is located with respect to in-State students.


(A) IN GENERAL.—Notwithstanding section 444 of the General Education Provisions Act (20 U.S.C. 1232g; commonly referred to as the ’Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974”) or any other provision of law, each covered institution of higher education shall comply with the requirements of subsection (b) with respect to each in-State student.

(B) RULES FOR COMPLIANCE.—In complying with the requirements described in subparagraph (A), the institution—

(i) may use information provided in the Free Application for Federal Student Aid described in section 483 of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1090) to collect information described in paragraph (3) of such subsection for purposes of transmitting such information to the appropriate State election official pursuant to such paragraph; and

(ii) shall not be required to prevent or delay students from enrolling in a course of study or otherwise impede the completion of the enrollment process; and (iii) shall not withhold, delay, or impede the provision of Federal financial aid provided under title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965.

(C) CLARIFICATION.—Nothing in this part may be construed to require an institution of higher education to request each student to affirm whether or not the student is a United States citizen or otherwise collect information with respect to citizenship.

Those two provisions in tandem allow a non-citizen student paying in-state tuition to be registered to vote when you combine it with Section 2 provisions for automatic voter registration.

Of course, this varies by state. For example, in California a DACA student could be registered to vote using these provisions. In Arizona, they couldn't be registered as they pay 150% of in state tuition, thus are not paying "in-state tuition."

But it holds that students who are foreign nationals can be registered to vote if they pay in-state tuition.
Those two provisions in tandem allow a non-citizen student paying in-state tuition to be registered to vote when you combine it with Section 2 provisions for automatic voter registration.

Of course, this varies by state. For example, in California a DACA student could be registered to vote using these provisions. In Arizona, they couldn't be registered as they pay 150% of in state tuition, thus are not paying "in-state tuition."

But it holds that students who are foreign nationals can be registered to vote if they pay in-state tuition.
Mexico is not a part of the United States.
True, Mexico is not a part of the States of America... but it IS a part of America (which is North and South America, collectively).

Mexicans are Americans. So are Canadians. So are Chileans.

So? I showed you how it is easily possible for it to happen. Politifact plays--as usual--fast and loose with the facts.

For example the article says this:

If a person’s citizenship status isn’t on file at the government office, that person will have to fill out a registration form attesting to their citizenship. Noncitizens who falsify their citizenship status on one of these applications would be risking criminal sanction, Green said.

No, they won't I pointed out the sections where it is made illegal to ask immigration status while at the same time automatically registering anyone who applies for a driver's license. That's right in the bill.

Those who violate the law by voting or registering to vote can face incarceration, deportation or fines.
Politifact then says this linking their claim to another article by them (circular referencing, a logical fallacy).

Section 1015 contradicts this directly. It holds blameless anyone who accidently or not purposely registered or voted by mistake. Try proving someone did it deliberately...

That's followed by this appeal to popularity:
Nearly 20 states and the District of Columbia have already either passed or implemented automatic voter registration, according to the Brennan Center for Justice.

Then they continue their march into logical absurdity with this:
Opponents of H.R. 1 have pointed to a glitch in California’s automatic voter registration program in 2018, which erroneously registered thousands of people to vote, including at least one noncitizen. Officials said that the error resulted from a programming flaw, and that they canceled the registrations and fixed the system.

The first link is the equally dubious WaPo fact check opinion column that flays opponents of HR 1. Their second goes here:

It directly contradicts their claim that just one illegal was registered stating that 1500 were registered by mistake out of 23,000 wrong registrations. It also doesn't provide any confidence there were other mistakes made on a similar or even larger scale that have gone undetected.

I rate Politico's article:

So? I showed you how it is easily possible for it to happen. Politifact plays--as usual--fast and loose with the facts.

For example the article says this:

No, they won't I pointed out the sections where it is made illegal to ask immigration status while at the same time automatically registering anyone who applies for a driver's license. That's right in the bill.

Politifact then says this linking their claim to another article by them (circular referencing, a logical fallacy).

Section 1015 contradicts this directly. It holds blameless anyone who accidently or not purposely registered or voted by mistake. Try proving someone did it deliberately...

That's followed by this appeal to popularity:

Then they continue their march into logical absurdity with this:

The first link is the equally dubious WaPo fact check opinion column that flays opponents of HR 1. Their second goes here:

It directly contradicts their claim that just one illegal was registered stating that 1500 were registered by mistake out of 23,000 wrong registrations. It also doesn't provide any confidence there were other mistakes made on a similar or even larger scale that have gone undetected.

I rate Politico's article:


Apparently you missed the part in the article that states that the Federal law is still in effect.

Sorry Charlie. No cigar for you this time.
Section 1015 contradicts that directly. As for federal law still in force, that to is modified heavily throughout section 2 "Automatic Voter Registration." Politico's author obviously didn't read the bill itself.

How so? It protects people from being prosecuted for violation of the Federal law when errors occur.

(a) Protections For Errors In Registration.—An individual shall not be prosecuted under any Federal or State law, adversely affected in any civil adjudication concerning immigration status or naturalization, or subject to an allegation in any legal proceeding that the individual is not a citizen of the United States on any of the following grounds:

(1) The individual notified an election office of the individual’s automatic registration to vote under this part.

(2) The individual is not eligible to vote in elections for Federal office but was automatically registered to vote under this part.

(3) The individual was automatically registered to vote under this part at an incorrect address.

(4) The individual declined the opportunity to register to vote or did not make an affirmation of citizenship, including through automatic registration, under this part.

(b) Limits On Use Of Automatic Registration.—The automatic registration of any individual or the fact that an individual declined the opportunity to register to vote or did not make an affirmation of citizenship (including through automatic registration) under this part may not be used as evidence against that individual in any State or Federal law enforcement proceeding, and an individual’s lack of knowledge or willfulness of such registration may be demonstrated by the individual’s testimony alone.

(c) Protection Of Election Integrity.—Nothing in subsections (a) or (b) may be construed to prohibit or restrict any action under color of law against an individual who—

(1) knowingly and willfully makes a false statement to effectuate or perpetuate automatic voter registration by any individual; or

(2) casts a ballot knowingly and willfully in violation of State law or the laws of the United States.

(d) Contributing Agencies’ Protection Of Information.—Nothing in this part authorizes a contributing agency to collect, retain, transmit, or publicly disclose any of the following:

(1) An individual’s decision to decline to register to vote or not to register to vote.

(2) An individual’s decision not to affirm his or her citizenship.

(3) Any information that a contributing agency transmits pursuant to section 1013(b)(3), except in pursuing the agency’s ordinary course of business.

(e) Election Officials’ Protection Of Information.—


(A) IN GENERAL.—Subject to subparagraph (B), with respect to any individual for whom any State election official receives information from a contributing agency, the State election officials shall not publicly disclose any of the following:

(i) The identity of the contributing agency.

(ii) Any information not necessary to voter registration.

(iii) Any voter information otherwise shielded from disclosure under State law or section 8(a) of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (52 U.S.C. 20507(a)).

(iv) Any portion of the individual’s social security number.

(v) Any portion of the individual’s motor vehicle driver’s license number.

(vi) The individual’s signature.

(vii) The individual’s telephone number.

(viii) The individual’s email address.

(B) SPECIAL RULE FOR INDIVIDUALS REGISTERED TO VOTE.—With respect to any individual for whom any State election official receives information from a contributing agency and who, on the basis of such information, is registered to vote in the State under this part, the State election officials shall not publicly disclose any of the following:

(i) The identity of the contributing agency.

(ii) Any information not necessary to voter registration.

(iii) Any voter information otherwise shielded from disclosure under State law or section 8(a) of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (52 U.S.C. 20507(a)).

(iv) Any portion of the individual’s social security number.

(v) Any portion of the individual’s motor vehicle driver’s license number.

(vi) The individual’s signature.

(2) VOTER RECORD CHANGES.—Each State shall maintain for at least 2 years and shall make available for public inspection (and, where available, photocopying at a reasonable cost), including in electronic form and through electronic methods, all records of changes to voter records, including removals, the reasons for removals, and updates.

(3) DATABASE MANAGEMENT STANDARDS.—The Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology shall, after providing the public with notice and the opportunity to comment—

(A) establish standards governing the comparison of data for voter registration list maintenance purposes, identifying as part of such standards the specific data elements, the matching rules used, and how a State may use the data to determine and deem that an individual is ineligible under State law to vote in an election, or to deem a record to be a duplicate or outdated;

(B) ensure that the standards developed pursuant to this paragraph are uniform and nondiscriminatory and are applied in a uniform and nondiscriminatory manner; and

(C) not later than 45 days after the deadline for public notice and comment, publish the standards developed pursuant to this paragraph on the Director’s website and make those standards available in written form upon request.

(4) SECURITY POLICY.—The Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology shall, after providing the public with notice and the opportunity to comment, publish privacy and security standards for voter registration information not later than 45 days after the deadline for public notice and comment. The standards shall require the chief State election official of each State to adopt a policy that shall specify—

(A) each class of users who shall have authorized access to the computerized statewide voter registration list, specifying for each class the permission and levels of access to be granted, and setting forth other safeguards to protect the privacy, security, and accuracy of the information on the list; and

(B) security safeguards to protect personal information transmitted through the information transmittal processes of section 1013 or section 1014, the online system used pursuant to section 1017, any telephone interface, the maintenance of the voter registration database, and any audit procedure to track access to the system.


(A) CERTIFICATION.—The chief executive officer of the State shall annually file with the Election Assistance Commission a statement certifying to the Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology that the State is in compliance with the standards referred to in paragraphs (3) and (4). A State may meet the requirement of the previous sentence by filing with the Commission a statement which reads as follows: “_____ hereby certifies that it is in compliance with the standards referred to in paragraphs (3) and (4) of section 1015(e) of the Automatic Voter Registration Act of 2021.” (with the blank to be filled in with the name of the State involved).

(B) PUBLICATION OF POLICIES AND PROCEDURES.—The chief State election official of a State shall publish on the official’s website the policies and procedures established under this section, and shall make those policies and procedures available in written form upon public request.

(C) FUNDING DEPENDENT ON CERTIFICATION.—If a State does not timely file the certification required under this paragraph, it shall not receive any payment under this part for the upcoming fiscal year.

(D) COMPLIANCE OF STATES THAT REQUIRE CHANGES TO STATE LAW.—In the case of a State that requires State legislation to carry out an activity covered by any certification submitted under this paragraph, for a period of not more than 2 years the State shall be permitted to make the certification notwithstanding that the legislation has not been enacted at the time the certification is submitted, and such State shall submit an additional certification once such legislation is enacted.

(f) Restrictions On Use Of Information.—No person acting under color of law may discriminate against any individual based on, or use for any purpose other than voter registration, election administration, or enforcement relating to election crimes, any of the following:

(1) Voter registration records.

(2) An individual’s declination to register to vote or complete an affirmation of citizenship under section 1013(b).

(3) An individual’s voter registration status.

(g) Prohibition On The Use Of Voter Registration Information For Commercial Purposes.—Information collected under this part shall not be used for commercial purposes. Nothing in this subsection may be construed to prohibit the transmission, exchange, or dissemination of information for political purposes, including the support of campaigns for election for Federal, State, or local public office or the activities of political committees (including committees of political parties) under the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971.
How so? It protects people from being prosecuted for violation of the Federal law when errors occur.

(a) Protections For Errors In Registration.—An individual shall not be prosecuted under any Federal or State law, adversely affected in any civil adjudication concerning immigration status or naturalization, or subject to an allegation in any legal proceeding that the individual is not a citizen of the United States on any of the following grounds:

(1) The individual notified an election office of the individual’s automatic registration to vote under this part.

(2) The individual is not eligible to vote in elections for Federal office but was automatically registered to vote under this part.

(3) The individual was automatically registered to vote under this part at an incorrect address.

(4) The individual declined the opportunity to register to vote or did not make an affirmation of citizenship, including through automatic registration, under this part.

(b) Limits On Use Of Automatic Registration.—The automatic registration of any individual or the fact that an individual declined the opportunity to register to vote or did not make an affirmation of citizenship (including through automatic registration) under this part may not be used as evidence against that individual in any State or Federal law enforcement proceeding, and an individual’s lack of knowledge or willfulness of such registration may be demonstrated by the individual’s testimony alone.

(c) Protection Of Election Integrity.—Nothing in subsections (a) or (b) may be construed to prohibit or restrict any action under color of law against an individual who—

(1) knowingly and willfully makes a false statement to effectuate or perpetuate automatic voter registration by any individual; or

(2) casts a ballot knowingly and willfully in violation of State law or the laws of the United States.

(d) Contributing Agencies’ Protection Of Information.—Nothing in this part authorizes a contributing agency to collect, retain, transmit, or publicly disclose any of the following:

(1) An individual’s decision to decline to register to vote or not to register to vote.

(2) An individual’s decision not to affirm his or her citizenship.

(3) Any information that a contributing agency transmits pursuant to section 1013(b)(3), except in pursuing the agency’s ordinary course of business.

(e) Election Officials’ Protection Of Information.—


(A) IN GENERAL.—Subject to subparagraph (B), with respect to any individual for whom any State election official receives information from a contributing agency, the State election officials shall not publicly disclose any of the following:

(i) The identity of the contributing agency.

(ii) Any information not necessary to voter registration.

(iii) Any voter information otherwise shielded from disclosure under State law or section 8(a) of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (52 U.S.C. 20507(a)).

(iv) Any portion of the individual’s social security number.

(v) Any portion of the individual’s motor vehicle driver’s license number.

(vi) The individual’s signature.

(vii) The individual’s telephone number.

(viii) The individual’s email address.

(B) SPECIAL RULE FOR INDIVIDUALS REGISTERED TO VOTE.—With respect to any individual for whom any State election official receives information from a contributing agency and who, on the basis of such information, is registered to vote in the State under this part, the State election officials shall not publicly disclose any of the following:

(i) The identity of the contributing agency.

(ii) Any information not necessary to voter registration.

(iii) Any voter information otherwise shielded from disclosure under State law or section 8(a) of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (52 U.S.C. 20507(a)).

(iv) Any portion of the individual’s social security number.

(v) Any portion of the individual’s motor vehicle driver’s license number.

(vi) The individual’s signature.

(2) VOTER RECORD CHANGES.—Each State shall maintain for at least 2 years and shall make available for public inspection (and, where available, photocopying at a reasonable cost), including in electronic form and through electronic methods, all records of changes to voter records, including removals, the reasons for removals, and updates.

(3) DATABASE MANAGEMENT STANDARDS.—The Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology shall, after providing the public with notice and the opportunity to comment—

(A) establish standards governing the comparison of data for voter registration list maintenance purposes, identifying as part of such standards the specific data elements, the matching rules used, and how a State may use the data to determine and deem that an individual is ineligible under State law to vote in an election, or to deem a record to be a duplicate or outdated;

(B) ensure that the standards developed pursuant to this paragraph are uniform and nondiscriminatory and are applied in a uniform and nondiscriminatory manner; and

(C) not later than 45 days after the deadline for public notice and comment, publish the standards developed pursuant to this paragraph on the Director’s website and make those standards available in written form upon request.

(4) SECURITY POLICY.—The Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology shall, after providing the public with notice and the opportunity to comment, publish privacy and security standards for voter registration information not later than 45 days after the deadline for public notice and comment. The standards shall require the chief State election official of each State to adopt a policy that shall specify—

(A) each class of users who shall have authorized access to the computerized statewide voter registration list, specifying for each class the permission and levels of access to be granted, and setting forth other safeguards to protect the privacy, security, and accuracy of the information on the list; and

(B) security safeguards to protect personal information transmitted through the information transmittal processes of section 1013 or section 1014, the online system used pursuant to section 1017, any telephone interface, the maintenance of the voter registration database, and any audit procedure to track access to the system.


(A) CERTIFICATION.—The chief executive officer of the State shall annually file with the Election Assistance Commission a statement certifying to the Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology that the State is in compliance with the standards referred to in paragraphs (3) and (4). A State may meet the requirement of the previous sentence by filing with the Commission a statement which reads as follows: “_____ hereby certifies that it is in compliance with the standards referred to in paragraphs (3) and (4) of section 1015(e) of the Automatic Voter Registration Act of 2021.” (with the blank to be filled in with the name of the State involved).

(B) PUBLICATION OF POLICIES AND PROCEDURES.—The chief State election official of a State shall publish on the official’s website the policies and procedures established under this section, and shall make those policies and procedures available in written form upon public request.

(C) FUNDING DEPENDENT ON CERTIFICATION.—If a State does not timely file the certification required under this paragraph, it shall not receive any payment under this part for the upcoming fiscal year.

(D) COMPLIANCE OF STATES THAT REQUIRE CHANGES TO STATE LAW.—In the case of a State that requires State legislation to carry out an activity covered by any certification submitted under this paragraph, for a period of not more than 2 years the State shall be permitted to make the certification notwithstanding that the legislation has not been enacted at the time the certification is submitted, and such State shall submit an additional certification once such legislation is enacted.

(f) Restrictions On Use Of Information.—No person acting under color of law may discriminate against any individual based on, or use for any purpose other than voter registration, election administration, or enforcement relating to election crimes, any of the following:

(1) Voter registration records.

(2) An individual’s declination to register to vote or complete an affirmation of citizenship under section 1013(b).

(3) An individual’s voter registration status.

(g) Prohibition On The Use Of Voter Registration Information For Commercial Purposes.—Information collected under this part shall not be used for commercial purposes. Nothing in this subsection may be construed to prohibit the transmission, exchange, or dissemination of information for political purposes, including the support of campaigns for election for Federal, State, or local public office or the activities of political committees (including committees of political parties) under the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971.

Yep, and as I said, held blameless unless the government can prove they did it deliberately and intentionally. Thus, one more proof that this bill will register and allow foreign nationals to vote even if it gives a wink and a nod to saying that won't happen.

In fact, it's easier to hold the state accountable for not registering someone to vote than it is to hold someone ineligible to vote accountable for registering and voting.
Yep, and as I said, held blameless unless the government can prove they did it deliberately and intentionally. Thus, one more proof that this bill will register and allow foreign nationals to vote even if it gives a wink and a nod to saying that won't happen.

In fact, it's easier to hold the state accountable for not registering someone to vote than it is to hold someone ineligible to vote accountable for registering and voting.

That is not what it says. If there is an error, the vote will not be entered.
That is not what it says. If there is an error, the vote will not be entered.

(a) Protections For Errors In Registration.—An individual shall not be prosecuted under any Federal or State law, adversely affected in any civil adjudication concerning immigration status or naturalization, or subject to an allegation in any legal proceeding that the individual is not a citizen of the United States on any of the following grounds:

The conditions that follow amount to "Didn't know."
I've often said that the 14th Amendment has served it's purpose many, many years ago and should be removed entirely.
Every illegal should be send back where they came from and never be allowed back in this country. If they return, euthanize them.

There is nothing in HB1 allowing non-citizens to vote. States and cities can already allow non-citizens to vote in state and local elections and there are some cities that currently allow it.

There is nothing in the Constitution requiring citizenship to vote. Congress passed a law in the 1990s requiring citizenship for federal elections.

Non-citizens are not necessarily illegals.
I'd say we'd be lucky if the safeguards were 10% effective in this case.

1. Why would the illegals vote, if they even managed to do that?
2. If there is any impropriety, you can be sure they will have caught it. That's how bureaucracy works.

Again, there is nothing to worry about.
1. Why would the illegals vote, if they even managed to do that?

They might or might not. But when you combine their being registered with an automatic mail-in ballot, and ballot harvesting, you get a perfect storm. You just need a neighborhood operative to go around to all the addresses with illegals at them, ask for the ballots--getting a signature or whatever is needed--and then fill them out and send them in. The operative could even lie to the illegals about everything to their face.
I'm not saying it's going to happen and be widespread, but HR 1 makes it possible and that shouldn't be in a US election.

2. If there is any impropriety, you can be sure they will have caught it. That's how bureaucracy works.

I have ZERO faith that a government bureaucracy will catch these 'mistakes' and correct them. My view is that catching the mistakes will only happen when some outside force is applied and then the bureaucracy is forced to move to fix the problem found. I have no faith that the bureaucracy will even attempt to do more than put a bandaid on an amputation in terms of resolution. That's particularly true if the bureaucracy is sympathetic to the outcome. That is, if the party controlling the bureaucracy wants the outcome the illegal voting would support they'll do the minimum to fix the problem.

Again, there is nothing to worry about.

I say there's everything to worry about, and that is why HR 1 shouldn't pass. We shouldn't be creating potential conditions for voter fraud deliberately which is exactly what HR 1 does.