The next time you lefties need your car repaired, plumber, electrician, general maintenance man or any of the myriad of professions that require specialized training and not a sheep skin. Insist that they be college educated then see how long it takes to get the needed repairs. College is great for many professions but often technical schools are just as demanding when it comes to knowledge and intelligence as many college degree programs. So sneer at the poor uneducated boob fixing your plumbing making $40 an hour with no student debt. Yea a college degree really makes one superior. I have an advanced Bachelors degree so I am speaking from experience.
Plumbers, electricians, and stay at home mothers are honorable work.
What I generally object to is abject ignorance. Plenty of blue collar workers are smart, self taught, and life long learners.
Plenty of dudes with Ph.D.s thought invading Iraq was going to be the most awesome idea ever.
Plenty of dudes with Masters degrees thought the George Dumbya Bush economy was performing admirably up until early 2008.
While plenty of people with only high school degrees understood in a visceral way that invading Iraq was a dumb ass idea, and that the Bush economy was built on debt, and doing nothing for average working Americans.
Wrapping up: before you even have standing to complain about this, you need to practice what you preach. Plenty of Trump boot-lickers yucked it up about John Kerry because he was fluent in French, and spoke like an Ivy League college graduate. What you wanted was a dumb ass president who seemed like you could have a beer with him.
If you are going to mock higher education, if you are going to support anti-intellectualism, then you have no standing to cry about those who mock the poorly educated.