The left sneers at those who do not have college degrees.

The next time you lefties need your car repaired, plumber, electrician, general maintenance man or any of the myriad of professions that require specialized training and not a sheep skin. Insist that they be college educated then see how long it takes to get the needed repairs. College is great for many professions but often technical schools are just as demanding when it comes to knowledge and intelligence as many college degree programs. So sneer at the poor uneducated boob fixing your plumbing making $40 an hour with no student debt. Yea a college degree really makes one superior. I have an advanced Bachelors degree so I am speaking from experience.

so did you go to the jethro bodine correspondence school for lawn mowing?
Poor dears....Bachelor plus is simply beyond their comprehension...;) Teachers, especially, continue to add to/improve their initial degree;)* Who doesn't?
Guess we know who;)
if you dont have one you are going no where.. your income earning power is cut in half.. why would you not go to college its like dropping out of high school was 50 years ago, its something a loser does
A fucking certificate. Just hilarious. Why did you try to dodge the question all along?

Oh, I know why. It’s a fucking certificate. :rofl2:
I'm sorry you're so confused:) You obviously don't understand updating/adding to a degree:) Good to know you're happy with your Basic '76....*
if you dont have one you are going no where.. your income earning power is cut in half.. why would you not go to college its like dropping out of high school was 50 years ago, its something a loser does

That all depends on ones degree. Technical careers that do not require a degree will often tie or exceed the wages of those with lower degrees.
That all depends on ones degree. Technical careers that do not require a degree will often tie or exceed the wages of those with lower degrees.

The claim that others are sneering sounds like an inferiority complex to me. Self abuse or something.
The claim that others are sneering sounds like an inferiority complex to me. Self abuse or something.

Nope just citing a fact. You lefties think you are better and smarter than anyone who disagrees with you. Couple your inflated egos with the fact you seem to think The reconstruction*of the south is still going on, which is causing a rift that may never be repaired. But hell as long as you all feel good that's all that matters.
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