The Leftist exhibition of the lowest of lowlifes

That’s why you never, ever post any Fox or Robo lies & debunk them, right?

How so? Everybody seems to have zero problems getting to the Social Security office to get signed up. Everybody you mention gets driver’s licences. Everybody finds the welfare office easy enough, so what’s the problem?

You register for SS online. You can renew your license plates online too.
Your claim that is not a problem is just a city viewpoint. In the country they have far fewer offices and many have short hours. It is a pain in the ass to renew.
That’s why you never, ever post any Fox or Robo lies & debunk them, right?

How so? Everybody seems to have zero problems getting to the Social Security office to get signed up. Everybody you mention gets driver’s licences. Everybody finds the welfare office easy enough, so what’s the problem?
I don't watch Fox, precisely because they are the Trump Propaganda Network. Your lies tend to debunk themselves, they are so transparent. Your usual rants about Comey and how he's going to be prosecuted have turned out to be baseless rants. Go back to your hiding place and your coloring books, and your TV permanently tuned to Fox. You have no use for, or interest in, reality.

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You register for SS online. You can renew your license plates online too.
Your claim that is not a problem is just a city viewpoint. In the country they have far fewer offices and many have short hours. It is a pain in the ass to renew.

So you, like me, "out in the country," go to your township office on horseback to register to vote and to vote, so where's the problem with presenting some documents to prove you're a citizen? You don't have any documents? tough cookies, GET SOME!
I don't watch Fox, precisely because they are the Trump Propaganda Network.

Actually Fox has some anti-Trumpers in their fold that should be working at CNN like Shep Smith & Cris Wallace. Likely the only reason they’re not at CNN is because even they at Fox make an attempt to hide their biases unlike the scumbag racist frauds at CNN.

Your lies tend to debunk themselves, they are so transparent.

But you can’t post one with your brilliant rebuttal attached, right? That’s what I call “TRANSPARENCY!”

Your usual rants about Comey and how he's going to be prosecuted have turned out to be baseless rants. Go back to your hiding place and your coloring books, and your TV permanently tuned to Fox. You have no use for, or interest in, reality.

Sure! I just imagined the Inspector General’s criminal indictment referral to the Justice Department for Comey’s illegally possessing & leaking classified information. I still hold out hope that the really BIG bomb of justice is about to happen and when it does, it will be fantastic to see the leftist scum craw back under their rocks!
Actually Fox has some anti-Trumpers in their fold that should be working at CNN like Shep Smith & Cris Wallace. Likely the only reason they’re not at CNN is because even they at Fox make an attempt to hide their biases unlike the scumbag racist frauds at CNN.

But you can’t post one with your brilliant rebuttal attached, right? That’s what I call “TRANSPARENCY!”

Sure! I just imagined the Inspector General’s criminal indictment referral to the Justice Department for Comey’s illegally possessing & leaking classified information. I still hold out hope that the really BIG bomb of justice is about to happen and when it does, it will be fantastic to see the leftist scum craw back under their rocks!

Your usual wishful thinking. Even Fox admits that there's nothing to that referral, since the information wasn't classified until after Comey passed it on, thus nothing illegal.

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In any gerrymandered state, there are universities that have already done the work on fair redistricting. The reds reject it because they don't care about treating voters fairly. They like what their cheating has brought them. It can be fixed. The Republicans cannot be.

Those districts haven't changed in 40 years. Just because a few Republicans moved into them, now all of a sudden you leftists cry foul. You sure didn't bitch when Democrats moved into districts and "tipped the scales," did you, hypocrite?
Like I said, nothing changed for the last 40 years, why are you leftists crying now?

The fact that you do not know gerrymandering has been a huge subject in American politics for the last 30 years only says something about you. Do some homework. Ballot initiatives have been voted on for years and they pass. It is a terrible way to take the power of the vote from the people and give it to Repub politicians. They have been doing it in Mich for 20 years. The people voted to end it and as Repubs do, they are ignoring the will of the people and refuse to do it.
In all of my 83 years on earth I have never ever seen such the lowest exhibition of political low-life scumbag-ism before, as what is being displayed since the latest mass shootings/killings in Texas & Ohio. The Democrat candidates for the Presidency & the leftist media have put in place the absolute most disgusting political tactic in the history of the United States Of America. The absurd viral display of hatred and outrageous lies directed at the President & the blaming of those shooting on him is like nothing I’ve ever witnessed in the political arena before. Disgusting is a softball definition of this pure preposterous puke.

Donald Trump’s electoral college trouncing of the felon Hillary Clinton sent the leftist loonies into their closets with their coloring books crayons, teddy bears and crying towels. They came out seeking revenge with the Mueller Witch Hunt to frame the President of a crime, NO COLLUSION, NO CONSPIRACY, NO OBSTRUCTION that left the rabid leftist junkyard dogs in a state of disbelief & despair & thoughts of suicidal relief.

Now their latest tactics since the death of Russia, Russia, Russia Is RACISM, RACISM, RACISM & TRUMP THE MASS MURDERER!

Who the hell are these low-life scumbag idiots & who in hell on earth pays attention & agreement with such trash? They are the Dividers Of The Masses who accuse Trump of dividing the masses. They are the bleeping racist obsessed with America’s skin colors that accuse Trump of racism. These are the worst of all liars that accuse trump of lying. They are America’s leftist authoritarian lying low-life creeps!

Democrats are scum. All decent people know that.
Donald J. Trump, America's best President and protector of women & folks of color since Abraham Lincoln! Lowest black, Hispanic & female unemployment rates in the History of these United States Of America! America thanks & loves you Donald!

All of those unemployment rates have been dropping since 2010. Nothing changed after the election, except for you eagerly gobbling up Trump's cum.

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You can’t post a single racist act or statement made by Donald J. Trump!

FOX NEWS, the land of lovely ladies, fair & balanced news and the enemy of the lying assed left! The place where the left are forbidden to go by the FAKE NEWS that controls their minds.

Lou Dobbs, Tucker Carlson, Hannity & all of those FOXY ladies. A red blooded male’s news paradise! Every brilliant person’s place for honest information!

Fox is better described as The Trump Propaganda Network. They shovel loads of propaganda into your eager brain. Fox watchers don't have to think about anything. Fox tells them what to think and believe. Fox is the "place for honest information" because that's what Fox tells you to believe.

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Asking a bleeping brainwashed leftist for evidence of their puke is like asking tree bark to sexually excite you.
There's no point, just like there's no point in pointing out that Trump's own commission found no evidence of widespread illegal voting. You undoubtedly still believe Trump's claim that over 5 million illegal votes were cast for Hillary and that's why he lost the popular vote.

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you are an evil old man filled to the brim with russian lies

what makes you want to be a traitor to a nation the belongs more to the youth than to you and me now

Im old too

soon both you and me will shuffle off this mortal coil

yet here you are vomiting HATE on your fellow Americans

They have a right to run this nation

and you side with the party that CHEATS its ass off in elections to ROB these young people of their power to direct the nation they will be living in LONG after you and me are gone

some people get selfish and evil in old age



Are you really living as a blank slate that only allows Fox, Trump and Infowars to have chalk? Voter suppression also includes removing voters from the rolls because they claim they have a name like a criminal. It wipes out many black, Latino and older voters. The reds do not want a fair election.
And they won't believe that because it doesn't come from one of their propaganda outlets.

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I've been working a lot the last few days. Difference between Dims and Conservatives is that we have jobs.

Yep! I originally took an early retirement, some 3 to 4 years ago to take care of my sister. She developed a nasty opioid addiction that almost killed her. She's doing much better now. I've stayed retired, mainly to keep an eye on her (we live together) and because I was smart with my retirement plans. I DO miss working at times, but I live well within my means and don't really have to worry about money. I got lucky.