The Leftist exhibition of the lowest of lowlifes

Neither one of you is capable of thinking, as you demonstrate with every post.

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Oh, oh. A lowlife tries to insult. Sadly...


...stupid liberal.
There's no point, just like there's no point in pointing out that Trump's own commission found no evidence of widespread illegal voting. You undoubtedly still believe Trump's claim that over 5 million illegal votes were cast for Hillary and that's why he lost the popular vote.

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There have been commissions run by Dems and run by Repubs and some independent. They all came to the conclusion that voter fraud is extremely rare. Rightys cannot learn. If Trump says it, Robo will believe it.
Trump lies.
In all of my 83 years on earth I have never ever seen such the lowest exhibition of political low-life scumbag-ism before, as what is being displayed since the latest mass shootings/killings in Texas & Ohio. The Democrat candidates for the Presidency & the leftist media have put in place the absolute most disgusting political tactic in the history of the United States Of America. The absurd viral display of hatred and outrageous lies directed at the President & the blaming of those shooting on him is like nothing I’ve ever witnessed in the political arena before. Disgusting is a softball definition of this pure preposterous puke.

Donald Trump’s electoral college trouncing of the felon Hillary Clinton sent the leftist loonies into their closets with their coloring books crayons, teddy bears and crying towels. They came out seeking revenge with the Mueller Witch Hunt to frame the President of a crime, NO COLLUSION, NO CONSPIRACY, NO OBSTRUCTION that left the rabid leftist junkyard dogs in a state of disbelief & despair & thoughts of suicidal relief.

Now their latest tactics since the death of Russia, Russia, Russia Is RACISM, RACISM, RACISM & TRUMP THE MASS MURDERER!

Who the hell are these low-life scumbag idiots & who in hell on earth pays attention & agreement with such trash? They are the Dividers Of The Masses who accuse Trump of dividing the masses. They are the bleeping racist obsessed with America’s skin colors that accuse Trump of racism. These are the worst of all liars that accuse trump of lying. They are America’s leftist authoritarian lying low-life creeps!

This is an excellent summary of the current political landscape. The America you have known all these years is no longer a geographic place, it is now a place in history. The current political landscape was planned way back in the 1960's, here is the outline of it:
In all of my 83 years on earth I have never ever seen such the lowest exhibition of political low-life scumbag-ism before, as what is being displayed since the latest mass shootings/killings in Texas & Ohio. The Democrat candidates for the Presidency & the leftist media have put in place the absolute most disgusting political tactic in the history of the United States Of America. The absurd viral display of hatred and outrageous lies directed at the President & the blaming of those shooting on him is like nothing I’ve ever witnessed in the political arena before. Disgusting is a softball definition of this pure preposterous puke.

Donald Trump’s electoral college trouncing of the felon Hillary Clinton sent the leftist loonies into their closets with their coloring books crayons, teddy bears and crying towels. They came out seeking revenge with the Mueller Witch Hunt to frame the President of a crime, NO COLLUSION, NO CONSPIRACY, NO OBSTRUCTION that left the rabid leftist junkyard dogs in a state of disbelief & despair & thoughts of suicidal relief.

Now their latest tactics since the death of Russia, Russia, Russia Is RACISM, RACISM, RACISM & TRUMP THE MASS MURDERER!

Who the hell are these low-life scumbag idiots & who in hell on earth pays attention & agreement with such trash? They are the Dividers Of The Masses who accuse Trump of dividing the masses. They are the bleeping racist obsessed with America’s skin colors that accuse Trump of racism. These are the worst of all liars that accuse trump of lying. They are America’s leftist authoritarian lying low-life creeps!
The usual denial and paranoid delusions that's all the right has to offer.

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What y’all actually believe in is your twisted sick abilities to blame & accuse a United States of America President of YOUR racism, YOUR dividing of the masses, YOUR bald-face lies & YOUR irrational hatred.
An idiotic political tactical display of hyper insanity. You’re bottom dwellers in the deepest cesspool filled with vomit on planet earth!
You're swimming around in Trump's swamp, full of his shit and vomit. Trump has taken divisiveness to new levels, even worse than the right falsely accused Obama of doing.

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That’s what the fuck you think comrade! I argue YOU’RE the fucking racist asswipe!

That’s your story and I say you’re a liar!

I’m correct about all of this issue! Who assumes the power to decide the definition of Presidential? Some folks think a sugar lipped phony crook like most of them is presidential, and other folks think a man with the balls to say what he thinks and has no cares who the hell likes it is presidential & genuine. “Presidential” is in the eye of the beholder!

Leftist CNN & MSNBC propaganda! The Democrats, their propaganda machine CNN & MSNBC, and brainwashed leftist progressive neo-commie scum are the perps of dividing the masses.

You’re the one spewing hatred and dividing the masses and are unaware of it because you’ve been indoctrinated by leftist media CNN & MSNBC. You’re ignorance is a sickness, look in the mirror fool and see evil!

Purest projection. Trump is the phony crook. He's been a phony crook his entire life. You are completely under the sway of the right-wing lie machine, Fox and the rest of the right-wing propaganda mills. You hate the MSM because they tell the truth about Trump and Fox tells you to hate the truth.

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Wow, nice post! Everything you touched upon is true. Donald Trump was not SUPPOSED to win in 2016. The brainwashed Dems and Libs have been throwing temper tantrums every day since the election. So sad to see. We have the lamestream media (CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS) to blame for the brainwashing. Can you imagine what these fools will be like after President Trump is re-elected next year? It will be wondrous to behold.
You are another one of Trump's brainwashed cultists.

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Could you show us proof of this "cheating" you claim?

Since you can't, maybe it's you who is brainwashed.
The proof has been shown again and again. You are just not allowed by your brainwashing to notice it.

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