The remora of JPP
Go hide in the basement. There is more potential danger flying an airplane or even driving a car.

Go hide in the basement. There is more potential danger flying an airplane or even driving a car.
The Church of the Ozone Hole believes that man caused the ozone layer to deplete and a 'hole' to open up at a pole.None of that is true, idiot, dumbshit. There is no ozone church,
Science isn't a measurement or an observation. Science is a set of falsifiable theories. Denial of science.but science shows it is very big right now.
Denial of science like what you are doing can indeed be called a 'science fallacy'.I guess that is a science fallacy.
The Church of the Ozone Hole believes that man caused the ozone layer to deplete and a 'hole' to open up at a pole.
This fundamentalist style religion denies the Chapman Cycle and chemistry.
Science isn't a measurement or an observation. Science is a set of falsifiable theories. Denial of science.
The 'hole' over Antarctica was large recently because it's winter at that pole. There is no Sun. There is no daylight.
You idiots already believed DuPont's creation of this religion and banned CFC's. They are no longer produced. What's causing the 'hole' now, idiot?
CFC's are inert with ozone. You can put them into a tank of ozone and nothing happens.
Denial of science like what you are doing can indeed be called a 'science fallacy'.
The lefts worst nightmare is the left....with ppl like Joe Manchin and Sinama. Joe M. is so lucky to have constiuents high off of OPIODS, drowning is in disability payments and ignorant to the core. Otherwise this soft spoken low life would be out of a job. Sinama got the immigration problems, something that rallies both sides, together these two anchors on the democrats neck, would push Dem's to do the right things for this country.
The Church of the Ozone Hole believes that man caused the ozone layer to deplete and a 'hole' to open up at a pole.
This fundamentalist style religion denies the Chapman Cycle and chemistry. It was started by the DuPont corporation.
Science isn't a measurement or an observation. Science is a set of falsifiable theories. Denial of science.
The 'hole' over Antarctica was large recently because it's winter at that pole. There is no Sun. There is no daylight.
You idiots already believed DuPont's creation of this religion and banned CFC's. They are no longer produced. What's causing the 'hole' now, idiot?
CFC's are inert with ozone. You can put them into a tank of ozone and nothing happens.
Denial of science like what you are doing can indeed be called a 'science fallacy'.
Aw dude, that came from the Dupont family so they could get everyone away from R-12 and have to buy their proprietary brand of refrigerant.
True story. They are evil bastards..inbred. Owait, you already know this..derp!
"More environmentally friendly than solar or wind".
You probably don't know it, but the biggest fine in the history of ADEQ (Arizona's EPA) was levied against the solar plant, Solana for violations....
Nuke plants don't kill off masses of birds and bats the way wind plants do. They don't require huge tracts of land either. Wind and solar also generate far more pollution in general in the manufacturing process...
You are talking to a retarded troll.
I hope black law-abiding citizens stop the crime in leftist shitholes where the police do not protect them.
Do you know what we're talking about?
Were you there when the Dupont family got the government to ban R12 and CFCs which were in every spray can in America because "Hole in the ozone" bullshit?
Were you?
I know I was.
CFC stands for Chloroflourocarbons.
Yes I was there.
Okay, and what do you think of that?"
I thought it was a good idea to protect our environment.
That's fail. There was nothing wrong with the environment. DuPont just wanted a monopoly on refrigerant gases.
They got it, and twice since then, I believe.
Not deserved, they bribed government to get it.
Everyone has to pay more because of it.
You probably don't know it, but the biggest fine in the history of ADEQ (Arizona's EPA) was levied against the solar plant, Solana for violations....
Nuke plants don't kill off masses of birds and bats the way wind plants do. They don't require huge tracts of land either. Wind and solar also generate far more pollution in general in the manufacturing process...
That stupid post showed us all how easily you are led by the right and corporations. It is too ridiculous to correct.
https://www.greentechmedia.com/arti...rgest-fine-ever-imposed-by-arizona-air-regulaThe Solana CSP Project Gets ‘Largest Fine Ever Imposed’ by Arizona Air Regulators
https://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/new...but-pollution-is-expected-to-continue-8693310County Fines AZ Solar Plant a Record $1.5M, but Pollution Is Expected to Continue
Reality usually upsets the Left...