The LGBT Abusing Society With Lies And Deceptions (share friendly text photo included

They sure are not, pally boy. One is biological, the other is not. And neither is binary as simpletons of your level would have us believe. Educate yourself.

Sex determination

Sex v gender

So lets see, number one degree for liberals,
What is liberal arts today?

So, in a modern context, what is liberal arts education? There are now many subjects that fall within the broad scope of the category; a typical liberal arts degree program is interdisciplinary, covering topics within the humanities, as well as social, natural and formal sciences. There are differences in the particular subjects included in liberal arts degree programs at different institutions. However, the liberal arts spectrum is generally accepted as covering the following fields:

Humanities – includes art, literature, linguistics, philosophy, religion, ethics, modern foreign languages, music, theater, speech, classical languages (Latin/Greek) etc.
Social sciences – includes history, psychology, law, sociology, politics, gender studies, anthropology, economics, geography, business informatics, etc.
Natural sciences – includes astronomy, biology, chemistry, physics, botany, archaeology, zoology, geology, Earth sciences, etc.
Formal sciences – includes mathematics, logic, statistics, etc.

By advocating for gender identity issues, and homosexuality, they are creating work for themselves in the future it is no wonder they are all for it.
Not imbalances. It is just probabilities by all the complications that determine peoples sexes. There are people who have sex organs of one sex and their drives and hormones are for the other sex. That is simply how they are. No ,having a penis did not make them a man. There are strong and powerful chemicals and mental drives that are counter to that. It is not as simple as you are. It is nuanced and personal. Their problems caused by how they were born ,is none of your right wing business.
You are stamping your simple little beliefs on other peoples lives. Butt out.

It is sexual perversion period!
So lets see, number one degree for liberals,
What is liberal arts today?

So, in a modern context, what is liberal arts education? There are now many subjects that fall within the broad scope of the category; a typical liberal arts degree program is interdisciplinary, covering topics within the humanities, as well as social, natural and formal sciences. There are differences in the particular subjects included in liberal arts degree programs at different institutions. However, the liberal arts spectrum is generally accepted as covering the following fields:

Humanities – includes art, literature, linguistics, philosophy, religion, ethics, modern foreign languages, music, theater, speech, classical languages (Latin/Greek) etc.
Social sciences – includes history, psychology, law, sociology, politics, gender studies, anthropology, economics, geography, business informatics, etc.
Natural sciences – includes astronomy, biology, chemistry, physics, botany, archaeology, zoology, geology, Earth sciences, etc.
Formal sciences – includes mathematics, logic, statistics, etc.

By advocating for gender identity issues, and homosexuality, they are creating work for themselves in the future it is no wonder they are all for it.

And all with a better education than you, homeschooler.

Now, rather than divert from the articles, try to address them
Everyone should just ignore the angry fruitcake. Let him play with Volsrock, CFM, and Flanders.

In other words, when someone states facts and hurts your feelings, you believe running like a pussy is OK?

It's clear that domer, Nomad, OwlWoman, christie, and a long list of other pussies have proven that.
They sure are not, pally boy. One is biological, the other is not. And neither is binary as simpletons of your level would have us believe. Educate yourself.

Sex determination

Sex v gender

Anyone can find out for themselves by finding and reading an old ditcionary to find out for thmselves a bunch of liars forccd lies into a dictionary then from thier further claimed that gender was about their lies. Sex and gender are the same thing, they describe a person for what genital a person is born with and a bunch of lairs forcing lies into dictionaries to defecate on the public demonstrates how eager a bunch of liars are to use every lie and deception to try force their lies on the public.

From there, they then used the lies they forced into dictionaries to jusify a bunch of people without PHD's to force legsilation dictating to doctors and scientists that they have to force LGBT lies on the public, they then turned around and called that scientific evidence when it is specifically bunch of liars withou phd's forcing lies through legislation dictating to doctors and scientists what they have to say to the public which is quite obviously not scientific evidence, just more LGBT lies and deceeptions.

Next they'l want to burn all old books that reveal thier lies and deceptions.

Leftist science.jpg
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Wrong again, simpleton.

Bwaa ha ha ha, notice this person shares not even so much as a shred of validiy to back an obvious lie in the form of a vacant un backed claim, but that's how the LGBT rolls, a slew of vacant un backed claims to try and make their lies and deceptions the issue over and over like a broken record. Oh they do at times try and back their claims wih more LGBT lies and deceptions but that is the extent.
Not imbalances. It is just probabilities by all the complications that determine peoples sexes. There are people who have sex organs of one sex and their drives and hormones are for the other sex. That is simply how they are. No ,having a penis did not make them a man. There are strong and powerful chemicals and mental drives that are counter to that. It is not as simple as you are. It is nuanced and personal. Their problems caused by how they were born ,is none of your right wing business.
You are stamping your simple little beliefs on other peoples lives. Butt out.

sex / gender is not complicated, males ar born with a penis, females are born wih a vagina.

Hermaphrodites are born wih a penis and a vagina hence they are not male, they are not female, they are not heterosexual, they are not homosexual and if they get a genital surgically removed, they are still and will always be hermaphrodite and thy are left with a genital that they had "naturally" since birth which is not, for example, some homosexual male having a hole cut in his body and having his surgically muilated penis stuffed inside them to pretend to be something that they are not and will never be so that they can go around robbing evryone else of what we are wih their extremely offencive LGBT lies and deceptions. Being heterosexual for example does not inlcude having sex with "anyone" born with the same sex genial that the heterosexual them self is born with. This is the LGBT assisting primarily homosexuals to pretend to be something that they are not so tha they can go around humiliating, traumatizing, degrading heterosexuals while robbing us of our right, fredom and liberty to be heterosexual with their sickly slew of LGBT lies and deceptions..

Being born with a penis is the only thing that makes any man a man as being born wih a vagina is the only thing that makes any woman a woman.

Facts are not beliefs and your so called beliefs, lies and deceptions do not detract from the facts.

Butt out? you wish, this is everyone's business and for the well being and sanity of current and future generations it is my pleasure to fight to criminalize this sick LGBT behavior permanently and globally. Enough of you not accepting yourselves for what you are while expecting to rob us of what we are with yuour sick and filthy lies and deceptions.
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I suspect he has latent homosexual drives and is covering it up like so many right-wingers try to do.

Ahh the desperate attempt of LGBT trying to drag hetrosexuals down to the level of the sexually defective, that is aside from the fact that they advocate people not accepting themslves for what they are so they can go around trying to rob evryone else of what we are with their extremely offensive LGBT lies and deceptions. Shows who the real bigots are in every way.
Who cares.
Is it anybody’s business your sexual orientation.
Does anyone really care who you sleep with. It’s starting to get old.
Why is this always an issue with the liberals. Why does this generate media coverage.

Can we get Congress to pass a law (with media support) that wives have to give their husband blow jobs every Saturday night. On the one year anniversary of the new law we can have a parade down Broadway.
So lets see, number one degree for liberals,
What is liberal arts today?

So, in a modern context, what is liberal arts education? There are now many subjects that fall within the broad scope of the category; a typical liberal arts degree program is interdisciplinary, covering topics within the humanities, as well as social, natural and formal sciences. There are differences in the particular subjects included in liberal arts degree programs at different institutions. However, the liberal arts spectrum is generally accepted as covering the following fields:

Humanities – includes art, literature, linguistics, philosophy, religion, ethics, modern foreign languages, music, theater, speech, classical languages (Latin/Greek) etc.
Social sciences – includes history, psychology, law, sociology, politics, gender studies, anthropology, economics, geography, business informatics, etc.
Natural sciences – includes astronomy, biology, chemistry, physics, botany, archaeology, zoology, geology, Earth sciences, etc.
Formal sciences – includes mathematics, logic, statistics, etc.

By advocating for gender identity issues, and homosexuality, they are creating work for themselves in the future it is no wonder they are all for it.

They sem to think that forcing lies and deceptions through dictionaries and legislation will make it all go away but what they do not realize is that it will never go away until all of their lies and deceptions are removed from legislation, school boards, dictionaris ect permanently and globally for the well being and sanity of current and future generations.
Who cares.
Is it anybody’s business your sexual orientation.
Does anyone really care who you sleep with. It’s starting to get old.
Why is this always an issue with the liberals. Why does this generate media coverage.

Can we get Congress to pass a law (with media support) that wives have to give their husband blow jobs every Saturday night. On the one year anniversary of the new law we can have a parade down Broadway.

Liberals? It is you rightys who go crazy about the gays marrying. Libs are for not sticking their noses in other peoples sexual orientation. How can you rightys do that? Just say the opposite of the facts and then applaud each other.,
Sucks that their marriages are equal to yours, huh, Thumper? :rofl2:

Here. Educate yourself, if that’s possible.

Sex v gender

Sex determination

If it were up to homosexual unions to sustain the human race, we would have died of thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective and there is quite obviously not anything worth honouring in that let alone this soon to be short lived mockery of marriage.

As thousands of years since marriage was created proves, only heterosuxla unions being honoured with marriage proves that marriage is exclusively about honouring the significance of the one sexual union which stands alone, the one sexual unions to which we all owe our very existence and that sexual union is quite obviously heterosexual unions.

One union dosn't even come close to equalling the other, and becaus the LGBT doesn't want to accept homosexuals for what homosexuals are, they seek to make a mockery of everything such as marriage wih a slew of lies and deceptions.

I have an entire thread for this discussion here on this forum. My pleasure ;)