The LGBT Abusing Society With Lies And Deceptions (share friendly text photo included

“If/would” never happens, moron. It’s merely a desperate attempt by idiots like you to concoct your own reality.

It just grinds your ass that a fag marriage is equal to yours, doesn’t it, Einstooge?

Keep quoting your own pile of feces, moron. It merely reinforces your ignorance.

Fag marriage = your marriage. :rofl2:

Thanks for demonstrating deliberate ignorance towards the factual evidence that proves homosexual unions do no even come close to equaling heterosexual unions and never will. As I have been revealing for years, this is the way that the intellectual cowards known as the LGBT conduct themselves because they do not want to accept themselves for what they are, they ignore fact, make up lies, call those lies heir belief then start attempting to force such rubbish on everyone else and act as if their deliberate ignorance towards fact doesn't exist even while they quote the very facts that expose their deliberate ignorance just like domer76 does here.

like shooting blind fish in a barrel with a nuke

The LGBT obviously and deliberately pretend to ignore the fact that what determines anyones sex / gender for life is what genital that they are born with. They instead claim the obvious lie that it is how one feels that determines a persons sex / gender while a the same time they claim to identify with the genuine thing which is them acknowledging the fact that they are fully aware that it is only what genital that a person is born with that determines anyone sex / gender for life. They attempt to force their factually exposed lies on everyone anyway because they do not want to accept themselves for what they are and seem to think everyone else should have to lie for them so they can go around robbing everyone else of what we are with their already factually exposed LGBT lies and deceptions.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada

Glad to see you are able to see queer gay homosexual faggots (QGHF's) for what they are.
Truth is people are complicated creatures with lots of chemicals, neurons, hormones and many other things. There are varying amounts and percentages of these in all of us. Most people fall within a narrow range that we recognize and call male of female. But some are not in that range and are leaning toward another sex. It is not because they chose that. It is because that is how they were born. Life can be hard and complicated for those who are not in the proper groups. That is partly because people like Spetch assume the right to judge them. There lives are complicated enough without some bonehead telling them what they should do and be like.

Thanks for demonstrating deliberate ignorance towards the factual evidence that proves homosexual unions do no even come close to equaling heterosexual unions and never will. As I have been revealing for years, this is the way that the intellectual cowards known as the LGBT conduct themselves because they do not want to accept themselves for what they are, they ignore fact, make up lies, call those lies heir belief then start attempting to force such rubbish on everyone else and act as if their deliberate ignorance towards fact doesn't exist even while they quote the very facts that expose their deliberate ignorance just like domer76 does here.

like shooting blind fish in a barrel with a nuke

The fact, dumbshit, no matter how much you wail and gnash your teeth, is that gay marriage is on equal footing as yours.

It makes my heart sing for you to realize that reality and that it chaps your lying ass to the degree it does. :rofl2:

Fag marriage = your marriage
Not imbalances. It is just probabilities by all the complications that determine peoples sexes. There are people who have sex organs of one sex and their drives and hormones are for the other sex. That is simply how they are. No ,having a penis did not make them a man. There are strong and powerful chemicals and mental drives that are counter to that. It is not as simple as you are. It is nuanced and personal. Their problems caused by how they were born ,is none of your right wing business.
You are stamping your simple little beliefs on other peoples lives. Butt out.

If you were born with a penis, you are male. If you want to pack fudge with it or have your fudge packed, that is your business. If you take a penis up your ass, it does not make you a female. Born with a penis will mean that you are a male, and whatever perverted stuff you do as a man should be kept private. We don't want to hear about it.
If you were born with a penis, you are male. If you want to pack fudge with it or have your fudge packed, that is your business. If you take a penis up your ass, it does not make you a female. Born with a penis will mean that you are a male, and whatever perverted stuff you do as a man should be kept private. We don't want to hear about it.

Of course you “don’t want to hear about it”, bitch.

You and the truth are strangers.

They forced lies into a dictionary to base a false claim to promote liars and deceivers pretending to be what they are not and never will be so that they can go around robbing everyone else of what we are with their sick and filthy, abusive, offensive LGBT lies and deceptions.
So you’re saying they sell used cars?
wait, that sounds familiar.......I wonder of lib'ruls have ever done anything like this before........
Pipe down. Your knowledge of biology is that we were all invented by an invisible man who can’t manage money who watches everything we do and if you make a mistake he will send you to a place fire, smoke torture and eternal pain and suffering....but he loves you....
I am proud to be heterosexual because thanks to heterosexuality we even exist (which is at least a valid reason to be proud of one's sexual orientation) which does not include having sex with some homosexual born with a penis pretending to female so he can try and rob me of what I am with these sick, offensive, abusive LGBT lies and deceptions. Your support for such rubbish along with your first quote reveals how desperate you are to try and drag everyone else down to the sexually defective and mentally redundant level of the LGBT and all because you do no want to accept people for what they are in the first place. It is my pleasure to expose a bunch of liars and deceivers and to fight for the destruction of the LGBT permanently and globally along with having their lies and deceptions removed from legislation and school boards for the well being and sanity of current and future generations.

Where did I ever claim that biology needs a piece of paper to procreate?

Meh...I wouldn’t brag about being heterosexual. I’ve seen the sheep where you live.
Pipe down. Your knowledge of biology is that we were all invented by an invisible man who can’t manage money who watches everything we do and if you make a mistake he will send you to a place fire, smoke torture and eternal pain and suffering....but he loves you....

careful, if I learn to mix agar I will be your equal in biology.......on the other hand, you have a whole lot to learn about theology......
If you were born with a penis, you are male. If you want to pack fudge with it or have your fudge packed, that is your business. If you take a penis up your ass, it does not make you a female. Born with a penis will mean that you are a male, and whatever perverted stuff you do as a man should be kept private. We don't want to hear about it.
Well you know what they say about penises? You are what you eat!
Lefties are always stuck having defend what's not right. MS13, open borders, fudgepackers, identity politics, political correctness, etc.


Your propensity for chronic lies is noted. As well as your massive ignorance.

Dismissed, lying punk.:rofl2: