the Liberal Whisperer....

Again, Bullshit. It is the same thing. Period! You can rationalize all you want and you'll still be wrong. You even contradict your self here with out even knowing it. Political beliefs are also deeply held beliefs protected under the constitution. It's a non sequitor anyways. Either way, religion or politics, you would be marginalzing people for what they believe.
Mott I just had this conversation with my 15 year old and she had a better understanding of it then you do. It's perfectly reasonable to ridicule someone for what they believe in, except for religion. This is a basic concept, and is outlined quite well in the First Amendment.
Bullshit. Alls one has to do is replace the word "liberal" with "Jew" or "Niger" in his post to see the truth of my criticism. PiMP makes no reasoned arguments against those who differ with him in his posts he just marginalizes them as people. That's how competely empty his post is. That's also a tride and true example of the Goebbels propaganda method whether you care to believe so or not and thus his comments are worthy ridicule and nothing else.




It's okay Mott, it's simply board humor. Stop taking yourself so seriously.
Mott I just had this conversation with my 15 year old and she had a better understanding of it then you do. It's perfectly reasonable to ridicule someone for what they believe in, except for religion. This is a basic concept, and is outlined quite well in the First Amendment.
And your still missing the point. Human beings are worthy of dignity and respect. PiMP was NOT ridiculing those who differ from them he was marginalizing them as people and human beings, and thus, making objects of them. That is wrong and always will be.
Bullshit. Alls one has to do is replace the word "liberal" with "Jew" or "Niger" in his post to see the truth of my criticism. PiMP makes no reasoned arguments against those who differ with him in his posts he just marginalizes them as people. That's how competely empty his post is. That's also a tride and true example of the Goebbels propaganda method whether you care to believe so or not and thus his comments are worthy ridicule and nothing else.

the Liberal Whisperer senses the spirit totem of Mott the Hoople as being the Peacock....mightily vain regarding his reputation as a master debator, the Peacock refrains from actually debating, lest he damage that reputation....rather, he flashes the feathers of various rhetorical devices, his favorites being "circular argument" and "marginalization".....neither of these have any meaning with respect to any issue at hand, but serve to excuse his lack of participation in debate....

Since PMP has beat me down like an angry PiMP in arguments, I am going to mention Nazis and invoke Godwin's law as early as possible in this argument. I am also going to do what I say he does and try to marginalize him by using insults. Comparing him to Goebbels while trying to sound intelligent is about the best that I can do.

(See? I can speak liberal too!)

You are lame

How did I do as a Republican?
And your still missing the point. Human beings are worthy of dignity and respect. PiMP was NOT ridiculing those who differ from them he was marginalizing them as people and human beings, and thus, making objects of them. That is wrong and always will be.
No way man those who choose to be stupid Democrats don't deserve anything but ridicule.
the Liberal Whisperer senses the spirit totem of Mott the Hoople as being the Peacock....mightily vain regarding his reputation as a master debator, the Peacock refrains from actually debating, lest he damage that reputation....rather, he flashes the feathers of various rhetorical devices, his favorites being "circular argument" and "marginalization".....neither of these have any meaning with respect to any issue at hand, but serve to excuse his lack of participation in debate....
Oh come one. You can call me Niger, Kike, Spick or any other pejorative you wish to use. :pke: