the Liberal Whisperer....

considering the success of horse whisperers, dog whisperers, and ghost whisperers; I have decided to devote my efforts to being a Liberal Whisperer......

these strange beasts who cohabit our country are incapable of communication, yet have inordinate influence upon our lives, due to their constitutionally protected right to vote...

there are many who wish they could comprehend what is going on in the mind of a it pure instinct?....are there moments when they achieve something similar to rational thought?....if so, why do they fail to act upon it?....

all these can be answered by the Liberal Whisperer....

so, if you run across a posting from a liberal which makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, submit it here for interpretation by the Liberal Whisperer.....

A liberal friend of mine said that you're a moron.
What other reason could there be as to why sunsets are orange?

The Denver Broncos are indeed God's team!

I beg to differ. :)

Bullshit. Alls one has to do is replace the word "liberal" with "Jew" or "Niger" in his post to see the truth of my criticism. PiMP makes no reasoned arguments against those who differ with him in his posts he just marginalizes them as people. That's how competely empty his post is. That's also a tride and true example of the Goebbels propaganda method whether you care to believe so or not and thus his comments are worthy ridicule and nothing else.

When did anyone mention someone from Nigeria??
considering the success of horse whisperers, dog whisperers, and ghost whisperers; I have decided to devote my efforts to being a Mott Whisperer......

these strange beasts who cohabit our country are incapable of communication, yet have inordinate influence upon our lives, due to their constitutionally protected right to vote...

there are many who wish they could comprehend what is going on in the mind of a it pure instinct?....are there moments when they achieve something similar to rational thought?....if so, why do they fail to act upon it?....

all these can be answered by the Mott Whisperer....

so, if you run across a posting from a Mott which makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, submit it here for interpretation by the Mott Whisperer.....

Your presentation makes as much sense as this one.
I got it, but I am a scary and dreaded liberal, I am feared and hated by Republicans, isn't it just sad!

The division in this country is sickening!
You can only be divided if you let them divide you. The sad truth and the reason why partisans are such god damned fools is that we truely have way more in common then we have differences. Politicians and political parties just want to create artificial differences or magnify the few real ones so that they can manipulate the public to achieve their political goals and ambitions. If you're aware that this is what they are doing it makes it easy to spot. Just like PiMP's mindless post.
That's the point you moron! You can marginalize anyone or any group of people that way. Talk about "NOT GETTING IT", christ.

Gee, such angst and here I thought everyone was just exchanging opinions.

But what you didn't understand; is that any information or concept can be viewed as "marginalizing" someone or a group, if that is what the person veiwing it wants to see.
Gee, such angst and here I thought everyone was just exchanging opinions.

But what you didn't understand; is that any information or concept can be viewed as "marginalizing" someone or a group, if that is what the person veiwing it wants to see.
That's just completely and utterly silly. I defy you to demonstrate that claim.
Thanks preacher so like in picking this fantasy instead of reality you are really not out of charecter in that you usually read the comic book called the bible.
How about I submitt a priest raping an alter boy and you tell me what he was thinking after you finish with your monkey. OK
Thanks preacher so like in picking this fantasy instead of reality you are really not out of charecter in that you usually read the comic book called the bible.
How about I submitt a priest raping an alter boy and you tell me what he was thinking after you finish with your monkey. OK

the Liberal Whisperer searches for meaning in this liberal's rants.....he scratches his head....he looks again......amazingly, he finds there's nothing in there.....apparently, the post was generated out of an absolute vacuum......