The Lincoln Myth

One other thing.....the guy with the huge, huge picture of g. need to reduce the size of that. takes up half the page.

If you dont know how...I am sure one of the mods could help you on that.
This post does two things;
Wins the stupidest post of the year award
and puts makes you the mayor of Idiot Villlage.

Congratulations, you are finaly a winner.

How sad for you that you will never be. Rothschilds ? Seriously ? How much tin foil do you go through a year ?
One other thing.....the guy with the huge, huge picture of g. need to reduce the size of that. takes up half the page.

If you dont know how...I am sure one of the mods could help you on that.

The great tragedy of the War Between The States was that it set the stage for a all powerful centralized government that is now flexing it's muscles as never real opposition to this destructive movement as there is very little difference between the republicans and democrats.

Bottom Line the America we all knew and love is being systematically taken apart and destroyed.

The tea party had a golden opportunity to turn this Anti-American and defeatist movement around but it did not understand what was really needed and thus has squandered their chance to restore America. Tragic.

Watch what happens in the will be far different from what most tea partiers expect. In fact it will mean their demise...reduced to nothing more than a special interest group.

Longing for white power
How sad for you that you will never be. Rothschilds ? Seriously ? How much tin foil do you go through a year ?

You seriously don't know that wars are fought so war profiteers can make money? That that was the primary business of the Rothchilds for hundreds of years? This is basic history dipshit, not conspiracy theory that is up for debate.
You seriously don't know that wars are fought so war profiteers can make money? That that was the primary business of the Rothchilds for hundreds of years? This is basic history dipshit, not conspiracy theory that is up for debate.
Those pesky Jews...
So apparently lefties and stupid righties think we would still have slavery if it weren't for Lincoln.

Economics would have ended slavery. But Lincoln couldn't have that. It was a good thing he died before he could do anymore damage to the country
The great tragedy of the War Between The States was that it set the stage for a all powerful centralized government that is now flexing it's muscles as never real opposition to this destructive movement as there is very little difference between the republicans and democrats.

Bottom Line the America we all knew and love is being systematically taken apart and destroyed.

The tea party had a golden opportunity to turn this Anti-American and defeatist movement around but it did not understand what was really needed and thus has squandered their chance to restore America. Tragic.

Watch what happens in the will be far different from what most tea partiers expect. In fact it will mean their demise...reduced to nothing more than a special interest group.

I disagree with this completely. It's the republican party and not the tea parties that is on it's death bed. The GOP is dying because of something called comprehensive immigration reform which is a fancy term for amnesty and when the tea parties completely abandon the GOP and they're already half way out the door, the GOP's conservative base will leave with them leaving the GOP to implode on it's own.

Thus your demise of the republican party and I say good reddens to these establishment elites who spit on the common folk in the middle class and keep lying to them in order to garner their votes. The rebuilding of the GOP will find a conservative party following a Hillary landslide victory in 016 as the liberal boot-licking republicans run another one of their eastern candidates.
Watch the movie if your attention span is long enough.
Ending slavery was a happy by-product, not the cause of the war.

What the Hell are you talking about - what movie?

You think I'm going to let a bunch of Hollywood faggots try to convince me that King Abraham was a great president? Slavery was used as an excuse to destroy the southern people and any and all influence they had in congress in order to completely eradicate states rights. Lincoln's proclamation was designed to spark a slave insurrection in the south and it failed to do that. But what it did do was turn Lincoln's unconstitutional war on the southern states into a phony, holy righteous crusade to free the slaves and it turned up the total war killing machine on everyone and all things southern setting the stage through reconstruction to tear the country in half and send the south into an era of backwardness and ignorance for over a century.
Wow, so many falsehood, errors and logical fallacies of such breath taking scope one hardly knows where to begin other than to just start by laughing at such complete nonsense and utter tripe.


Hey buddy, walk the talk! If you truly believe in this anti-government, libertarian cum anarchy screed go to Somalia and go live in your libertarian paradise and send us some trip reports on how great life is over there. LOL LOL LOL LOL!

This liberal knows how important the outcome of that war was a hundred and fifty some odd years ago - oh how he knows how important it was. If the confederacy had won it's independence, him and the rest of his liberal associates would all be Second Ave. shorties right now or back in Europe when-st they came.
This liberal knows how important the outcome of that war was a hundred and fifty some odd years ago - oh how he knows how important it was. If the confederacy had won it's independence, him and the rest of his liberal associates would all be Second Ave. shorties right now or back in Europe when-st they came.

The south would in that case have been a British colony within a year or two, and slavery abolished.
The south would in that case have been a British colony within a year or two, and slavery abolished.

As somebody already pointed out on this thread, slavery was on it's way out. The only reason it was abolished in the northern states was on account of the enormous influx of European immigrants into the industrialized north who did not want to compete for higher wages against slave labor which would been impossible and the northern states knew this so they abolished it. the south meanwhile relied on slavery as a vital part of it's agrarian economy but the cost of maintaining slaves was ever increasing and in time it too would have been economically indefeasible in the south also.
You seriously don't know that wars are fought so war profiteers can make money? That that was the primary business of the Rothchilds for hundreds of years? This is basic history dipshit, not conspiracy theory that is up for debate.

Wow... those nasty jews sure missed the boat letting the rest of the world end slavery the easy way.
I disagree with this completely. It's the republican party and not the tea parties that is on it's death bed. The GOP is dying because of something called comprehensive immigration reform which is a fancy term for amnesty and when the tea parties completely abandon the GOP and they're already half way out the door, the GOP's conservative base will leave with them leaving the GOP to implode on it's own.

Thus your demise of the republican party and I say good reddens to these establishment elites who spit on the common folk in the middle class and keep lying to them in order to garner their votes. The rebuilding of the GOP will find a conservative party following a Hillary landslide victory in 016 as the liberal boot-licking republicans run another one of their eastern candidates.

Good analysis and I hope you are correct....but unfortunately as of yet I do not think The So Called Tea Party(not actually a tea party) is up for the task of establishing a legitimate and bonafid real political essence it is and has been and remains so far anyway.....nothing more than a special interest group advocating smaller government and lower taxes....whilst appealing to some...mainly those who have good jobs and or is not a mantra that will win any election or even serve as a platform for a real political a nutshell if the Tea Party wants to be relevant, wants to turn this nation around and stop this head long rush into oblivion which is where we are headed unless our path is altered then they must adopt some Ted Cruz said not long ago....."We Must Stand For Something" meaning just complaining and being against stuff is not enough.....the Tea Party must stand for something if it wants to prevail....aka ....organize, have a convention, elect a leader, adopt a platform that appeals and will motivate the largest bloc of voters out there to actually go to the polls and not stay home like so many did last time.
What the Hell are you talking about - what movie?

You think I'm going to let a bunch of Hollywood faggots try to convince me that King Abraham was a great president? Slavery was used as an excuse to destroy the southern people and any and all influence they had in congress in order to completely eradicate states rights. Lincoln's proclamation was designed to spark a slave insurrection in the south and it failed to do that. But what it did do was turn Lincoln's unconstitutional war on the southern states into a phony, holy righteous crusade to free the slaves and it turned up the total war killing machine on everyone and all things southern setting the stage through reconstruction to tear the country in half and send the south into an era of backwardness and ignorance for over a century.

heh heh....I think he is talking about the movie playing in his head.
As somebody already pointed out on this thread, slavery was on it's way out. The only reason it was abolished in the northern states was on account of the enormous influx of European immigrants into the industrialized north who did not want to compete for higher wages against slave labor which would been impossible and the northern states knew this so they abolished it. the south meanwhile relied on slavery as a vital part of it's agrarian economy but the cost of maintaining slaves was ever increasing and in time it too would have been economically indefeasible in the south also.

I've heard that argument. What was the point of the War then?
As somebody already pointed out on this thread, slavery was on it's way out. The only reason it was abolished in the northern states was on account of the enormous influx of European immigrants into the industrialized north who did not want to compete for higher wages against slave labor which would been impossible and the northern states knew this so they abolished it. the south meanwhile relied on slavery as a vital part of it's agrarian economy but the cost of maintaining slaves was ever increasing and in time it too would have been economically indefeasible in the south also.

Yes...definitely on it's way out....and it would have been a gradual and peaceful transition and the end result would have been a black population that could stand on its own feet and take care of themselves instead of being forced by Lincoln's self serving pronouncement of freedom for the slaves to have to fend for themselves in a hostile atmosphere created by Mr. Lincolns agression against the South and the chaos that existed at that time.....not a good time to suddenly be thrust out into the cold cruel world with no job, no home, no food and no prospects.
What the Hell are you talking about - what movie?

You think I'm going to let a bunch of Hollywood faggots try to convince me that King Abraham was a great president? Slavery was used as an excuse to destroy the southern people and any and all influence they had in congress in order to completely eradicate states rights. Lincoln's proclamation was designed to spark a slave insurrection in the south and it failed to do that. But what it did do was turn Lincoln's unconstitutional war on the southern states into a phony, holy righteous crusade to free the slaves and it turned up the total war killing machine on everyone and all things southern setting the stage through reconstruction to tear the country in half and send the south into an era of backwardness and ignorance for over a century.

Post #3.