Mott the Hoople
Sweet Jane
Maybe in your fantasy land alternate universe but in real world land it was the South that showed it was willing to use violence to force the rest of the nation to accept slavery in the western territories. You may have also forgotten that it was the Southern States that seceded who started the war. That is they were the ones that initiated violence and the use of arms. So on that fact right there your argument, pulled straight out of your ass, completely falls apart.If not for Mr. Lincoln slavery would have ended peacefully as technology increased and the need for slave labor on the plantations subsided. The worst thing about Slavery was the way it was ended and purely for political reasons.
It essentially left thousands of Negroes homeless place to go, no means to support themselves and thus their dependence on another master(feds) or the charity of white folk developed and has continued for the majority to this day.
If Slavery had been allowed to die a natural death the Negroes would have developed the confidence, ability and skills to sustain themselves without private or federal charity.
Instead ....the culture of dependence grew and created a huge mess which now is maniefesting itself more and more in the form of black youth alienated and blaming White Society for all their problems...made explicit by the youthful(teens as the media refers to them)mob attacks on whites aka...the knockout game, wildings etc. and so on and so forth.
If it had not been for the Charity of the Southern People thousands of negroes would have died that first winter after Mr. Lincoln's impudent action without consideration for the plight the freed negroes would find themselves in.
Had the southern slave States been isolated would slavery had died a natural death? Yes it would have. That peculiar institution had retarded the South's social and economic development and had prevented the development of it's public infrastructure making it a backwater, both culturally and economically, where it remained till the 1960's.
But that's not what happened. The Southern States knew that if abolitionist prevented slaveries expansion into the western territories that slavery would die a natural death and that their substantial investment in chattel property would dissolve and thus they were prepared to use violence to propagate the peculiar institution into the western territories, as they did in Missouri and Kansas. When that failed to achieve their aims they resorted to war, not the north and certainly not Lincoln.
So your argument is based on the absolute false premise that either Lincoln or the North started the civil war. They did not. That's just asinine southern apologist revisionist history. The South resorted to violence and war as an instrument of policy. They started the Civil war. Not Lincoln and with those facts your argument falls apart as the laughable and factless fallacy which it is.
What is it with you wingnuts and your abhorance of facts?
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