Africans at that time were not considered fully human and there is still considerable doubt about it.
Modern Genetical research has shown that there is more differences between the Negroid Race and all other races than any other race.
If the radical religious abolitionist yankees that were behind the push to invade the South had known the troubles their descendants would have with these Savages from Afreeka....instead of advocating War on The South they would have taken up a collection to send these Jungle Critters back to Afreeka.
U.S. FBI crime statistics,
1.More than 1,600 Whites are murdered by blacks each year, which means that blacks murder Whites at 18 times the rate that Whites murder blacks. 2.About 1 million Whites were murdered robbed, raped, or assaulted by blacks in 1992 alone. 3.In the last 30 years, 170 million violent and non-violent crimes were committed by blacks against Whites in the U.S. 4.In crimes of Racial bias, otherwise known as "hate-crimes," over 90% of the victims are Whites. 5.Although they only comprise one-seventh of the population, blacks commit 7.5 times more violent interracial crimes than Whites. 6.On a per-capita basis, blacks commit 50 times more violent crimes than Whites. 7.In the past 20 years, violent crimes increased four times faster than the population. 8.Between 1964 and 1994, more than 45,000 people were killed in interracial murders (of which blacks commit 18 times more than Whites - see item #1.) Compare this to the death toll of the Vietnam War (58,000 Americans killed) and the Korean War (38,000 Americans killed).