The Lincoln Myth

Well crops were destroyed so hunger was rampent. Herds stolen or killed more of the same. Slaves "freed" with no resouces so there was little changed except for the dying of hunger part. They were predictably unwelcome up north (main reason average joe yankee wanted no parts kf the war as they knew it would worsen an already tight job market irish hated for the same reason). Nah all rainbows and unicorns for black folks.

Not after the peace was made, before yes.
heh heh Jarod never even heard of the Reconstruction period...not suprising ...they probably no longer talk about that in the Federal Classrooms.

My grandparents lived through the Reconstruction period, I suspect I know more about it than you.
The South was part of the Nation. It was not the South's property, it was the shared property of the individual states and the United States. The war started at Ft. Sumter, UNION LAND!

Shared property? Where do you get that notion?

So you are saying once a state joins the union they can't ever get out? Is it like joining a gang?

You really love that gobblement power don't ya? Well as long as they aren't inconveniencing you on yet yacht
Africans at that time were not considered fully human and there is still considerable doubt about it.

Modern Genetical research has shown that there is more differences between the Negroid Race and all other races than any other race.

If the radical religious abolitionist yankees that were behind the push to invade the South had known the troubles their descendants would have with these Savages from Afreeka....instead of advocating War on The South they would have taken up a collection to send these Jungle Critters back to Afreeka.

U.S. FBI crime statistics,
1.More than 1,600 Whites are murdered by blacks each year, which means that blacks murder Whites at 18 times the rate that Whites murder blacks. 2.About 1 million Whites were murdered robbed, raped, or assaulted by blacks in 1992 alone. 3.In the last 30 years, 170 million violent and non-violent crimes were committed by blacks against Whites in the U.S. 4.In crimes of Racial bias, otherwise known as "hate-crimes," over 90% of the victims are Whites. 5.Although they only comprise one-seventh of the population, blacks commit 7.5 times more violent interracial crimes than Whites. 6.On a per-capita basis, blacks commit 50 times more violent crimes than Whites. 7.In the past 20 years, violent crimes increased four times faster than the population. 8.Between 1964 and 1994, more than 45,000 people were killed in interracial murders (of which blacks commit 18 times more than Whites - see item #1.) Compare this to the death toll of the Vietnam War (58,000 Americans killed) and the Korean War (38,000 Americans killed).

SimpleFreak, since you are not clear on the topic, this is what a racist post looks like.
Africans at that time were not considered fully human and there is still considerable doubt about it.

Modern Genetical research has shown that there is more differences between the Negroid Race and all other races than any other race.

If the radical religious abolitionist yankees that were behind the push to invade the South had known the troubles their descendants would have with these Savages from Afreeka....instead of advocating War on The South they would have taken up a collection to send these Jungle Critters back to Afreeka.

U.S. FBI crime statistics,
1.More than 1,600 Whites are murdered by blacks each year, which means that blacks murder Whites at 18 times the rate that Whites murder blacks. 2.About 1 million Whites were murdered robbed, raped, or assaulted by blacks in 1992 alone. 3.In the last 30 years, 170 million violent and non-violent crimes were committed by blacks against Whites in the U.S. 4.In crimes of Racial bias, otherwise known as "hate-crimes," over 90% of the victims are Whites. 5.Although they only comprise one-seventh of the population, blacks commit 7.5 times more violent interracial crimes than Whites. 6.On a per-capita basis, blacks commit 50 times more violent crimes than Whites. 7.In the past 20 years, violent crimes increased four times faster than the population. 8.Between 1964 and 1994, more than 45,000 people were killed in interracial murders (of which blacks commit 18 times more than Whites - see item #1.) Compare this to the death toll of the Vietnam War (58,000 Americans killed) and the Korean War (38,000 Americans killed).

Since watermark's not around to do this: Kill Yourself.
It means the population at the time did not believe it to be worth taking up arms for. I wasnt around at that time so our opinions are moot.

But the population did- it is known as the Civil War. You have an odd logic. If our opinion about a man's liberty is moot, then how can the number of lives lost to gain said liberty not also be "moot"?
But the population did- it is known as the Civil War. You have an odd logic. If our opinion about a man's liberty is moot, then how can the number of lives lost to gain said liberty not also be "moot"?

Because some people are of more value than others.........only under communism are all considered equal.
Shared property? Where do you get that notion?

So you are saying once a state joins the union they can't ever get out? Is it like joining a gang?

You really love that gobblement power don't ya? Well as long as they aren't inconveniencing you on yet yacht

heh heh J-rod needs help.
Considering they had forced conscription, irish right off one boat onto another with a uniform as they didnt have $200 buy their way out the seniment you express was not shared with contemporaries. Had riots so bad the navy turned its cannon on NYC.

The War was so unpopular up North that the Yankees had to hire mercenaries to fight for them. The great, just crusade against the evil of slavery? Julia Ward Howe's eye might have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord, but if she had looked out on the street instead of up, in her Boston prayer-closet, she would have seen the less-than-glorious coming of more than half a million immigrants to the U.S. from 1861 to 1864, almost 200,000 of them from Ireland.. Almost a quarter of the Northern army was foreign-born, with roughly 175,000 soldiers from Germany and 150,000 from Ireland.

"The accusation of the use of foreign mercenaries is amply supported by evidence. Most of those were simply tempted by the bounties and by high wages in industry to emigrate to America, and then found their way either into wage labor or the army according to the relative monetary inducement. Yet some mercenaries were imported expressly and by official action for use in the army or at least to fill quotas. Senator [Henry] Wilson [R-Mass.] asserted with some pride that Massachusetts had imported 907 men from Germany for use in four regiments. Irish immigration received an additional stimulus from the unusual opportunities in America, and by the end of the second year of the war had nearly doubled. By the middle of 1863 seven steamers were leaving Cork each two weeks most of them headed for New York."
[Fred Albert Shannon, "The Organization and Administration of the Union Army, 1861-1865," published 1928, vol. II, p.78. See also O.E. series iii, vol. 4, pp.455-458.]

Agents from the U.S. swarmed over the British Isles, luring men either as soldiers or as laborers to replace American boys who had been swept into the army. One paper reported in 1864 that, "Not only villages, but whole counties in Ireland, England will be emptied of their able bodied industrial population." B.A. Gould's statistical investigation of the war, while not complete (no Civil War numbers study ever is), found that the Irish and Germans furnished the North with more than the national average of soldiers in proportion to their population, while the white native-born Americans of the North fought in slightly below their proper proportion
More than enpugh for you Turd since you are going on ignore as soon as I get to a computor.

hahahaha that is funni....but you know you will continue to read my writings just to see what I have to say about in curiosity killed the cat. Deal wid it chump.