The Lincoln Myth

heh heh Jarod never even heard of the Reconstruction period...not suprising ...they probably no longer talk about that in the Federal Classrooms.

Reconstruction was awesome. The only people who complain about it are ungreatful Southern trash who refused to be civilised. The only bad thing about Reconstruction was that it ended.
Because some people are of more value than others.........only under communism are all considered equal.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.
hahahaha that is funni....but you know you will continue to read my writings just to see what I have to say about in curiosity killed the cat. Deal wid it chump.

Believe me, I hold you in far lower esteem than you hold yourself.
The last thing I am interested in is the opinion of delusional racist with a highly inflated sense of self worth. Have a nice life loser. Good buy.

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  • Yesterday, 09:39 PM
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We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.

As has been shown previously....the founding fathers did not consider Africans men...they were considered not to be fully human. Our ancestors were much wiser than we.
Believe me, I hold you in far lower esteem than you hold yourself.
The last thing I am interested in is the opinion of delusional racist with a highly inflated sense of self worth. Have a nice life loser. Good buy.


heh heh Another one bites the dust. This board needs a better class of liberals...the ones here are way tooooo easy.
Reconstruction was awesome. The only people who complain about it are ungreatful Southern trash who refused to be civilised. The only bad thing about Reconstruction was that it ended.

Reconstruction was particularly awesome for my family, as it put us (back) into power.
Well crops were destroyed so hunger was rampent. Herds stolen or killed more of the same. Slaves "freed" with no resouces so there was little changed except for the dying of hunger part. They were predictably unwelcome up north (main reason average joe yankee wanted no parts kf the war as they knew it would worsen an already tight job market irish hated for the same reason). Nah all rainbows and unicorns for black folks.

The second 13th amendment proposal which was thrown out in favor of Lincoln's emancipation proclamation included gradual emancipation for the slaves ( not abolition) compensation for the slave owners, and vocational training for the freed slaves.
The South was part of the Nation. It was not the South's property, it was the shared property of the individual states and the United States. The war started at Ft. Sumter, UNION LAND!

Should Japan have been punished for a hundred years following the end of world war 2?

The Japanese started world war 2 with america when they bombed Pearl Harbor. The Japanese military was brutal. They murdered hundreds of thousands of people all over the Orient. They instituted the infamous Bataan Death March in the Philippines.

This is going on your theory that the south started the war.
Shared property? Where do you get that notion?

So you are saying once a state joins the union they can't ever get out? Is it like joining a gang?

You really love that gobblement power don't ya? Well as long as they aren't inconveniencing you on yet yacht

ITs called federalism, and yes, once a State joins the Union they cant get out or be kicked out, unless both the Fed and the State agree.

I love my nation, and I love the principal of Federalism that its based on. You should look the word up sometime.
Your grandparents must have lived North of the Mason Dixon LIne....or are you colored?

My fraternal Grandmother was born on a Cotton farm just outside a town called Ramer in 1909. Her family was wealthy owning the first automobile in the State of Alabama. They lost almost all of their wealth in 1920 in the Cotton Crash. My grandmother's father died of a heart attack in 1921. The family moved to Montgomery to live with relatives in 1921. My Grandmother went to college at Huntington College in Montgomery and got a degree in music.

My fraternal Grandfather was born in 1906 in Montgomery to a wealthy family that owned much of the property that became the downtown area of Montgomery. My grandfather quit High School to volunteer to service in WWI, however the war ended before he finished basic training. He never graduated HS, but was accepted to Auburn University where he attained a Masters Degree in Civil Engineering. The family retained most of their wealth but it was distributed amongst his brothers and sisters. Both of my fraternal Grandparents worked for the Government. She was a high school teacher (later director of music education for the State of Alabama) he was a civil engineer for the Highway Department. (ultimately running the highway department under Governor Wallace).

Because they worked for the State, both retained steady income during the great depression.

They were not colored and never lived outside the State of Alabama.
As has been shown previously....the founding fathers did not consider Africans men...they were considered not to be fully human. Our ancestors were much wiser than we.

You have shown nothing but your personal bigotry. I'm not convinced that you are not playing devils advocate with your drivel.

What is known from the writings of many of the Founding Fathers is their personal aversion to slavery, and like many in this thread, their profound ability to subvert their own principles to a twisted logic.
As is currently the case, most times in human history have educated people who know better than the masses but are forced by circumstance to live as the rules proscribed. If we had a democracy in the 1300's and "you ran for office" while claiming the world was round... you would never have gotten very far. So, even though you knew better you would have had to pander to the less educated elements of society.

If you were living in 1930's America and were a woman, and were educated and wanted to have an impact on government, you would not get very far by running for president, you would have had to find a way to work behind the scenes. (Eleanor Roosevelt) Helen of Troy was burned at the stake for behaving like a man. Maybe that was Joan of Arch.
You have shown nothing but your personal bigotry. I'm not convinced that you are not playing devils advocate with your drivel.

What is known from the writings of many of the Founding Fathers is their personal aversion to slavery, and like many in this thread, their profound ability to subvert their own principles to a twisted logic.

Not twisted logic at all........You do not have to go back to the founding fathers to see how 'economics' dominates any society.....and slavery was just a form of economics labor being the keyword as it is today with the illegal mexican immigrants. The democrat and republican parties are both hypocrites as polilticians always have been....spouting idealistic hyperbole and nonsense but in the real world kowtowing to economic necessities.

Slavery was a economic necessity for the survival of the Plantations in that much cheap labor was the case today....when government began subsidizing our traditional servant class to the point where they no longer would go out and do the dirty work aka the low paying jobs aka picking fruit in the fields and other agricultural hard labor and other low paying jobs(preferring to be subsidized by the feds)then the opportunity for the wetbacks came about and they stormed up here....did our great liberal leaders have any problem with paying mexicans slave wages and give them no benefits whatsoever? of course not...economics rules...more important to put food on peoples plates at a reasonable is all about economics...the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer that is what drives this least the slaves had free housing and if they got sick they were taken care of....because they were very valuable property. The wealth of a plantation's owner was determined by how many slaves he was to his benefity to keep them healthy and procreatig....more is all about the money folks.....thus contrary to all the hollywood bullshit...he took very good care of his negroes...pure logic, pure common sense....only a stupid man would abuse valuable property.

Unfortunately, for the mexicans...they are not considered valuable...unless they can be declared citizens and then exericise their right to vote...then they are valuable to the politicians at least...who live and die by the vote.

All you dumb fucks need to start thinking for yourselves and even more important uderstand the necessity of looking after your own because for damn sure no one else will...I am talking to the White Working Class of a conservative nature....the liberals are too far gone to understand any can be seen by their willingness to sacrifice their firstborn in order to feed a bunch of worthless niggahs living high on the hog and producing nothing other than more of their own kind--- like cancer metastasizing all over the body politic....and when they get bored they go out and knock out some white liberal just for kicks...entertainment being of importance to them....videotaping it so they can have a good laugh with all their friends.
Not twisted logic at all........You do not have to go back to the founding fathers to see how 'economics' dominates any society.....and slavery was just a form of economics labor being the keyword as it is today with the illegal mexican immigrants. The democrat and republican parties are both hypocrites as polilticians always have been....spouting idealistic hyperbole and nonsense but in the real world kowtowing to economic necessities.

Slavery was a economic necessity for the survival of the Plantations in that much cheap labor was the case today....when government began subsidizing our traditional servant class to the point where they no longer would go out and do the dirty work aka the low paying jobs aka picking fruit in the fields and other agricultural hard labor and other low paying jobs(preferring to be subsidized by the feds)then the opportunity for the wetbacks came about and they stormed up here....did our great liberal leaders have any problem with paying mexicans slave wages and give them no benefits whatsoever? of course not...economics rules...more important to put food on peoples plates at a reasonable is all about economics...the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer that is what drives this least the slaves had free housing and if they got sick they were taken care of....because they were very valuable property. The wealth of a plantation's owner was determined by how many slaves he was to his benefity to keep them healthy and procreatig....more is all about the money folks.....thus contrary to all the hollywood bullshit...he took very good care of his negroes...pure logic, pure common sense....only a stupid man would abuse valuable property.

Unfortunately, for the mexicans...they are not considered valuable...unless they can be declared citizens and then exericise their right to vote...then they are valuable to the politicians at least...who live and die by the vote.

All you dumb fucks need to start thinking for yourselves and even more important uderstand the necessity of looking after your own because for damn sure no one else will...I am talking to the White Working Class of a conservative nature....the liberals are too far gone to understand any can be seen by their willingness to sacrifice their firstborn in order to feed a bunch of worthless niggahs living high on the hog and producing nothing other than more of their own kind--- like cancer metastasizing all over the body politic....and when they get bored they go out and knock out some white liberal just for kicks...entertainment being of importance to them....videotaping it so they can have a good laugh with all their friends.

You lost me at wetbacks
To those who attempt justification of the American slave. There is none. The Civil War, no matter other motives for its perpetration than slavery, was a Just War, as it ended the abomination of slavery.
To those who attempt justification of the American slave. There is none. The Civil War, no matter other motives for its perpetration than slavery, was a Just War, as it ended the abomination of slavery.

No need to justify it that time it was needed, wanted, available and thus existed. Just like labor is still needed, wanted and available as in illegal mexican laborers....thus it exists....can you justify paying mexicans slave wages ....just depends on your point of view.....those who benefit from it and that is the only justification they need....they benefit from it.

All this hyperbole of the great evil of slavery just demonstrates how the gullible the public is....they play you like a banjo.
No need to justify it that time it was needed, wanted, available and thus existed. Just like labor is still needed, wanted and available as in illegal mexican laborers....thus it exists....can you justify paying mexicans slave wages ....just depends on your point of view.....those who benefit from it and that is the only justification they need....they benefit from it.

All this hyperbole of the great evil of slavery just demonstrates how the gullible the public is....they play you like a banjo.
I would love to see people like you in a year long experience on Fantasy Island being a slave! I wonder if you would come away with the same opinion? I doubt it.
The civil war is an example of the benefit of federalism. The larger the voter base, the more diffuse regional prejudice becomes. If the State of Alabama was the sole electorate for the President we would have a very different nation. I dare say that racial prejudice would be much more tolerated.

You get less of a direct reflection of the people and more of a national consensus. This is also why the House of Representatives is often much more radical than the Senate. The bigger range of people you share power with the less direct representation you will get, but also the less tyranny over the minority.