The Lincoln Project

A sad lot, these MAGA/Alt-Right folks.
They reek of desperation and a day-old pair of Trump's Depends.

Boinking the native Alaskan women may not have been a crime, but it's certainly an ethical violation. Bragging about it on a political forum compounds the sin. No wonder he worships #TRE45ON. Turds of a feather.
It's a crime if he drugs them first. Agreed on his lack of ethics....which explains his fleeing Louisiana for Alaska.
To their credit I suppose, the Lincoln Project has one of the best grifts going. In theory I am the exact type of person they are appealing too, a Republican who is anti-Trump. But these guys aren't even Republicans. They're all independents or Democrats now hiding behind the Lincoln name.

If they came out said the truth, that they're Democrats now, they would be competing with large number of liberals groups for anti-Trump money. So from a business perspective it's really smart marketing selling themselves as Republicans. It works the same way when a Republican hears a Democrat cr*pping on his own party, there's something appealing about it. That appeal is lost to folks on the left if the Lincoln Project is just another Democratic group.

So these grifters (research their background if you don't believe it) keep grifting.
Grifters my ass!

Trump is an abomination of the human being, and was a Bridge Too Far for any man/woman with a conscience, or anyone who is true to their own morals and who act on their conscience.

Trump is the GOD of all hellfire, and a demon seed.

The only AMERICAN and MORAL way to rid the Republican party, and American Politics of the Demon seed, is to defeat him and everyone of his Copycat Want-To-Bees at the polls.

The True Grifter is Donald Trump and his WILLY NILLY Cult following.
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Here's what really stands out to me about the Lincoln Project. When was the Republican Party ever the party they claim to want it returned to?

The Lincoln Project claims to be pro-democracy and anti-fascism. Ok, did they forget the George W. Bush years or are they just gas lighting us? Because those who lived through it remember the many times liberals called Bush and Cheney fascists. Liberals didn't just start calling Republicans Hitler and fascists when Trump came on the scene.

Bush/Cheney and the neocons were evil personified. (It's why you see some liberal writers reminding those on the left to not forget how bad the Bush years were because with the passage of time you think he might not be as bad as Trump)

Credit where credit is due, these folks have done a great job marketing themselves and getting people to give them money. Even though they are all now registered as Democrats or Independents, they are able to get jobs on MSNBC and CNN because there is an audience that loves to hear ex-Republicans ripping on their former party.
Here's what really stands out to me about the Lincoln Project. When was the Republican Party ever the party they claim to want it returned to?

The Lincoln Project claims to be pro-democracy and anti-fascism. Ok, did they forget the George W. Bush years or are they just gas lighting us? Because those who lived through it remember the many times liberals called Bush and Cheney fascists. Liberals didn't just start calling Republicans Hitler and fascists when Trump came on the scene.

Bush/Cheney and the neocons were evil personified. (It's why you see some liberal writers reminding those on the left to not forget how bad the Bush years were because with the passage of time you think he might not be as bad as Trump)

Credit where credit is due, these folks have done a great job marketing themselves and getting people to give them money. Even though they are all now registered as Democrats or Independents, they are able to get jobs on MSNBC and CNN because there is an audience that loves to hear ex-Republicans ripping on their former party.

Those of us in our late 60s/70s remember quite a different Republican Party than that of W & Cheney. Goldwater, NcCain, Rockefeller, Kissinger, even Reagan. The party started its slide to Hell with Reagan when they jumped into bed with the evangelical Religious Right. Now they only care about staying in power. Gone are their old principles, values, patriotism, and sense of service to the nation. No more William F. Buckley or George Wll writing thoughtful op-ed pieces. Now it's the shrill false prophets found on Fox, Breitbart, and Infowars.

About the only thing that hasn't changed from the days of the Old Guard is the GOP's devotion to corporations and the wealthy.