The Lincoln Project

Those of us in our late 60s/70s remember quite a different Republican Party than that of W & Cheney. Goldwater, NcCain, Rockefeller, Kissinger, even Reagan. The party started its slide to Hell with Reagan when they jumped into bed with the evangelical Religious Right. Now they only care about staying in power. Gone are their old principles, values, patriotism, and sense of service to the nation. No more William F. Buckley or George Wll writing thoughtful op-ed pieces. Now it's the shrill false prophets found on Fox, Breitbart, and Infowars.

About the only thing that hasn't changed from the days of the Old Guard is the GOP's devotion to corporations and the wealthy.
A lot of things change, and that includes voters and political parties. I'm willing to bet the Republican and Democratic Parties will look (quite) different in 50 years than they do today.

But I'm speaking about the Lincoln Project people (at least the one's I'm aware of). They were a part of the party during the Bush years. If they wanted the Republican Party to be the party of the late '60's, and not the one post Reagan, why were they Republicans and why were they working to help them win elections?

These folks care about money just like most others in politics, and to their credit they found their niche. But they aren't some special principled folks.
Those of us in our late 60s/70s remember quite a different Republican Party than that of W & Cheney. Goldwater, NcCain, Rockefeller, Kissinger, even Reagan. The party started its slide to Hell with Reagan when they jumped into bed with the evangelical Religious Right. Now they only care about staying in power. Gone are their old principles, values, patriotism, and sense of service to the nation. No more William F. Buckley or George Wll writing thoughtful op-ed pieces. Now it's the shrill false prophets found on Fox, Breitbart, and Infowars.

About the only thing that hasn't changed from the days of the Old Guard is the GOP's devotion to corporations and the wealthy.
Pigging backing on this discussion, your reference to Buckley reminded me of this 2008 thread and the claim that China-U.S. trade cost millions of American jobs. Here is one post in particular (which references Buckley)

"You think this was an accident, or somehow all unintentional?

This was exactly what the wall street republicans, and corporate-sponsored Dems had in mind when the passed NAFTA, WTO, and China MFN.

A downward pressure on labor costs and wages in the United States.

People like Cawacko, Damocles, and Stuperfreak actually bought into the nonsense that William F Buckley, Ronald Reagan, George Bush, and Alan Greenspan were actually valiantly trying to improve the status, power, and wage potential of america's working middle class. Is it possible to be any more foolish that to believe scions of the conservative movement and america's rich investor were invested in improving the power and status of Joe and Jane working class american?"

Does that sound all that different than Donald Trump today? Yes the Republican Party has changed (and I would say 100% not for the better) because we have moved away from free trade and now talk about 'Joe and Jane working class American' with tariffs etc.

I thought we were seeing a total see change during the Trump years where Democrats found religion on free trade by speaking out against the tariffs, but turns out it was simply coming from a position of anti-Trump as Biden kept all the tariffs (and added some of his own) and what little Harris has said about economic policy she has given zero indication she's a free trader and will remove the existing tariffs.

I suppose if one is into this working class populist economic policy then they must be pretty happy with things at the moment because support for old school free trade is a thing of the past.
Those of us in our late 60s/70s remember quite a different Republican Party than that of W & Cheney. Goldwater, NcCain, Rockefeller, Kissinger, even Reagan. The party started its slide to Hell with Reagan when they jumped into bed with the evangelical Religious Right. Now they only care about staying in power. Gone are their old principles, values, patriotism, and sense of service to the nation. No more William F. Buckley or George Wll writing thoughtful op-ed pieces. Now it's the shrill false prophets found on Fox, Breitbart, and Infowars.

About the only thing that hasn't changed from the days of the Old Guard is the GOP's devotion to corporations and the wealthy.
While I tend to agree, I think the end of the Cold War was a major catalyst for change in both parties since they had to reinvent themselves after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
A lot of things change, and that includes voters and political parties. I'm willing to bet the Republican and Democratic Parties will look (quite) different in 50 years than they do today.

But I'm speaking about the Lincoln Project people (at least the one's I'm aware of). They were a part of the party during the Bush years. If they wanted the Republican Party to be the party of the late '60's, and not the one post Reagan, why were they Republicans and why were they working to help them win elections?

These folks care about money just like most others in politics, and to their credit they found their niche. But they aren't some special principled folks.
Agreed parties change and evolve. The problem is what the Republican Party has evolved into since Reagan's day.

I was a Republican all my life until 2012 when their overt racism was too much to forgive. Romney was my last Republican vote and I've voted a straight Libertarian ticket ever since. To paraphrase Reagan, I didn't leave the Republican Party, the Republican Party left me.
Those of us in our late 60s/70s remember quite a different Republican Party than that of W & Cheney. Goldwater, NcCain, Rockefeller, Kissinger, even Reagan. The party started its slide to Hell with Reagan when they jumped into bed with the evangelical Religious Right. Now they only care about staying in power. Gone are their old principles, values, patriotism, and sense of service to the nation. No more William F. Buckley or George Wll writing thoughtful op-ed pieces. Now it's the shrill false prophets found on Fox, Breitbart, and Infowars.

About the only thing that hasn't changed from the days of the Old Guard is the GOP's devotion to corporations and the wealthy.

you became neocon warmonger dipshits like bush and cheney.

and you were happy to get their support.

this is why you're losing.

Americans were this dumb 30 years ago, and you're still stuck on stupid, and you can't fix stupid; here's your sign.