It is time for the living ex-presidents to speak out as a group about the behavior of Donald Trump. This latest tweet to the Russians warning “the missiles are coming” is outlandish even for this buffoon of a president…and the full weight of the ex-presidents is required to temper this nonsense.
The Republicans in congress, who have been acting like mice in a room filled with cats, cannot (or will not) do what is necessary to contain this guy. And he absolutely must be contained..lest he start an accidental war.
Enough is enough!
Presidents Carter, HW Bush, Clinton, W Bush, and Obama…have got to raise their voices as one…as a reasonable plea to the members of the cabinet, the congress…AND TO THE PEOPLE of the United States…to temper this appalling insult to the office of the presidency and to the Republic.
I hope this latest childish tweet motivates them to make a move in this direction.