It is time for the living ex-presidents to speak out as a group about the behavior of Donald Trump. This latest tweet to the Russians warning “the missiles are coming” is outlandish even for this buffoon of a president…and the full weight of the ex-presidents is required to temper this nonsense.

The Republicans in congress, who have been acting like mice in a room filled with cats, cannot (or will not) do what is necessary to contain this guy. And he absolutely must be contained..lest he start an accidental war.

Enough is enough!

Presidents Carter, HW Bush, Clinton, W Bush, and Obama…have got to raise their voices as one…as a reasonable plea to the members of the cabinet, the congress…AND TO THE PEOPLE of the United States…to temper this appalling insult to the office of the presidency and to the Republic.

I hope this latest childish tweet motivates them to make a move in this direction.

I don’t care what they say and neither do you. Stop whining
That's what makes horse races...and democracies.

I cannot think of anyone who has less credibility with me than Donald Trump.

I disliked Dubya when he was in office...but he has conducted himself with distinction since leaving office. Dealing with Darth Cheney must have been hell on Earth.
I thought W conducted himself well as President too. That doesn’t erase the massive destruction paved by his incompetence. Trump on the other hand hasn’t accomplished a lot and has made terribly troubling and embarrassing comments but as of yet he hasn’t made the catastrophic mistakes W did.

W’s major flaw was he treated the Presidency as if the 19th century spoils system were still in place and used his immense powers of patronage to reward disasterously unqualified loyalists.

Trump was not elected under the same conditions and isn’t as beholden to supporters and loyalists and to be fair he’s been pretty quick on the trigger to fire people who haven’t performed to his expectations. Ergo W is in no position to lecture Trump.
if your goal is to kill as many Syrians as possible it was a stupid move.......on the other hand, if the goal is to show Syria we can punish them at will, it was brilliant.....

If you want to punish Assad for gassing civilians, bomb his palace in Damascus .. don't bomb civilians.
I'm not wining. I do care what they say...and I suspect that they could influence things if they speak up.

Sorry that bothers you.

So you think we should listen to

Jimma Cahta - The guy who gave us the misery index, allowed Russia to overrun Afghanistan and allowed the Iranian muslimes to kidnap American citizens?
George Bush - The guy who liberals hated and think lied us into war and hated black people during Katrina (I don't believe this, but liberals do)
B. Hussein Obama - The who said "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan"?, launched the IRS against US citizens? Killed border patrol agents with Fast and Furious? Allowed an ambassador to die in Benghazi?

Those guys?
So you think we should listen to

Jimma Cahta - The guy who gave us the misery index, allowed Russia to overrun Afghanistan and allowed the Iranian muslimes to kidnap American citizens?
George Bush - The guy who liberals hated and think lied us into war and hated black people during Katrina (I don't believe this, but liberals do)
B. Hussein Obama - The who said "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan"?, launched the IRS against US citizens? Killed border patrol agents with Fast and Furious? Allowed an ambassador to die in Benghazi?

Those guys?

I think the living ex-presidents of the United States ought to speak up about the abomination currently in the Oval Office...before he destroys the Republic.

I though I had been pretty clear about that, IHA.
Hello Mott,

Sorry....Trump still has more credibility with me than W.

As bad as W was, I believe Trump is worse. Trump is so bad he can't get anything done despite having his party control all three branches. That's because so many in his party are so abhorred by him.
Hello Mott,

I thought W conducted himself well as President too. That doesn’t erase the massive destruction paved by his incompetence. Trump on the other hand hasn’t accomplished a lot and has made terribly troubling and embarrassing comments but as of yet he hasn’t made the catastrophic mistakes W did.

W’s major flaw was he treated the Presidency as if the 19th century spoils system were still in place and used his immense powers of patronage to reward disasterously unqualified loyalists.

A good description of W. But Trump goes that in multitudes. Your description of W is actually an excellent critique of Trump.

Trump was not elected under the same conditions and isn’t as beholden to supporters and loyalists and to be fair he’s been pretty quick on the trigger to fire people who haven’t performed to his expectations. Ergo W is in no position to lecture Trump.

If Trump had done a better job of picking good people instead of loyalists, and listening to good advice, he might have turned out far better. But I don't see that in his style. The embarrassingly high turnover rate of the Trump administration is testament to his ineptness and his foolishness.

If he were good at hiring he wouldn't have to be so good at firing.
If you want to punish Assad for gassing civilians, bomb his palace in Damascus .. don't bomb civilians.

no one has said a word about bombing civilians......but tell me, do you think there would be a better chance of killing civilians in the palace in Damascus than at a military base somewhere else?.....