The Logic of Black Lives Matter

The right loves to talk about Black Lives Matter, something about which I never think until these assholes bring it up again.
These lowlifes can talk about peripheral issues forever.

Anything to keep the conversation away from how conservatives prevent us from being a modern, social democratic nation like the best place in the world to live.

Meanwhile, we have the syphilitic cunt moon blathering psychotic towelhead propaganda as the response to the rightist gibberish.

Our population is diseased with too many subhuman mutant factions.
Nailed it.

The vast majority of people on the left and right, care about the same core things.

- help workers be more empowered
- raise minimum wage
- give us better health care and cheaper costs
- build world class infrastructure
- etc
- etc

And the Corporations and Us Oligarchs know that if there is not strife, that is what people will be mad about and focus on.

So they pay people like Tucker Carlson and Steve Bannon and countless others to whip up culture war issues that mean almost nothing, so that the anger and focus is on that and not on improving individual lives.

And the right leaning derps fall for it. You can have right politicians running solely against blocking trans people rights, even in communities where there are no trans people, and that is a sole issue those voters will vote upon.

We are stuck in idiocracy on the right.
Oh yes, they are criminals thus police brutality is suddenly a-ok. How fucking hard is it to see that police being lethal bullies is not OK and that black lives matter in this regard? Are you fucking ignorant? Heartless? Gutless? All the above? All lives may matter but all lives aren't treated the same. When someone's life is disregarded it's OK for people to shout that they matter? #BlackLivesMatter

Whine, Get a Check. Whine, Get a Check.
Necessary reparations for blacks sounds like another version of the LEFT's affirmative action that allows minorities (mostly Blacks) to get accepted into a liberal university like Harvard, despite having sub-par I.Q's and sub par if not failing grades from their individual high schools.

Lets not forget that nearly zero blacks of Black Lives Matter fame were arrested for the thousands of violent crimes they committed during the 2020 summer of love when they and antifa (another leftist mob) burned down cities, burned police cars, murdered people, and destroyed thousands of small businesses--many of them ironically owned and run by blacks and or minorities of every stripe.

Casus Belli
Nailed it.

The vast majority of people on the left and right, care about the same core things.

- help workers be more empowered
- raise minimum wage
- give us better health care and cheaper costs
- build world class infrastructure
- etc
- etc

And the Corporations and Us Oligarchs know that if there is not strife, that is what people will be mad about and focus on.

So they pay people like Tucker Carlson and Steve Bannon and countless others to whip up culture war issues that mean almost nothing, so that the anger and focus is on that and not on improving individual lives.

And the right leaning derps fall for it. You can have right politicians running solely against blocking trans people rights, even in communities where there are no trans people, and that is a sole issue those voters will vote upon.

We are stuck in idiocracy on the right.

Carry On, Carrion

That's an old trick, abandoned since richkids like Hillary switched parties after her natural heiristocratic choice, trickle-down Goldwater, lost in a landslide. The New Age rulers created strife by forcing incompatible groups together. The two wings of the vulture work together to fly high and swoop down on the plebeians. The Debutante Democrats become disgustingly provocative solely in order to trick the average Straight White Male into leaving himself at the mercy of their wage-gouging, Chickenhawk war-mongering prep-school classmates.
The logic of Black Lives Matter is that you should forget what a Black criminal did three days ago while remembering what
your ancestors are supposed to have done three centuries ago.

What's next for these BLM whiners/protestors...........reparations for Blacks? LOL!

The logic of Black Lives Matter is that you should forget what a Black criminal did three days ago while remembering what
your ancestors are supposed to have done three centuries ago.

What's next for these BLM whiners/protestors...........reparations for Blacks? LOL!

Racist alert!
The logic of Black Lives Matter is that you should forget what a Black criminal did three days ago while remembering what
your ancestors are supposed to have done three centuries ago.

What's next for these BLM whiners/protestors...........reparations for Blacks? LOL!

WOKE is fundamentally incoherent, on purpose.

This is religion not reason or logic....this is more cult brain washing.
Lots of people a lot smarter than me have concluded that WOKE texts are so incomprehensible because the authors are concealing that there is no there there....which is much like creating an ideology that is incoherent and rejects thinking for feeling just so that sane minds cant argue the converts to the cult out of it.....which is nothing new in the realm of Evil.