Verified User
Nailed it.The right loves to talk about Black Lives Matter, something about which I never think until these assholes bring it up again.
These lowlifes can talk about peripheral issues forever.
Anything to keep the conversation away from how conservatives prevent us from being a modern, social democratic nation like the best place in the world to live.
Meanwhile, we have the syphilitic cunt moon blathering psychotic towelhead propaganda as the response to the rightist gibberish.
Our population is diseased with too many subhuman mutant factions.
The vast majority of people on the left and right, care about the same core things.
- help workers be more empowered
- raise minimum wage
- give us better health care and cheaper costs
- build world class infrastructure
- etc
- etc
And the Corporations and Us Oligarchs know that if there is not strife, that is what people will be mad about and focus on.
So they pay people like Tucker Carlson and Steve Bannon and countless others to whip up culture war issues that mean almost nothing, so that the anger and focus is on that and not on improving individual lives.
And the right leaning derps fall for it. You can have right politicians running solely against blocking trans people rights, even in communities where there are no trans people, and that is a sole issue those voters will vote upon.
We are stuck in idiocracy on the right.