The Logic of Black Lives Matter

The logic of Black Lives Matter is that you should forget what a Black criminal did three days ago while remembering what
your ancestors are supposed to have done three centuries ago.

What's next for these BLM whiners/protestors...........reparations for Blacks? LOL!

ummm....not true, but I can understand why a lying, racist anti-Christian fuckwit like you wants to believe it's true.

Why do you hate African-Americans so much, LibHater?
Yes Treason! When you have your followers invaded the US Capital building ,threaten the VP,to attempt to keep an election you lost from being certified.
That's Treason!

The founders committed treason too. I doubt your familiar with this:

"...That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government,..."
The founders committed treason too. I doubt your familiar with this:

"...That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government,..."

Thanks for admitting Trump committed treason " too"
Thanks for admitting Trump committed treason " too"

He didn't commit treason. Are you really that stupid? You people certainly can't prove it and never will. Know why? Because it wasn't treason. If only you guys could get past that one fact you might be more successful, but facts are facts.
He didn't commit treason. Are you really that stupid? You people certainly can't prove it and never will. Know why? Because it wasn't treason. If only you guys could get past that one fact you might be more successful, but facts are facts.

Pull your head out of your ass! But leave the red hat up your ass!
Pull your head out of your ass! But leave the red hat up your ass!

So you can't address the facts. Got it. It's what I figured but it's always nice to get confirmation. Whenever you mental defectives start attacking the poster it's his we know you have nothing but your hate, vitriol and stupidity.
So you can't address the facts. Got it. It's what I figured but it's always nice to get confirmation. Whenever you mental defectives start attacking the poster it's his we know you have nothing but your hate, vitriol and stupidity.

Fact! Trump committed treason Jan 6! 607746832030277ec967697e.jpg
He was trying to overthrow the government and stay in office after he lost a fair election. That is treason.

Then why is he walking free? Oh that's right because the constitution says you don't get to decide whos guilty and not guilty. Sucks to be you. You ready to address the fact that more whites are killed by cops then blacks? I bet not.
He was trying to overthrow the government and stay in office after he lost a fair election. That is treason.

No one was trying to overthrow the government, so wake the fuck up asshole. One would expect that if someone or some people were to overthrow a government, then they would have to have the weapons needed to do such a thing, especially when their are armed capitol police outside the Capitol building. The only lethal weapon I remember hearing about was owned by a Capitol police officer who used it to murder an unarmed female protestor. When you idiot lefties use that ridiculous notion that the protestors were trying to overthrow our government, I suggest you also use the even more ridiculous notion that the J6 protest amounted to being an insurrection. Woops, most of you anti American lefties are still using that 'insurrection' term to describe nancy pelosi's refusal to take Trump's advice in ordering some 2,000 or more capitol police before the J6 protest.
Then why is he walking free? Oh that's right because the constitution says you don't get to decide whos guilty and not guilty. Sucks to be you. You ready to address the fact that more whites are killed by cops then blacks? I bet not.

Deflection from Trump treason
No one was trying to overthrow the government, so wake the fuck up asshole. One would expect that if someone or some people were to overthrow a government, then they would have to have the weapons needed to do such a thing, especially when their are armed capitol police outside the Capitol building. The only lethal weapon I remember hearing about was owned by a Capitol police officer who used it to murder an unarmed female protestor. When you idiot lefties use that ridiculous notion that the protestors were trying to overthrow our government, I suggest you also use the even more ridiculous notion that the J6 protest amounted to being an insurrection. Woops, most of you anti American lefties are still using that 'insurrection' term to describe nancy pelosi's refusal to take Trump's advice in ordering some 2,000 or more capitol police before the J6 protest.

They had weapons. Why do you guys keep pushing that bullshit narrative?