the madness of rewarding single mums while refusing tax breaks to boost marriage

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This is what it's like in some parts of London or the UK., I've no doubt that it is several times worse in the US.

By Selena Gray
PUBLISHED: 22:02, 5 July 2013 | UPDATED: 08:45, 6 July 2013

The comment was the sort that most people would have found deeply shocking, but it was all too typical of attitudes in the part of South London where I was brought up. Talking about her future, a young woman neighbour told me: ‘Everyone is going to be a single mother in the end — you just have to find the right donor.’ Her view was shared by many of those who lived in the various council estates where I grew up.

Single parenthood was the normal method of rearing children. While my own father left our home when I was young, my mother, who has lived in Britain since emigrating from Jamaica with my grandparents, has been devoted to her children. Although my father was a good dad and maintained contact, lots of my friends were not so fortunate. Few had any involvement with their fathers.

In many of these homes, the State was almost invariably the main breadwinner, with the families in receipt of welfare cheques. With the State providing unceasing financial support, there was little thought given to the costs and responsibilities of having children. For example, a 15-year-old girl at my school happily told me that her ambition was to have a baby before she reached the age of 18 — a goal she easily achieved.


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yes because letting children starve in the streets would be so much more productive huh

As always, you go out of your way to miss the point. You think you are helping people, but you are crippling them for life. You are worse than a crack dealer. You are making them dependent on the gobblement for their very existence. Now, I know why politicians want to do it. They want power and this is the quickest easiest way to secure that power.

But, the question is why do people like you stand by and watch your fellow citizens suffer and be shackled into dependency?
This is what it's like in some parts of London or the UK., I've no doubt that it is several times worse in the US.

By Selena Gray
PUBLISHED: 22:02, 5 July 2013 | UPDATED: 08:45, 6 July 2013

The comment was the sort that most people would have found deeply shocking, but it was all too typical of attitudes in the part of South London where I was brought up. Talking about her future, a young woman neighbour told me: ‘Everyone is going to be a single mother in the end — you just have to find the right donor.’ Her view was shared by many of those who lived in the various council estates where I grew up.

Single parenthood was the normal method of rearing children. While my own father left our home when I was young, my mother, who has lived in Britain since emigrating from Jamaica with my grandparents, has been devoted to her children. Although my father was a good dad and maintained contact, lots of my friends were not so fortunate. Few had any involvement with their fathers.

In many of these homes, the State was almost invariably the main breadwinner, with the families in receipt of welfare cheques. With the State providing unceasing financial support, there was little thought given to the costs and responsibilities of having children. For example, a 15-year-old girl at my school happily told me that her ambition was to have a baby before she reached the age of 18 — a goal she easily achieved.


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Sadly the same is playing out here in the US. The cynic in me says that this was the plan all along. If not than the purveyors of this system are blindingly ignorant to the outcomes of their policies.
As always, you go out of your way to miss the point. You think you are helping people, but you are crippling them for life. You are worse than a crack dealer. You are making them dependent on the gobblement for their very existence. Now, I know why politicians want to do it. They want power and this is the quickest easiest way to secure that power.

But, the question is why do people like you stand by and watch your fellow citizens suffer and be shackled into dependency?

there is NO evidence to support you luancy
being a sociopath is not how you make the world better

Encouraging teenage girls to have children for the sole purpose of claiming benefit is not going to make the world better either. I can't speak for the US but the easiest way to get social housing over here is for a teenager to have babies. The author, who is black, knows what she is talking about as she was born into that environment. Are you going to ignore her opinion because it doesn't chime with yours?
there is NO evidence to support you luancy

As a kid, you didn't know you were fucked because this was life. As a teenager, you realized, "Yeah, this is bullshit. This isn't normal," but you still accepted it, because now "life" was just another term for "fucked." "Yeah, we're all fucked. What else is new? Isn't everybody?" Then you put on your black trench coat and rollerbladed away because it was the early '90s.
That's not just an angst-ridden teen spouting dumb, eye-rolling bullshit. It's honestly the mindset you grow up with because it's what you've directly observed. Normal people don't buy new cars. They buy the hand-me-down, 200,000-mile piece of shit from their uncle for a couple hundred bucks. Normal people don't buy houses. They rent the cheapest shithole they can find because a house is just a place to keep the rain off of you. And normal people don't get cushy jobs that they enjoy. They work ball-crushing, exhausting labor for shitty pay and no benefits because that's just what people do. Any goals higher than that, and you're treated like an entitled little butt-fart who's "too good" for the people he grew up with. He "forgot where he came from."

It's hard to remember that as an adult because we've talked about the issue so much, we've dehumanized it. We wrapped it in an unrealistic stereotype that doesn't accurately portray the people who are actually in the program. We throw up our own reasons for their needs, depending on which talking point is most likely to secure a conversational victory for us, forgetting that these are real fucking people, and with just a few tweaks of our luck, we could easily be one of them.

That doesn't mean that the debates shouldn't happen. I'd love to live in a world where there was no need for government assistance and everyone was able to take care of themselves no matter what obstacles were thrown in their path. I think that these debates are a positive step in that direction. But I think that if we lose sight of the fact that the statistics we're quoting have names and families and dreams and fears and loves and boners, all the talking points in the world don't mean jack shit. At that point, we're just playing a game of "I've memorized more numbers than you."

Hehehe. "Butt-fart."

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punishing all poor people because you found one that is having a brain fart about life is not a solution
In this country, you're generally limited to 5 years on welfare, although it can be extended in some cases. So this article isn't relevant to the US. England has been kinder to the poor than the US has, at least in the last few decades.

You are sick and twisted if you think that what they are living under is kindness
wanting children to stave so you can punish what their parents believe is not very christian of you
wanting children to stave so you can punish what their parents believe is not very christian of you

You are filled with false choices. Nobody says that they want children to starve. That is lunacy. It is the kind of arguments children make.

Here is a start. How about this. Nobody on welfare can collect more than someone with a job. We will start with a part time job at $8.00/hour at 1040 hours a year? Sound good? I think that would incentivize people to work instead of taking handouts.

Believe it or not, with all of the subsidies one can live without working. It might not be a lifestyle you would consider liviing, but they wouldn't starve to death. We have pointed out countless times that we need to have a discussion about what really constitutes poverty in this country. Poverty isn't having a 42" flat screen, cell phone, game boy, iPhone etc.

Now here is where you throw out your other left wing memes making excuses for the dependency class