the madness of rewarding single mums while refusing tax breaks to boost marriage

Its what stupid people do

You like people stupid, uninformed and dependent. It is what keeps your party in power. The more the better. That is why you are pushing so hard for amnesty for law breakers. Oh wait, you want to shackle them to pay for your benefits

the guy is NOT unbiased.

that all you got?

You are nothing if not predictable. So what if he is biased. Does that make him wrong? You are biased. Does that make everything you say unworthy and should be discounted? Everyone is biased. I will assume you can't argue any other point so you just hide behind "he's biased". Care to comment on 47 federal jobs programs? Seriously. How many do we need?
pretending there are not people in need in this country is part of what makes you so stupid
How much of a shmuck do you think I am? Nobody's talking about starving children. Now about getting your Communist blinders off for a second and understand that the better solution than big government welfare programs is a thriving private sector with no government interference.
pretending there are not people in need in this country is part of what makes you so stupid

Who said that there aren't people in need? Again, would you stop with your straw man arguments?

I said that the gobblement has made it easier for people to be on gobblement assistance than for them to get a job. Any job. I provided you proof but as usual when something is presented that doesn't comport with your worldview, you conveniently attack the source. You are the least critical thinker on this board, and that is saying something considering you are up against the likes of Zipperhead, Snarla and HowAIDS
why do churches collect money for the poor if there are no poor?

why are the churches killing people by feeding them if its a bad thing to do?
tell Ayn rand

Ok, I'll call her up. So why would you have kids you can't afford to feed? I mean it seems like those parents are the problem, not me. I didn't bring some brood spawn into the world and then not feed it.
Ok, I'll call her up. So why would you have kids you can't afford to feed? I mean it seems like those parents are the problem, not me. I didn't bring some brood spawn into the world and then not feed it.

she railed agains SS all her life on your same crap.

then she collected it