the madness of rewarding single mums while refusing tax breaks to boost marriage

Go get one lie of mine you fucking dog asshole licking piece of fuck.

You travel so low you leave snail trails.

produce ONE lie from me

You lie when you say that I am against helping people. That is a lie. I am not against helping people. Now in your shallow mind, that is the case, but it is a lie.

In your brain life begins and ends with government. Why is that? Why do you turn to government for everything? You say that you are a "facts" person. Well, the facts are that the government fucks up just about everything it touches. So would you put so much faith in a fucked up organization?

Yes, you are a liar.
You lie when you say that I am against helping people. That is a lie. I am not against helping people. Now in your shallow mind, that is the case, but it is a lie.

In your brain life begins and ends with government. Why is that? Why do you turn to government for everything? You say that you are a "facts" person. Well, the facts are that the government fucks up just about everything it touches. So would you put so much faith in a fucked up organization?

Yes, you are a liar.'re not against just don't want to participate....
In your brain life begins and ends with government. Why is that? Why do you turn to government for everything? You say that you are a "facts" person. Well, the facts are that the government fucks up just about everything it touches. So would you put so much faith in a fucked up organization?

3v38dq.jpg an article complaining about the Maine welfare cuts they show this picture....

but the caption states the picture is "Donna Hernandez, 12, holds her puppy, Tommy, as she and her family eat a free Thanksgiving meal for the Skid Row homeless and needy in Los Angeles, Calif., on Nov. 21, 2012."

do you think they showed a picture of a homeless girl in California because they couldn't find any homeless girls in Maine to take a picture of......or is it just that all the children on welfare in Maine are ugly......
this country gets to deside how best to use the taxes collected.

feeding the poor is one of them.

you don't want them helped and make up all kinds of stupid evil excuses to let them starve

we give them free lunches at school.....we give them free breakfasts at school.....we give their parents food stamps.....we give their parents welfare checks for sixty months....we help pay their child care.....and thats just part of what the government does.....there are two church run food pantries within a mile of my would actually have to try hard to starve yourself around here....
how can you plan for the death of the bread winner at 28 in an unforeseen accident?

That is what insurance is for. Ever hear of it? Or do you think everyone needs to be dependent on the gobblement? A 28 year old can get a $500,000 policy for $25 a month.

PWND again.
we give them free lunches at school.....we give them free breakfasts at school.....we give their parents food stamps.....we give their parents welfare checks for sixty months....we help pay their child care.....and thats just part of what the government does.....there are two church run food pantries within a mile of my would actually have to try hard to starve yourself around here....

so now that you see its immoral to be against helping children you just pretend the children don't need help or don't even exist?

how compassiony of you
that is not a lie.

the right says help from the government is evil.

yet help from a church is wonderful.


Because from the church or privately it is VOLUNTARY and consists of freedom. The gobblement consists of coercion and tyranny. You love tyranny as long as you convince yourself that you are helping the po. Using them as human shields does not mitigate your tyranny. More destruction has been done in the name of the poor than any war. Leave them alone already. What makes you the arbiter of what the poor need?
you hate government.

you hate this countrys government because its a democracy.

You see in a democracy we vote on things and do what the majority want.

You don't like that and call it theft.


because you don't like democracy.

the founders left us a democracy and you hate it.

Your hate of the founders and everything American makes you a real turd custard cup.

take your little cup of shit and move to someplace that agrees with your dispise of democracy mmmkay
you hate government.

you hate this countrys government because its a democracy.

You see in a democracy we vote on things and do what the majority want.

You don't like that and call it theft.


because you don't like democracy.

the founders left us a democracy and you hate it.

Your hate of the founders and everything American makes you a real turd custard cup.

take your little cup of shit and move to someplace that agrees with your dispise of democracy mmmkay

You are like a little parrot jumping from one memorized line to another. Here Polly want another cracker?

Do you think the majority should always get their way? Yes or no?
so now that you see its immoral to be against helping children you just pretend the children don't need help or don't even exist?

how compassiony of you

your ignorance is unsurpassed.....stating that we DO give children help is neither claiming they don't need help or claiming they don't is merely pointing at what you continue to deny, that we DO help......
you hate government.

you hate this countrys government because its a democracy.

You see in a democracy we vote on things and do what the majority want.

You don't like that and call it theft.


because you don't like democracy.

the founders left us a democracy and you hate it.

Your hate of the founders and everything American makes you a real turd custard cup.

take your little cup of shit and move to someplace that agrees with your dispise of democracy mmmkay

actually, we hate it when it departs from being a democracy and starts being a tool of liberal domination......
you hate government.

you hate this countrys government because its a democracy.

You see in a democracy we vote on things and do what the majority want.

You don't like that and call it theft.


because you don't like democracy.

the founders left us a democracy and you hate it.

Your hate of the founders and everything American makes you a real turd custard cup.

take your little cup of shit and move to someplace that agrees with your dispise of democracy mmmkay

who uttered these words? and was this person a heartless bastard for saying it?<br />
<br />
<b><font color="#0000FF">"The lessons of history, confirmed by the evidence immediately before me, show conclusively that continued dependence upon relief induces a spiritual and moral disintegration fundamentally destructive to the national fibre. To dole out relief in this way is to administer a narcotic, a subtle destroyer of the human spirit. “</font></b>
and just how does it prove what you claim.

if you don't believe in democracy you don't believe in what the founders left us.
Do you believe the majority should ALWAYS get its way?

I'll answer....No, Mob rule is not what our country represents.

We elect our officials....who are supposed to represent "We the people". When issues come up that we feel strongly about, our civic duty is to contact our representation and.make him/her aware of our position on a given issue. If enough of us feel the same way, our DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED representative is supposed to cast his/her vote in that manner.

But, that's not exactly what happens, is it?